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A Method of Admission Control Based on Both Resource Requests and Traffic Measurement and Its Dynamics Under An On/Off Model

Kanada, Y., IEICE Technical Committee on Network Systems (NS), 2009-4-16.

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[ Paper PDF file ]

Abstract: A method of admission control based on both resource requests by applications and traffic measurement results per DiffServ class using NetFlow was developed. Several experiments using a newly-developed policy-server prototype using this method and simulated voice traffic showed that bandwidth usage can be improved and call blocking ratio was decreased with low measurement load by using this method. Interesting but possibly harmful dynamics were observed by simulations using simulated traffic that follows an on/off model; i.e., this admission control method may cause oscillation or long-term development that lasts for 100 to 150 minutes, and it may also cause bandwidth overshooting. The range of parameters, with which such phenomena can be properly suppressed and the admission control correctly works, was experimentally obtained.

Introduction to this research theme: Policy-based Networking

Keywords: CAC, Admission Control, Traffic Measurement, QoS Guarantee, DiffServ, Differentiated Services, Network Dynamics

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