Lycos search: learning finite automata
Load average: 6.01: Lycos Feb 17, 1995 catalog, 1892014 unique URLs (see Lycos News)
Found 7473 documents matching at least one search term.
Printing only the first 10 of 34 documents with at least scores of 0.00.
Matching words (number of documents):
learning (6146),
learningarts (6),
learningcenter (2),
finite (900),
finitebib (1),
automata (512),
automatability (1),
automatable (2),
automataelmeleti (5),
automataht (1),
automatas (3),
automatateori (1)
ID1235388: [score 1.0000, 3 of 3 terms, adj 1.0]
date: 14-Jan-95
bytes: 1151
links: 2
title: Machine Learning
outline: 6.858/18.428: Machine Learning
keys: automata finite learning
Machine Learning
6.858/18.428: Machine Learning
This is the web home page for 6.858/18.428, a course being offered at
MIT in the 1994 fall semester. Lectures are in 36-839 on Mondays and
Wednesdays from 11:00 to 12:30.
This course deals with the following topics:
* Formal models of machine learning
* Learning concepts from examples
* Learnable classes of concepts
* PAC learning
* VC-dimension
* Bayesian Inference
* Neural Nets
* Learning from queries
* Learning with noise
* Learning finite automata
* Hidden Markov Models
The following course material is available on-line:
Lecture Notes
Ron Rivest (
ID1234379: [score 0.9397, 3 of 3 terms, adj 1.0]
date: 06-Feb-95
bytes: 1393
links: 9
title: R. E. Schapire
outline: R. E. Schapire
keys: automata finite learning
R. E. Schapire
* Diversity-based inference of finite automata.
* The
strength of weak learnability.
* Learning binary relations and total orders.
* Exact identification of circuits using fixed points of amplification
a href =
R. E. Schapire
ID1430671: [score 0.4596, 3 of 3 terms]
date: 29-Nov-94
bytes: 1980
title: Computer Science Colloquia
outline: Computer Science Colloquia for Spring 1994
keys: automata finite learning
Computer Science Colloquia
Colloquia are presented in room 130A North Building. The usual time
is 4:00pm. Refreshments are usually served in room 212 at 3:30pm.
Computer Science Colloquia for Spring 1994
Friday, January 7
What Makes a Problem Easy or Hard for a Genetic Algorithm?
Melanie Mitchell, Santa Fe Institute
Jeff Vitter
Monday, January 10
Software Reliability Engineering
John Musa, AT&T Bell Laboratories
John Cocke Lecture
Monday, January 17
Monday, January 31
ID1866541: [score 0.2890, 2 of 3 terms, adj 1.0]
date: 03-Feb-95
bytes: 2204
links: 4
title: Parallel Architectures Algorithms Project
outline: Experimental Study of the Relationship Between Parallel Architectures and Parallel Graph Algorithms of Intractable Computational Problems Using Homomorphism Problem of Finite Automata as a Representative Project Description Funding Information Staff Publication
keys: automata finite
Parallel Architectures Algorithms Project
Experimental Study of the Relationship Between Parallel Architectures and Parallel Graph Algorithms of Intractable Computational Problems Using Homomorphism Problem of Finite Automata as a Representat...
Boleslaw Mikolajczak, CIS Department
Project Description
The purpose of this project is to design and implement a parallel algorithm computing
generalized homomorphisms of finite automata using three parallel programming paradigms:
result parallelism, specialist parallelism, agenda parallelism using a transputer
system. Transputer is a computer unit which permits hardware or software
implementation of reconfigurability with different level of multiprocessing
depending on the architecture applied. The transputer is a computer
ID1454241: [score 0.2852, 2 of 3 terms, adj 0.9]
date: 11-Feb-95
bytes: 19000
links: 40
outline: 2. Performance Task 3.1 Tokenization 3.2 Learning a Finite-State Machine 3.3 Parsing 3.4 Multiple Finite-State Machines 4. Learning Embedded Classifiers
keys: finite
2. Performance Task
3. Learning a Syntax
To implement the two modes of the note taking software, the system internally
learns two structures. To characterize the syntax of user's notes, it learns
finite-state machines (FSMs). To generate predictions, it learns decision
tree classifiers situated at states within the FSMs. In order to construct a
graphical user interface, the system converts a FSM into a set of buttons.
This section describes the representation and method for learning FSMs. The
next section discusses learning of the embedded classifiers.
3.1 Tokenization
Prior to learning a finite-state machine, the user's note must first be
converted into a sequence of tokens. Useful tokenizers can be domain
independent. However, handcrafted domain-specific tokenizers
3. Learning a Syntax
Section 3
Table 1
Table 2
ID1430326: [score 0.2816, 2 of 3 terms, adj 1.0]
date: 12-Feb-95
bytes: 808
links: 2
title: Computer Science 49
outline: Computer Science 49: Theory of Computation
keys: automata finite
Computer Science 49
Computer Science 49:
Theory of Computation
This course serves as an introduction to formal models of languages
and computation. Topics covered include finite automata, regular
languages, context-free languages, pushdown automata, Turing machines,
and computability.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 23 , or any
Mathematics course numbered 20 or above. Pantziou.
Back to Dartmouth CS Home Page
Theory of Computation
ID1819613: [score 0.2815, 2 of 3 terms, adj 1.0]
date: 25-Jan-95
bytes: 10162
links: 13
title: Master of Computer Science Course Descriptions
outline: Master of Computer Science Course Descriptions
keys: automata
Master of Computer Science Course Descriptions
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Master of Computer Science Course Descriptions
CIS 521 Computability Theory
This course explores more advanced topics in the computation theory, such as:
generalized morphisms of finite automata, structural properties of finite automata,
alternating automata, alternating Turing machines, recursive functions, uncomputability,
computational complexity, NP-completeness, unsolvability and NP-completeness.
Prerequisite: CIS 221 or permission of Instructor
CIS 522 Algorithms and Complexity
Evaluation of algorithms concerning their time and space complexity. Complexity
hierarchies, axiomatic approach to computational complexity, NP complete problems and
approximation algorithms for
Graduate Courses
ID828609: [score 0.2794, 2 of 3 terms, adj 1.0]
date: 11-Dec-94
bytes: 1282
links: 13
title: Measures of Complexity: ref109
keys: automata finite
Measures of Complexity: ref109 Complexity Reference: ref109 Authors: Banks,JF Sundaram,RK Year: 1990 Title: Repeated Games, Finite Automata and Complexity Journal: Games and Economic Behaviour , 2 , 9...
ID1430056: [score 0.2793, 2 of 3 terms, adj 1.0]
date: 04-Dec-94
bytes: 2035
links: 3
title: Henzinger/Nicollin/Sifakis/Yovine: Symbolic Model Checking for Real-time Systems
outline: Symbolic Model Checking for Real-time Systems
keys: automata finite
Henzinger/Nicollin/Sifakis/Yovine: Symbolic Model Checking for Real-time Systems
Symbolic Model Checking for Real-time Systems
Thomas A. Henzinger , Xavier Nicollin, Joseph Sifakis, and Sergio Yovine
We describe finite-state programs over real-numbered time in a
guarded-command language with real-valued clocks or, equivalently, as finite
automata with real-valued clocks. Model checking answers the question which
states of a real-time program satisfy a branching-time specification (given
in an extension of CTL with clock variables). We develop an algorithm that
computes this set of states symbolically as a fixpoint of a functional on
state predicates, without constructing the state space.
For this purpose, we introduce a mu-calculus on computation trees over
ID818650: [score 0.2783, 2 of 3 terms, adj 1.0]
date: 21-Dec-94
bytes: 1609
links: 8
keys: automata finite
Select one of:
* Monthly Index for chao-dyn 9310
* Cross-postings for chao-dyn 9310
* 9310001_Regular unimodal systems and factors of finite automata
* 9310002_Non recursive proof of the KAM theorem Report-no 93-4-FISROM
* 9310003_Truncated horseshoes and formal languages in chaotic scattering * 9310004_Chaotic,
regular and unbounded behav...
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