AAAI Symposium: Genetic Programming (Nov. 95) CFP
AAAI Symposium: Genetic Programming (Nov. 95) CFP
evs@cs.columbia.EDU (Eric Siegel)
11 Nov 1994 19:17:51 -0500
The Internet
Posted to: comp.theory.cell-automata
******************* Call for Participation ****************************
1995 AAAI Fall Symposium Series
Cambridge, Massachusettes
November 10 - 12, 1995 (Friday-Sunday)
Chairs: Eric V. Siegel, Columbia University
John R. Koza, Stanford University
Committee: Lee Altenberg, Duke University
David Andre, Stanford Univerisity
Robert Collins, USAnimation, Inc.
Frederic Gruau, Stanford University
Kim Kinnear, Adaptive Computing Technology
Brij Masand, GTE Labs
Sid R. Maxwell, Borland International
Conor Ryan, University College Cork
Andy Singleton, Creation Mechanics, Inc.
Walter Alden Tackett, Neuromedia
Astro Teller, Carnegie Mellon University
Genetic programming (GP) extends the genetic algorithm to the domain of
computer programs. In genetic programming, populations of programs are
genetically bred to solve problems. Genetic programming can solve problems
of system identification, classification, control, robotics, optimization,
game-playing, and pattern recognition.
Starting with a primordial ooze of hundreds or thousands of randomly
created programs composed of functions and terminals appropriate to the
problem, the population is progressively evolved over a series of
generations by applying the operations of Darwinian fitness proportionate
reproduction and crossover (sexual recombination).
Topics of interest for the symposium include:
The theoretical basis of genetic programming
Applications of genetic programming
Rigorousness of validation techniques
Hierarchical decomposition, e.g. automatically defined functions
Competitive coevolution
Automatic parameter tuning
Representation issues
Genetic operators
Establishing standard benchmark problems
Parallelization techniques
Innovative variations
The format of the symposium will encourage interaction and discussion, but
will also include formal presentations. Persons wishing to make a
presentation should submit an extended abstract of up to 2500 words of
their work in progress or completed work. For those abstracts accepted,
full papers will be due at a date closer to the symposium.
Persons not wishing to make a presentation are asked to submit a one-page
description of their research interests since there may be limited room for
Submit your abstract or one-page description as plain text electronically
by Friday April 14, 1995, with a hard-copy backup to:
Eric V. Siegel
AAAI GP Symposium Co-Chair
Columbia University
Department of Computer Science
500 W 120th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
fax: 212-666-0140
e-mail: evs@cs.columbia.edu
Sponsored by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence
445 Burgess Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(415) 328-3123