CFP: joint workshop on AI & operations research
CFP: joint workshop on AI & operations research
ginsberg@Sunburn.Stanford.EDU (Matthew L. Ginsberg)
3 Nov 1994 17:32:59 GMT
Computer Science Department, Stanford University.
Posted to: comp.ai
June 6 - 10, 1995
Timberline Lodge, Timberline, Oregon, U.S.A.
Artificial intelligence and operations research have reached a point
where a synthesis of ideas can significantly advance both fields. The
fields address many similar problems, but have evolved different and
perhaps complementary approaches to search, constraint generation and
problem relaxation. OR can benefit from AI's understanding of
learning and logic-based methods. AI can learn from OR's techniques
for exploiting problem structure.
Fruitful interaction has been stymied, however, by differences in
terminology and background, as well as a simple unawareness of what
the other field has been doing recently. The purpose of this workshop
is to overcome these barriers. It will be a unique gathering at which
participants not only present recent work of interest to both sides,
but take the time and trouble to do it in a way that is intelligible
to both sides. Other meetings provide an opportunity to address one's
peers. This meeting asks participants to present their recent work in
a tutorial fashion and in exchange to gain new insight into what the
other community is doing.
Participation in the workshop will be limited to approximately 40 and
will be by invitation only. The workshop will begin with parallel
tutorial tracks to inform members of each field of the basic
techniques and terminology in use in the other, and will continue with
presentation of research results and the results of a series of
comparative experiments. In addition to tutorial speakers,
participants will be of three types:
1. Recent research results will be presented; potential speakers are
asked to send an extended abstract of up to 4000 words to either of
the program chairs. The material should be interesting and accessible
to both audiences; all submissions will be reviewed by one member of
each community. Speakers are expected to contribute to the workshop
goal of cross-disciplinary dialog by devoting part of their talks to
providing relevant background. Papers may lie entirely within AI,
entirely within OR, or somewhere in between. Because of the joint
nature of the workshop, there are no restrictions on simultaneous or
prior publication elsewhere.
2. We also wish to encourage an experimental interchange based on
common experience with shared problems. Individuals interested in
participating in this portion of the program will be expected to
evaluate an existing method on a suite of problems that will be
developed for the purposes of this workshop and to report on the
results. They will also be encouraged to contribute problems to the
test suite itself. Requests for participation in this area of the
workshop should be addressed to James Crawford at the e-mail address
below and should include information regarding the specific tool that
the participant proposes to benchmark.
3. Finally, a limited number of spaces will be reserved for students,
and student lodging and travel subsidies will hopefully be available.
Students wishing to attend should indicate their university and year
of study, and include letters of recommendation from their
Please include your postal (and, if possible, electronic mail)
addresses on all correspondence. Submissions may be either hardcopy
(3 copies) or electronic (postscript files only) to either of the
program chairs:
Matthew L. Ginsberg John Hooker
CIRL Graduate School of Industrial Admin
1269 University of Oregon CMU
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1269 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
Electronic submissions are encouraged where possible and must be
received by February 1, 1995. Hardcopy submissions must be postmarked
by January 31, 1995 and received by February 6, 1995. Decisions will
be made by March 15, 1995.
Program Committee:
Matthew L. Ginsberg (Oregon) ginsberg@cs.uoregon.edu
John Hooker (CMU) john.hooker@andrew.cmu.edu
James Crawford (Oregon) jc@cs.uoregon.edu
Fred Glover (Colorado) Fred.Glover@colorado.edu
David McAllester (MIT) dam@ai.mit.edu
George Nemhauser (Georgia Tech) george.nemhauser@isye.gatech.edu
Bart Selman (ATT) selman@research.att.com
Timberline is located approximately one hour's drive from Portland,