International Joint Conference on Fuzzy Logic (NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA'94)

International Joint Conference on Fuzzy Logic (NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA'94) (Uthra V)
14 Oct 1994 12:46:39 -0500
Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX
Posted to: news.announce.conferences

	Advance Program and Registration Information of
	An International Joint Conference on Fuzzy Logic

	         NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA '94

NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA '94 combines three prominent international fuzzy conferences -
The North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Biannual Conference, the
Industrial Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems Conference, and the NASA Joint
Technology Workshop on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic. The international joint
conference brings together world leaders in Fuzzy Logic and its industrial
applications in a unique setting designed to provide maximum coverage of this
exciting technology.

Conference Highlights

*	Keynote Address  featuring Prof. L. A. Zadeh, University of California,

*	Plenery Talks by leaders in government & industry

        Fuzzy Logic and National Information Infrastructure
	  S. S. Chen, National Science Foundation

        Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms for
        Financial Trading Systems
	  Guido Deboeck, World Bank,

*	Panel Discussions on critical topics
	Panel I
	State of Fuzzy Technology: Emerging Technical and Application Areas
	Moderator: L. A.  Zadeh, University of California, Berkeley
	S. Chiu, Rockwell Intl.		S. Marsh, Motorola
	G. G. Rizzotto, SGS Thomson	H. Takagi, Matsushita
	C. van Altrock, INFORM	        S. S. Chen, NSF
	G. DeBoeck, World Bank

	Panel II
	Direction of Research in Fuzzy Logic
	Moderator: A. Kandel, University of South Florida
	J. Bezdek, University of West Florida
	J. Keller, University of Missouri - Columbia
	G. Klir, State University of New York
	W. Pedrycz, University of Manitoba
	I. B. Turksen, University of Toronto
	T. Whalen, Georgia State University
	R. Yager, Iona College
	J. Yao, Texas A&M University

*	Industrial participants from
	Allen-Bradley	  Aptronix
	INFORM		  Motorola
	NASA		  Rockwell
	SGS-Thomson	  Texas Instruments
	Togai InfraLogic  Matsushita

*	An exhibition of the latest fuzzy products by leading companies
 	and vendors.

*	Tutorials on the following topics by leading experts in each area
          Analytical Aspects of Fuzzy Control
          Imprecision Handling in Database Management Systems
          Fuzzy Logic in Pattern Recognition Applications
          Fuzzy Logic Applications in Large Scale Systems

*	Presentation of over 100 papers by researchers from all over the world
	in parallel sessions with topics including Fuzzy Control;  Fuzzy
	Modeling and Identification; Fuzzy Set Theory  and Logic; Neuro-fuzzy
	Systems; Fuzzy Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis; Fuzzy Expert
	Systems; Fuzzy Intervals; Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms and
 	Clustering  and more.

*	An overview of fuzzy logic research and applications in Taiwan and
	Mexico through two invited sessions.

L.A. Zadeh (USA), Honorary Chair
J. Yen (USA), General Chair
R. Langari (USA), Organizing Committee Chair
L. Hall (USA), Program Co-chair
H. Ying (USA), Program Co-chair
R. Lea (USA), NASA Co-chair
J. Villarreal (USA), NASA Co-chair
C. Temponi (USA), Local Arrangements Chair

Organizing Committee
W. Chiang (Taiwan)	W. Daugherity (USA)
N. Kehtarnavaz (USA)	J. Lee (Taiwan)
J. Painter (USA)	R. Soto (Mexico)
M. Sanchez (Mexico)	H. Takagi (Japan)
S. Yasunobu (Japan)

Program Advisory Board
J. Bezdek	P. Bonissone	S. Chand
K. Hirota	M. Jamshidi	A. Kandel
J. Keller	B. Kosko	E. Ruspini
M. Sugeno	I. B. Turksen	R. Volz
P. Wang	        R. Yager	J. Yao
M. Zemankova	H.-J. Zimmermann

Industrial  Advisory Board
C. Day, Alphabet Inc.		E. Dummermuth, Allen-Bradley
S. Isaka, Omron			Y. Jani, Togai Infra Logic
S. Marsh, Motorola STRU		I. Panahi, Texas Instruments
G. Rizzotto, SGS Thomson	J. Schuette, Exxon
T. Takagi, Matsushita   	W. Xu, Aptronix

Program Committee
J. Aldridge	H. Berenji	B. Buckles
J. Buckley	Y. Chen		S. Chiu
V. Cross	M. Dreier	A. Esogbue
N. Green-Hall	R. Jang		Y. Jani
L. Kohut	D. Kraft	Y. Kreinovich
R. Krishnapuram	D. Lawler	C. Lee
F. Lewis	M. McAllister	M. McLeish
B. Schott	S. Shenoi	K. Tanaka
C. Temponi	G. Vachtsevanos	L. Wang
J. Weiss	T. Whalen	T. Yamakawa

Sunday, December 18, 1994
Tutorials A1 and A2 will be held in parallel from 9am to 12pm, while tutorials
B1 and B2 will be held in parallel from 2pm to 5pm.

A1. Analytical Aspects of Fuzzy Control
Prof. Reza Langari and Prof. Hao Ying
The tutorial focuses on the issues of stability, robustness, and formal
performance analysis of fuzzy control systems.
Topics to be covered include:
1. Stability of fuzzy control systems via Lyapunov's Direct Method
2. Nonlinear formulation of fuzzy control systems
3. Multiple time scale analysis of fuzzy control systems via singular
   perturbation methods
4. Hyperstability theory and its application in fuzzy control.

A2. Imprecision Handling in Database Management Systems
Prof. Patric Bosc
This tutorial covers the management of imprecise data and flexible queries in
database management systems.
Topics to be covered include:
1. Introduction to database principles
2. Connections between fuzzy sets and databases
3. Representation and Manipulation of imprecise data
4. Approaches to regular databases flexible querying
5. Extending an SQL-like query language
6. About query processing

B1. Fuzzy Logic in Pattern Recognition Applications
Prof. James Keller
The purpose of this tutorial is to survey various aspects of pattern recognition
and the role that fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic play in dealing with vague
and imprecise data when making decisions.  Several specific case studies will
be presented to demonstrate the utility of fuzzy logic in pattern recognition
problems, including automatic target recognition, handwritten character and
word recognition, curve detection, and image segmentation.
Topics to be covered include:
1. What is Pattern Recognition?
2. Where does fuzzy set theory play a role?
3. Supervised vs. Unsupervised Pattern Recognition
4. Clustering: crisp, fuzzy and possibilistic algorithms
5. Fuzzy rule-based approaches to pattern recognition
6. Supervised approaches:
            K-nearest neighbors (crisp and fuzzy)
            neural nets and fuzzy aggregation,  fuzzy integral.

B2. Fuzzy Logic Applications in Large Scale Systems
Prof. Mo Jamshidi
The course will cover an introduction to the theory of large-scale systems,
fuzzy sets, and fuzzy logic. Topics to be covered include fuzzy control of
large-scale systems, hierarchical fuzzy control systems, applications in
robotics, power systems, and hybrid systems involving GA and neural nets.

* Professor Patrick Bosc  is currently a Professor at ENSSAT  which is part of
  the University of Rennes in FRANCE. He is studying the connections between
  databases and fuzzyness and has proposed an extension of the SQL language in
  order to allow for imprecise (fuzzy) queries.

* Professor Mohammad Jamshidi  is Director of the Computer-Aided Design
  Laboratory for Intelligent Robotic Systems at the University of New Mexico
  and holds the AT&T professorship for manufacturing engineering. He teaches
  courses on fuzzy logic and its applications and intelligent control.
  Currently, he is a directur de Recherche associe' at LAAS - CNRS, Toulouse,

* Professor James Keller  currently holds the rank of Professor in the
  Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Missouri
  - Columbia, and is also the E. A. Logan Research Professor in the College of
  Engineering. His research interests include computer vision, pattern
  recognition, fractal geometry for natural scene analysis, and the modeling
  and management of uncertainty.

* Professor Reza Langari  specializes in both theory and applications of fuzzy
  logic control and has delivered lectures and tutorials on this subject at the
  Jet Propulsion Laboratory, American Control Conference, and other research
  and academic institutions in the U.S.

* Professor Hao Ying  received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical and
  Computer Engineering in 1982 and 1984, respectively, in China.  He received
  the Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering in 1990 from the Department of
  Biomedical Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is presently
  an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics,
  University of Texas Medical Branch.

Preliminary Program
Monday, December 19, 1994
7:30	Registration
8:00	Welcome and Opening Remarks
	Plenary Talks:
8:30	Fuzzy Logic and National Information Infrastructure, S. S. Chen, NSF.
9:15	Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms for Financial
        Trading Systems, Guido Deboeck, World Bank.
10:00	Coffee Break

10:20	Parallel Sessions
Session A: Fuzzy Set Theory and Logic I
P. Gader and M. Mohamed, Genaralization Of Hidden Markov Models Using Fuzzy Integrals
P. Bosc, Monotonous Quantified Statements And Fuzzy Integrals
A. Kandel and M. Friedman, On Weighted Expectations
T. Whalen, Consensus And Selectivity In Fuzzy Rule Based Interpolation

Session B: Fuzzy Control I
A. Jiminez and F. Mattia, A Fast Piecewise-linear Implementation of Fuzzy Controllers
S. S. Kim, A. Kumar, J. L. Dorrity and G. Vachtsevanos, Fuzzy Modeling, Control and Optimization of Textile Processes
J. R. Clymer, D. R. Wirkkala, Induction of Fuzzy Rules for a Distributed Traffic Signal Timing System
C. Kerr, Improved Fuzzy Control Through the Inference of Difficult to Measure Parameters

Session C: Pattern Recognition and Image
Analysis I
D. G. Robinson, Fuzzy Clustering Of Facial Form For Prototyping Environmental Protection Equipment
C.W. Chang, Hillman, G.R. T. Kent and J Yen, Segmentation of Rat Brain MR Images Using a Hybrid Fuzzy System
J. M. Keller and  Z. Chen, Image Segmentation Via Fuzzy Additive Hybrid Networks
K. Hirota and W. Pedrycz, Implicitly-Supervised Fuzzy Pattern Recognition

12:00	Lunch Break

1:00	Parellel Sessions
Session A: Neuro-fuzzy Systems
J. J. Buckley, Training a Fuzzy Neural Net
C. Fennie, Neural Networks and the New Fuzzy  Reasoning Method:A Fuzzy Association Patch Approach
K. Nishimori, Katsumi, Susumu, Hirakawa, Hirohito, Hiraga Naganori, Ishihara, Selection of Fuzzy Control Rules Using Automatic Tuning of Membership Functions
G. G. Rizzotto, Fuzzy Neural Networks Application for Road Vehicle Energy Consumption Management

Session B: Fuzzy Control Theory I
L.X. Wang, Design of Adaptive Fuzzy Controllers for Nonlinear Systems by Input-output Linearization
F. L. Lewis and K. Liu, Towards a Paradigm for Fuzzy Logic Control
J. S. Jang and N. Gulley, Gain Scheduling Based Fuzzy Controller Design
K. Tanaka, A note on Stability and Stabilizability
of Fuzzy-neural-linear Control Systems

Session C: Fuzzy Expert Systems
C. Perneel, M. Acheroy, Fuzzy Reasoning and Genetic Algorithms for  Decision Making Problems in Uncertain Environments
W. Siler, A Survey of Existing or Near-Existing Commercial Systems for Fuzzy Reasoning
L. De Salvador and J. Gutierrez, High Performance Multi-Level Systolic Fuzzy Inference Unit
J. C. Chen and J. T. Black, FSC System for Tool Breakage Detection in End Milling Operations

3:00	Panel Discussion I, State of Fuzzy Technology: Emerging Technical
        and Application Areas
4:00	Guided Tour
6:10	Banquet
	Keynote Address by L. A. Zadeh

Tuesday, December 20, 1994
8:00	Parallel Session
Session A: Fuzzy Logic Research in Mexico
           Chairs: R. Soto and M. Sanchez
R. J. Perez and R. Soto, The Effect of Fuzzy Logic Theory on the Performance of Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controllers
R. P. Orozco, J. J. Delgado and E. N. Sanchez, Fuzzy Logic Applied to Voltage Regulation
A. Malpica and A. Graciono Dieck, Fuzzy Environmental Control of Surgical Rooms in Hospitals
C. Martinez, Adaptive Fuzzy Control for a DC Motor
I. L. Ayala, Logical Control in Glass Processes

Session B: Decision Making and Management
V. Dimitrov, Fuzzy Symplectic Systems: A New Framework for Multi-Stakeholder Decision Making
N. Green Hall, A Cognitively Based Taxonomy of Fuzzy DSS
C. Temponi, A  Fuzzy Scheme for Enterprise Modeling
C. Temponi, M. L. Greenhut and Y. Mansur, Fuzzy Set Underpinnings of Oligopoly Markets
B. Schott,  C. Hartz and T. Whalen, Decision Tranquility Under Choice: An Empirical Study of the Continuum of Tranquility
 Session C: Fuzzy Intervals I
C. K. Wu, A Robot Must be Better than a Human Driver: An Application of Fuzzy Intervals
M. Chee, C. Cloud, D. Nemir, Teaching Kids How to Ride A Bike
B. Bouchon-Meunier, H. T. Nguyen, V. Kreinovich and O. Kosheleva, Optimization With Soft Constraints: Case of Fuzzy Intervals
D. Misane, The Necessity to Check Consistency of Expert Knowledge Explains the Current Form of Fuzzy Control
L. Gemoets, V. Kreinovich and  H.  Melendez, When to Stop Testing Software?  A Fuzzy Interval Approach

10:00	Coffee Break

10:20	Parallel Sessions
Session A: Fuzzy Modeling and Identification I
B. L. Li, An Adaptive Fuzzy Modeling Framework for Characterization of Subsurface Contaminants
S. Kundu and J. Chen, FLIC: Fuzzy Linear Invariant Clustering for Applications in Fuzzy Control
J. Lee, Specifying Vague Requirements With a Fuzzy Logic Based Modeling Framework
L. Wang and R. Langari, Building Sugeno-type Models Using Fuzzy Discretizaion and Orthogonal  Parameter Estimation Techniques.

Session B: Fuzzy Logic Research in Taiwan
           Chair: J. Lee and W. L. Chiang
J.-Y. Hsu, D. C. Lo and S. C. Hsu, Fuzzy Control for Behavior-based Mobile Robots
J. Y. Lee, S. C. Lee and Y. H. Kuo, A Framework for Object-Oriented Fuzzy Expert Systems
C. T. Sun, Multi-Stage Genetic Algorithm Learning in Game Playing
C. T. Lin, FALCON: A Fuzzy Adaptive Learning Control Network

Session C: Adaptive, Learning, and Neuro-fuzzy Systems
D. P. Kelly, D. Burton and M.A. Rahman, The Application of a Neural-Fuzzy Logic Controller to Process Control
K. Tanaka, Learning Control of An Adaptive Structural Manipulator by Fuzzy Phase-lead Compensation
L. P. Matteo, G. G. Rizzotto, F. Di Marco, G. Berta and R. Lanzafame, Fuzzy Neural Networks Application for Road Vehicle Energy Consumption Management
L. M. Magdalena, Learning Gait Patterns for the Fuzzy Synthesis of Biped Walk

12:00	Lunch Break

1:00	Parallel Sessions
Session A: Fuzzy Control Theory II
M. Xu and S. M. Smith, Use of Fuzzy Logic in Adaptive Morphological Controllers
G. Calcev, C. Greco and B. Bona, Fuzzy Controller Systhesis Using Sliding Mode Approach
H. Tanaka, S. Kawamoto, S. Kajita, A. Kuwata, I. Kanetaka,   K. Takino, A. Ishigame and T. Taniguchi, Stability Analysis of Fuzzy Decentralized Control Electric Power System
H. Ying and G. Chen, Some Necessary Conditions on Single-Input Single-Output Fuzzy Systems as Universal Approximators

Session B: Fuzzy Logic and Civil Infrastructure Systems
           Chair: J. Yao
K. Yeh,  W.  L. Chiang and D. S. Juang, Application of Fuzzy Control Theory in Active Control of Structures
F. Casciati, L. Faravelli and T. Yao, Fuzzy Logic in Active Structural Control
P. C. Hoffman and K. C. Chou, Infrastructure Assessment : Regression and Neural Networks
N. Stubbs and Perry, A Smart Instrument To Evaluate Roofing System Performance in Hurricanes

Session C: Fuzzy Logic and AI
B. Boss, An Index Based on Superimposed Coding for a Fuzzy Object Oriented Database
R. R. Yager, Implementing Fuzzy Constraints in a Programming Environment
J. Grantner, L. Marek and J. Patyra, Fuzzy Logic Finite State Machine Models For Real Time Systems
C. Vasudevan, S. M. Smith and K. Ganesan, Fuzzy Logic in Case-Based Reasoning

2:40	Coffee Break

3:00	Parallel Sessions
Session A: Fuzzy Set Thoery and Logic II
W.-R. Zhang, Bipolar Fuzzy Sets and Relations -- Part I
W.-R. Zhang, Bipolar Fuzzy Sets and Relations -- Part II
D. G. Schwartz, A Connection Between Fuzzy Quantifiers And the Classic Modalities
L. M. Sztandera, Ordering Fuzzy Sets for Class Separation Purposes
I. B. Turksen, Interval Valued Fuzzy Sets

Session B: Fuzzy Control II
E. Tunstel and M. Jamshidi, Embedded Fuzzy Logic-Based Wall-Following Behavior for Mobile Robot Navigation
J. Abello, V. Kreinovich, H. T. Nguyen, S. Sudarsky and J. Yen	Computing an Appropriate Control Strategy Based Only on a Given PlantUs Rule-Based  Model can be Hard. (NP - Hard)
N. Kehtarnavaz, M. Nakamura, N. Griswold and J. Yen, Autonomous Vehicle Following by a Fuzzy Logic Controller
M. Pistauer and R. Roehrer, A Parametric Fuzzy  Control  Module with 16 Bit Standard Microcontroller SAB 80C166 For a Modular Process Data System
R. Lea and Y. Jani, Design and Performance Comparison of Fuzzy Logic Based Tracking Controllers

Session C: Tuning, Calibration, and Optimization of Fuzzy Systems :
           A Practical Perspective
           Chair: M. H. Smith
M. H. Smith, Tuning Membership Functions, Tuning and V - Operations, Tuning Defuzzification : What is Best?
R. R. Yager and D.P. Filev, Reasoning with Probabilistic Inputs
C. T. Lin, An Art-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Learning Control Network
T. Iokibe, A Method for Automatic Rule and Membership Function Generation by Discretionary Fuzzy Performance Function and its Application to Practical Systems
L. Wang and R. Langari, Identification of Time Varying Fuzzy Systems

5:00	Panel Discussion II, Direction of Research in Fuzzy Logic

Wednesday, December 21, 1994
8:00	Parallel Sessions
Session A: Fuzzy Control III
H. A. Malki and D. Feigenspan, DC motor Control Using Fuzzy Proportional-Derivative Technique
G. G. Wu, A Large-size Data Reduction/Fusion Algorithm for Spacecraft Vehicle Health Management Systems
A. Esobgue, Constructive Experiments on a New Fuzzy Adaptive Neural Network Controller
G. G. Wu and Z. C. Dou, Wind Pattern Recognition in Neural Fuzzy Wind Turbine Control System
D. A. Linkens, J. S. Shieh and J. E. Peacock, SADAP: A Simulator for Hierarchical Fuzzy Control of Depth of Anesthesia

Session B: Fuzzy Intervals II
M. Nakamura, What Fuzzy Interval Operations Should be Hardware Supported?
D. E. Cooke, R. Duran and A. Gates, Bad Language Speeds up Fuzzy Interval Computations
L. M. Rocha, Cognitive Categorization Revisited : Extending Interval Valued Fuzzy Sets as Simulation Tools for Concept Combination
G. Solopchenko, N. Leonid and K. Reznik, Fuzzy Intervals as a Basis for Measurement Theory
A. Neumaier, V. Kreinovich and L. Kaufmann Fuzzy Intervals and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

Session C: Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms and Clustering
E. C. Yeh and Y. Y. Shyu, A New Genetic Algorithm with Statistical Gene Evaluation
L. O. Hall, J. C. Bezdek, S. Boggavarpu and A. Bensaid, Genetic Fuzzy Clustering
M. Lee and M. H. Smith, Automatic Design and Tuning of a Fuzzy System for Controlling the Acrobot Using Genetic Algorithms, DSFS, and Meta-rule Techniques
A. F. Rocha and  A.B. Serapiao, NeuroFuzzy Symbolic Systems and Pattern Recognition
R. Krishnapuram and S. Medasani, Image Thresholding Via Possibilistic Clustering

10:00	Coffee Break

10:20	Parallel Sessions
Session A: Fuzzy Modeling and Identification II
B. Kosanovic, R. Luis, F. Chaparro, M. Sun and R. J. Sclabassi	Physical System Modeling Using Temporal Fuzzy Sets
M. Schneider, S. Josephson and D. Tamir, A Fuzzy Expert System Tool Used for the Analysis of Musical Timbres
P. J. Costa Branco and J.A. Dente, Automatic Modeling of an Electrical Drive System Using Fuzzy Logic

Session B: Fuzzy Set Theory and Logic III
T. Whalen and G. Gim, Dimensions of Knowledge: Gacs or Skill, Words or Numbers
J. B. Dimitrov, On the road to Damascus:Fuzzy logic and management practice
B. Yuan and G. J. Klir, A Generalization of Sugeno Integrals
V. Cross, Compatibility Measures Using Fuzzy Truth and Co-Implication

Session C: Fuzzy Intervals III
V. Kreinovich and H.T. Nguyen, Applications of Fuzzy Intervals: A Short Guide
D. Tolbert and J. R. Corbin, Fuzzy Interval Approach to Computations on Internet and Information Super Highway
S. Starks and P. Narasimhamurthy, How to Avoid Congestion in Computer Networks
C. Johnson, R. Lea and S. Vedgarba, How to Take Care of Routine Decision-Making, and Leave Important Decisions to an Expert: Case Study

12:20	Adjourn

Several major vendors of fuzzy logic products and development tools will
participate in an exhibition that starts Monday morning and continues until
Wednesday noon. Preliminary exhibitors include APTRONIX, INFORM, Mentalogic
Systems Inc., Motorola, NiceSoft Inc., Togai InfraLogic and Allen Bradley, Inc.

Conference Location and Travel Arrangements
The conference will be held at the Sheraton Gunter Hotel, 205 East Houston,
San Antonio, Texas 78205. The Sheraton Gunter is one of San Antonio's exciting
grand hotels, located in the heart of the historical theatre and financial
district and only 100 yards from the picturesque San Antonio Riverwalk, in
downtown San Antonio. Star shuttle provides service from the San Antonio
Airport (from the baggage claim area) to all downtown hotels for a cost of \
$7.00 per person and $4.00 for each additional person. A guided tour featuring
the Alamo, a row through the picturesque San Antonio river e.t.c. is available
at additional cost (see registration form for details)

Lodging Arrangements
The Sheraton Gunter has set aside a block of rooms for $95 single/double per
night. To make reservations please call (210)227-3241 before November 18. A
list of other area hotels is available on request. Please contact Uthra
Venkatraman at (409)845-1870, FAX (409)847-8578 or email for
more information.

Conference Site
San Antonio is the ninth largest city in the United States. The glitter and
glamour of the large city is blended with almost 300 years of history, creating
a unique atmosphere. The San Antonio river walk is a walk alongside the
beautiful San Antonio river, which is surrounded by quaint cafes and is
beautifully landscaped. The walk will be lighted up for Christmas. La Villita,
San Antonio's original settlement and El Mercado, the Mexican maket, are
situated nearby. So is the Alamo, where a small band of Texans were besieged by
Santa Anna's huge army in 1836. Sea World, the world's largest marine life
theme park, featuring Shamu, the killer whale, is also a must see in San Antonio
Fiesta Texas is a park located beneath 100-foot cliffs and a waterfall and
features  rides, restaurants, shops and special events in four themed areas:
Hispanic, German, Texas 20's Boomtown and 50's Rock 'n' Roll. The Mission Trail
is America's most complete Spanish Colonial mission complex. Attending the
Mariachi Mass on Sunday at Mission San Jose is a unique experience.Hemisfair
park, the Rivercenter Mall, the Institute of Texan Cultures, the McNay Art
Museum, the Witte museum, Brackenridge Park, and the San Antonio Zoo are other
attractions of this great city, to name a few.

For Further Information Contact:
Uthra Venkatraman
Center for Fuzzy Logic and
Intelligent Systems Research
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX  77843-3112
Phone: (409)845-1870/Fax: (409)847-8578


December 18-21, 1994
Registration Form

Name: Dr./Mr./Ms. ____________________________________________________________

Affiliation:	  ____________________________________________________________

Address:	  ____________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________	Fax: ___________________________
Email: ___________________________

[]      Please check here if, due to a disability, you have special needs

See below for schedule of fees. Fees are payable by check or money order
(in US dollars drawn on a US bank), purchase order, MasterCard, Visa,  or
American Express. Refund requests must be made in writing and postmarked on
or before November 30. There is a $50 processing fee. Please indicate method
of payment below. Registration made by charge cards can be FAXed to
(409) 847-8578, Attn: Uthra Venkatraman.
Otherwise, please send payment to :

Uthra Venkatraman
Center for Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems Research
Department of Computer Science
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX - 77843-3112

[]	Payment is enclosed. (Make check payable to NAFIPS-94/Dept. of Computer
[]	Purchase order is enclosed
[]	Please return invoice for payment
[]	Payment by charge card (see below)

Charge card payments
Circle one:         Visa         MasterCard          American Express

Card number
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Expiration date [ ][ ]/[ ][ ]

Authorized Signature

Tutorial & Conference Fees
                                 IEEE      NAFIPS       non
Event                           members    members    members
Early (before Oct. 31)
A1/A2/B1/B2                       195       195         195
Late (After Oct. 31)
A1/A2/B1/B2                       250       250         250

Early (bef. Oct. 31)              280       265         295
Late (after Oct 31)               337       315         350
Student                           100       100         100

	Please circle your fee and enter here: ____________

	  Guided Tour (2 hrs)  ____  x $15   = ____________

	Additional Banquet Tickets ____ x$25 = ____________
	(one included with Conference fee)

		  	                TOTAL: ____________

IEEE Membership #[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Tutorial  fee includes admission to designated tutorial and tutorial workbook.
Please note that attendees can register for only ONE of each pair of tutorials
A1, A2 and B1, B2 since each pair is to be held concurrently. The Topics are as
follows: A1: Analytical Aspects of Fuzzy Control, A2: Imprecision Handling in
Database Management Systems, B1: Fuzzy Logic in Pattern Recognition Applications
and B2: Fuzzy Logic Applications in Large Scale Systems

Conference fee includes admission to technical program, conference proceedings
and one banquet ticket.

Student fee DOES NOT include conference proceedings or banquet ticket.

The Guided Tour features several scenic places in San Antonio, including the
Alamo and a row through the San Antonio river on a river barge.  For Hotel
reservations, please call (210)227-3241 before November 18.