Artificial Intelligence Subject Index
-- A personalized version for
Yasusi Kanada --
This is a personalized version of
the subject index written by
Knowledge System Laboratory,
Institute for Information
National Research Council,
This original file was copied without a permission.
Copied: 9/6/94, Modified: 9/19/96.
See also:
[RWCP home page],
[Kanada's RWCP page],
[Kanada's home page (parent page)].
The following list is organized alphabetically by subject area.
If you don't like the way I categorize things, I am open to
Note: read
if you have trouble connecting to an ftp site.
If you have something you would like added to this list, please let
know. Your
is welcome.
If you came to this page directly from outside, you might want
to take a look at our general
AI Resource
Artificial Life
Chaos, Complex Systems, Nonlinear Systems
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Science
Computer Vision
Cybernetics and Systems Theory
Education and AI
Evolutionary Algorithms
Expert Systems
Fuzzy Logic
General AI
Knowledge Representation
Learning, Reinforcement
Machine Learning
Medical Applications of AI
Natural Language and Computational Linguistics
Neural Networks
Qualitative Modeling and Reasoning
Speech Recognition and Synthesis
Agents Resources List
- pointers to resources on the web, from the University of Maryland,
Baltimore County
- MCC's Carnot project, Enterprise Information Integration, using
AI and distributed agents
Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- interacting agents, human and software, at the University
of Massachusetts
Experimental Knowledge Systems Laboratory
- autonomous agents, at the University of Massachusetts
Intelligent Software Agents
- a repository for information about agents and Web pointers to agents
Interface Agents
- references to information on and off the net
OZ Project
- building believable agents in dramatically interesting micro-worlds,
at CMU
- agents applied to the information sharing aspect of concurrent
engineering; project is led by the
Lockheed AI Center;
subcontractors are the
Stanford University Knowledge Systems Lab
Enterprise Integration Technologies
Soar IFOR Project
- information on agents in the Soar project, from the
Information Sciences Institute
of the University of Southern California
- software agents in software environments
World Wide Web Wanderers
- agents that wander the Web, pointers, guide to developers
Santa Fe Institute
Cellular Automata,
Genetic Algorithms,
Evolutionary Computation,
Time-Series Analysis
Artificial Life Online
- at Santa Fe Institute
- by Titus Brown
University of California at Los Angeles
- Artficial Life papers, articles, software
See the next section.
Center for Complex Systems Research
- at the Beckman Institute
Center for Nonlinear Studies
- at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Complex (Adaptive) Systems Information
at the University of Pennsylvania.
Links to Alife items such as Tierra
site 1,
site 2, and its
Alife Distribution List, ...
Cellular Automata,
Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Programming, Genetic Programming,
Cellular Neural Networks ...
Complex Systems
at LIFE, Australian National University.
Complex systems,
Cellular automata
and FTP),
Fractals, Chaos,
Complexity International
- an on-line journal, in HTML format
Santa Fe Institute
- Chaos, Time-Series Analysis, Cellular Automata
Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA.
- Nonlinear Science Archive
Cellular Automata Mailing List archive
- at Thinking Machines Corp.
Chaos Figures: Lorenz Attractor and Time-dependent Behavior of Simple
Dynamical Systems
Cognitive and Psychological Sciences
- a wealth of pointers from Stanford University
Learning Research and Development Center
- research in human learning at the University of Pittsburgh
- a refereed, on-line, electronic journal for Psychology,
including Biobehavioral, Cognitive, Neural, and Social Psychology
- an on-line, electronic, interdisciplinary journal of research
on consciousness
Cognitive and Computing Sciences
- University of Sussex at Brighton's School of Cognitive and
Computing Sciences
Cognitive and Psychological Sciences
- a wealth of pointers from Stanford University
Cognitive Science and Engineering
- at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences
- Brown University's School of Cognitive and
Linguistic Sciences
Cognitive Science
- Cognitive Science at Georgia Tech
Cognitive Science
- Cognitive Science at the University of Edinburgh
Institute for Research in Cognitive Science
- at the University of Pennsylvania
Computer Vision
- an impressive list of Computer Vision related Web resources,
at CMU (select
for text-only version)
Cybernetics and Systems Theory
- various pointers, from Belgium
Principia Cybernetica
- a philosophical treatise, in hypertext format
Applied Artificial Intelligence/AI in Education
- a large number of pointers to work relevant for Education and AI
Carnegie Mellon
- Genetic Art and Movies
Naval Research Lab
- Genetic Algorithms source code and archived GA-List
New Mexico Tech
- Genetic Music
University of Illinois
- Genetic Algorithms source code and tech reports
University of Dortmund, Germany
- Genetic Algorithms code, papers, archive
University of Texas
Genetic Programming
code, papers, archive
Santa Fe Institute
Cellular Automata,
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation
Some papers),
Time-Series Analysis
Santa Fe Institute
- Artificial Life
- an expert system shell available through the
Software Technology Branch
of the
NASA/Johnson Space Center
- fuzzy logic expert system shell, at the KSL of the NRC
- Jet Engine Troubleshooting Assistant, at the KSL of the
- at the KSL of the NRC
Fuzzy Logic Archive
- at Quadralay Corporation
Fuzzy Logic Collection
- at Ostfold Regional College in Norway
Internet Fuzzy Logic Repository
- bibligraphies, product descriptions and demo versions, papers,
miscellaneous information, documents and reports, and programs,
code and compilers
Association for Computing Machinery,
Special Interest Group for AI.
Including some AI related
information resources
AI Societies Directory
- hyperlinks to AI societies around the world
AI courseware
- at the University of Texas
Artificial Intelligence Repository at
School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University
(Mark Kantrowitz's AI Page)
Various AI resources, including
CMU AI Repository with
Lisp Repository, and
AI-related FAQs.
Canadian Society for the Computational Studies of Intelligence
- what it is, how to join it
Family Tree
- Family Tree of AI Researchers
- Joural for AI Research, a refereed, on-line, electronic
- Kluwer Academic Publishers
- publishers of
Machine Learning
Applied AI,
includes tables of contents for journals, style guides, Latex templates
NSF Awards
(a large text file)
- Awards of the US
National Science Foundation,
Division of Information, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems (IRIS),
including abstracts of award winners
- statistics software
ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort
- infomation and software related to the ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort,
at Stanford
Knowledge Sharing and the Logic Group at Stanford
- information on KIF (Knowledge Interchange Format),
at Stanford
- Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language, at the University
of Maryland, Baltimore County
Reinforcement Learning
- at Carnegie Mellon
Automated Discovery Methods for Science
- a project at Carnegie Mellon University
- software for finding clusters in data
- J. R. Quinlan's relational learner
- Instance-Based Learning code from David Aha
Inductive Learning Group
- the Inductive Learning Group at the University of Illinois
Knowledge Discovery Mine
- variety of information on Knowledge Discovery in Databases,
also known as data mining, knowledge extraction, information harvesting
- a tree-structured network that is a generalization of
CART, ID3, C4, MARS, and others; there is also a
describing the algorithm
Machine Learning Archive
- contains material related to Machine Learning (PostScript versions
of papers, bibliographies, data sets, systems, a library of PROLOG
implementations of basic machine learning algorithms), mostly from the
European ESPRIT research projects MLT and ILP and from ML work at GMD
Machine Learning Information
- at the University of California at Irvine; includes the
Machine Learning Database Repository, the Machine Learning
Software Repository, back issues of ML-List, and more
Machine Learning
- table of contents of the journal
- OC1 (Oblique Classifier 1) is a multivariate decision tree
induction system designed for applications where the instances have
numeric feature values
- Protos system and other material from Bruce Porter
- information on the Soar project, from the
Information Sciences Institute
of the University of Southern California
- a project of data exchange and benchmarks for on-line handwriting
University of Texas
- Machine Learning work at the University of Texas
University of Wisconsin
- the Machine Learning Research Group at the University of Wisconsin,
- Clinical Decision Making Group, part of MIT Lab for Computer
- Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence at
the University of Vienna (IMKAI)
- Stanford University Section on Medical Informatics (SMI) and
Center for Advanced Medical Informatics at Stanford (CAMIS)
Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences
- Brown University's School of Cognitive and
Linguistic Sciences
Computation and Language E-Print Archive
- at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Computational Linguistics
- an extensive list of pointers, from MIT
- European Network in Language and Speech
Natural Language Software Registry
- a catalog of natural language software at the German Research
Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Saarbruecken
- Natural Language Processing research at
- an on-line lexical reference system whose design is
inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory
The Neural Net FAQ (126kB,
Local copy)
- By Lutz Prechelt
Autonomous Land Vehicle Project
- neural nets driving cars, at Carnegie Mellon University
- MIT's Center for Biological and Computational Learning
Centre for Neural Networks
- at King's College, England
Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems
- at Boston University
- Genesis neural network simulator, particularly suited for
biological modeling
Kohonen's SOM and LVQ
- Teuvo Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map and Learning Vector
Quantization software
Neural Archive Site
- at Finnish University
Neural Computing Center
- at Keio University, Fujisawa, Japan
- Neural Network
Technical Reports,
Source Code
- maintained by Scott Fahlman at CMU; source code includes
Quickprop, Cascade-Correlation, Aspirin/Migraines
Neural Network Home Page
- at Eindhoven University of Technology
Neural Network Hyperplane Animator
- program that allows easy visualization of training data
and weights in a back-propagation neural network
Neural Network Software
- clearinghouse for NN stuff
Neural Network Speech Group
- at Carnegie Mellon University
- Ohio State University archive of neural net articles
Pacific Northwest Laboratory
- Neural Network Research at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory of the DOE,
with pointers to various resources on the net
- PlaNet neural network simulator
Rochester Connectionist Simulator
- Rochester neural network simulation software
- Studies of Artificial Neural Systems, at the Royal Institute of
Technology, Sweden
- neural network simulator developed and used by the
connectionist group at the University of Toronto
Yale's CTAN
- Advanced Technology Center for Theoretical and Applied
- NEuroNet
- With
Conference List and
Qualitative Reasoning Research Group
- QSIM Qualitative Simulator and related material, from
Benjamin Kuiper's research group at the University of Texas
- Qualitative Process Engine code and tools
Cognitive Robotics
- papers of the Cognitive Robotics group at the
University of Toronto
- a simulation environment for track-driven robots
Robotics Internet Resources
- a fine list of Robotics resources, at the University of Massachusetts
video clips
of robots in action)
Neural Network Speech Group
- at Carnegie Mellon University
Speech Recognition and Synthesis
- software at Cambridge University
AI and Statistics
- back issues of the AI and Statistics mailing list,
plus some papers on related topics
Statistical Resources on the Internet
- some pointers from Stanford University
Statistical Software and Datasets
- some pointers from Nova Southeastern University
- a great collection of statistics software and some data for
testing statistical or machine learning algorithms
US Bureau of Census
- a useful source of data for testing machine learning algorithms
Modified by Y. Kanada