Final Program - Multimedia Computing and Networking 1995
Final Program - Multimedia Computing and Networking 1995
aar@kaleida.com (Arturo A. Rodriguez)
14 Oct 1994 12:50:24 -0500
Sterling Software
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Monday-Wednesday 6-8 February 1995
Part of IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology
San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, February 5-11, 1995
In Cooperation with
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Communications Society
Conference Chairs:
Arturo A. Rodriguez, Kaleida Labs, Inc.;
Jacek Maitan, Univ. of North Carolina/Charlotte
Program Committee:
H. W. Peter Beadle, Univ. of Wollongong (Australia);
Shi-Kuo Chang, Univ. of Pittsburgh;
Mon-Song Chen, InfoVision Technology;
Jerome R. Cox, Jr., Washington Univ.;
Jose J. Garcia-Luna, Univ. of California/Santa Cruz;
Nicolas D. Georganas, Univ. of Ottawa (Canada);
Simon J. Gibbs, German Nat. Research Ctr for Computer Science;
Riccardo Gusella, Hewlett Packard Labs.;
Wendy Hall, Univ. of Southampton (UK);
Dilip D. Kandlur, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr.;
John O. Limb, Georgia Institute of Technology;
Thomas D. C. Little, Boston Univ.;
A. Desai Narasimhalu, National Univ. of Singapore;
Bonnie Nardi, Apple Computer, Inc.;
P. Venkat Rangan, Univ. of California/San Diego;
Lawrence A. Rowe, Univ. of California/Berkeley;
Ralf Steinmetz, IBM European Networking Ctr. (FRG);
Scott M. Stevens, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
** Monday 6 February **
SESSION 1 - Multimedia Authoring and Presentation
Chair: Wendy Hall, Univ. of Southampton (UK)
8:05 am: Putting the media into hypermedia,
N. Beitner, W. Hall, Univ. of Southampton (UK);
C. Goble, Univ. of Manchester (UK)
8:30 am: MEHIDA: an intelligent multimedia tutoring system for the
hearing-impaired, F. Alonso, A. de Antonio, J. L. Fuertes, C. Montes,
Univ. Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
8:55 am: Representation-based user interfaces for the audiovisual
library of year 2000, P. Aigrain, P. Joly, P. Lepain, V. Longueville,
Univ. Toulouse III--Univ. Paul Sabatier (France)
9:20 am: Multimedia interactions and how they can be realized,
D. Dingeldein, Zentrum fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung eV (FRG)
9:45 am: Improvement of the user interface of multimedia applications by
automatic display layout,
P. Lueders, R. Ernst, Technische Univ. Braunschweig (FRG)
Coffee Break .... 10:10 to 10:40 am
SESSION 2 - Multimedia Computing and Applications
Chair: Jacek Maitan, Univ. of North Carolina/Charlotte
10:35 am: Pyramid broadcasting for video-on-demand service,
S. Viswanathan, T. Imielinski, Rutgers Univ
11:00 am: Look-ahead scheduling to support pause-resume for
video-on-demand applications, P. S. Yu, J. L. Wolf, H. Shachnai,
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr
11:25 am: Capture and playback synchronization in video conferencing,
Z. Shae, P. Chang, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr.;
M.-S. Chen, InfoVision Technology
11:50 am: Computer-based consultation for transfusion medicine,
J. Maitan, Univ. of North Carolina/Charlotte
Lunch Break .... 12:15 to 1:30 pm
SESSION 3 - Multimedia Communications
Chair: H. W. Peter Beadle, Univ. of Wollongong (Australia)
1:30 pm: Supporting quality of service on multimedia terminals
interconnected by a low-speed ATM network,
J. Judge, H. Beadle, Univ. of Wollongong (Australia)
1:55 pm: Multimedia networking abstractions with quality of service
guarantees, A. A. Lazar, Columbia Univ.; L. H. Ngoh, A. Sahai,
National Univ. of Singapore (Singapore)
2:20 pm: Resource and connection admission control in real-time
transport protocols, S. Guo, N. D. Georganas, Univ. of Ottawa (Canada)
2:45 pm: OS/2 resource reservation system,
M. Baugher, IBM Personal Software Products
Coffee Break .... 3:10 to 3:40 pm
SESSION 4 - Media Synchronization
Chair: Shi-Kuo Chang, Univ. of Pittsburgh
3:40 pm: Transformations among multimedia schemas in distributed
multimedia systems, C. Lin, C. Kao, S. Chang, Univ. of Pittsburgh
4:05 pm: Addressing the real-time synchronization requirements of
multimedia in an object-oriented framework, M. Papathomas,
G. S. Blair, G. Coulson, P. Robin, Lancaster Univ. (UK)
4:30 pm: Content-based multimedia synchronization,
D. Oh, S. SampathKumar, P. Rangan, Univ. of California/San Diego
4:55 pm: COSMOS: frameworks for real-time multimedia group presentation,
D. Song, J. Kim, H. Lim, J. Park, Y. Lim,
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Korea)
5:20 pm: Cineloop synchronization in the MADE environment,
A. Lie, Norsk Regnesentral (Norway); N. Correia, INESC (Portugal)
** Tuesday 7 February **
SESSION 5 - Transmission Methods, Techniques, and Technology
Chair: P. Venkat Rangan, Univ. of California/San Diego
8:05 am: Smoothing and buffering for delivery of compressed video,
W. Feng, S. Sechrest, Univ. of Michigan
8:30 am: Techniques for resilient transmission of JPEG video streams,
E. J. Posnak, S. P. Gallindo, A. P. Stephens, H. M. Vin,
Univ. of Texas/Austin
8:55 am: Network distribution of highly scalable VBR video traffic,
D. S. Taubman, A. Zakhor, Univ. of California/Berkeley
9:20 am: Statistical characterization of MPEG, VBR-encoded video at
the slice layer, M. R. Izquierdo, IBM Corp.; D. S. Reeves,
North Carolina State Univ.
9:45 am: Local distribution for interactive multimedia TV to the home,
D. D. Harman, G. Huang, G. Im, M. Nguyen, J. J. Werner, M. K. Wong,
AT&T Bell Labs
Coffee Break .... 10:10 to 10:35 am
SESSION 6 - Collaborative Multimedia Computing
Chair: Jose J. Garcia-Luna, Univ. of California/Santa Cruz
10:35 am: Rethinking video as a technology for interpersonal communications,
S. Whittaker, Lotus Development Corp.
11:00 am: Design issues for floor control protocols,
H. Dommel, J. J. Garcia-Luna, Univ. of California/Santa Cruz
11:25 am: CSpray: a collaborative scientific visualization application,
A. Pang, C. M. Wittenbrink, T. Goodman, Univ. of California/Santa Cruz
11:50 am: Virtual working systems to support R&D groups,
P. M. Dew, C. Leigh, D. Morris, R. Drew, J. Curson, Univ. of Leeds (UK)
Lunch/Exhibit Break .... 12:15 to 2:00 pm
Program Keynotes .... Tues. 2:00 pm
Chair: Arturo A. Rodriguez, Kaleida Labs, Inc.
2:00 pm: Multimedia networking protocols: where are we? (Invited Paper),
Domenico Ferrari, Univ. of California/Berkeley
2:45 pm: Video compression vs image quality vs delay vs complexity
vs profits: which one should be optimized? (Invited Paper),
Barry G. Haskell, AT&T Bell Labs
Coffee Break .... 3:30 to 4:00 pm
Poster Presentations and Demonstrations - 4:00 to 5:30 pm
* Exhibit Hall
Demonstrations of video and multimedia applications by various authors
will accompany the poster presentations.
Application migration to reserved bandwidth networks,
P. A. Stirpe, D. C. Verma, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr
Design and performance of a multistream MPEG-I system layer
encoder/player set, J. A. Boucher, Z. Yaar, E. J. Rubin,
J. D. Palmer, T. D. Little, Boston Univ.
Multimedia object exchange manager for a distributed multimedia
information system,
J. Xiang, H. Chang, C. Kao, S. Chang, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Analysis and optimization of a partial buffer sharing scheme for
ATM switch overload control,
S. Lu, H. A. Latchman, Univ. of Florida
Improving NCSA Mosaic scalability through local area caching,
J. Marino, G. Colla, A. Alessandri, Univ. di Genova (Italy);
G. Succi, Univ. di Trento (Italy); A. Regoli, Univ. di Genova (Italy)
Efficiently carrying bursty data on ATM networks, S. Duguid, H. Beadle,
G. J. Anido, I. Kerekes, Univ. of Wollongong (Australia)
Interactive video-on-demand services on cable TV networks,
S. SampathKumar, P. Rangan, Univ. of California/San Diego
Embedding interactive external program objects within
open-distributed-hypermedia documents,
M. D. Doyle, C. S. Ang, D. C. Martin,
Univ. of California/San Francisco
Application-level technique for faster transmission of large images
on the internet, L. Long, L. E. Berman, National Library of Medicine;
L. Neve, Century Corp.; G. Roy, AlliedSignal Inc.;
G. R. Thoma, National Library of Medicine
Automatic generation of pictorial transcripts of video programs,
B. Shahraray, D. C. Gibbon, AT&T Bell Labs.
** Wednesday 8 February **
SESSION 8 - Multimedia Servers and Media Scheduling
Chair: Dilip D. Kandlur, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr.
8:05 am: Using rate staggering to store scalable video data in a
disk-array-based video server,
M. Chen, D. D. Kandlur, P. S. Yu, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr
8:30 am: Storage server requirements for delivery of hypermedia documents,
J. F. Buford, J. Rutledge, C. Gopal, Univ. of Massachusetts/Lowell
8:55 am: Admissions control and data placement for VBR video servers,
E. Chang, A. Zakhor, Univ. of California/Berkeley
9:20 am: Formal method for analysis and design of periodic multimedia
systems, S. Chatterjee, J. K. Strosnider, Carnegie Mellon Univ
9:45 am: Activation set: an abstraction for accessing periodic data
streams, T. Helbig, S. Noureddine, K. Rothermel, Univ. Stuttgart (FRG)
Coffee Break .... 10:10 to 10:35 am
SESSION 9 - Video Browsing and Organization
Chair: Thomas D. C. Little, Boston Univ.
10:35 am: Capture-time indexing paradigm, authoring tool, and browsing
environment for broadcast video, M. Carreira, J. E. Casebolt,
G. Desrosiers, T. D. Little, Boston Univ.
11:00 am: Content-based video browsing tools, H. Zhang, S. W. Smoliar,
J. H. Wu, National Univ. of Singapore (Singapore)
11:25 am: Video browsing using clustering and scene transitions on
compressed sequences,
M. M. Yeung, B. Yeo, W. Wolf, B. Liu, Princeton Univ
11:50 am: Semantic data model for embedded image information,
J. Griffioen, R. Mehrotra, R. Yavatkar, Univ. of Kentucky