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A Vectorization Technique of Hashing and its Application to Several Sorting Algorithms

Kanada, Y., PARBASE-90, IEEE, pp. 147-151, 1990.

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要旨 (英語のみ): This paper presents a vectorized algorithm for entering data into a hash table. A program that enters multiple data could not be executed on vector processors by conventional vectorization techniques because of data dependences. Our method enables execution of multiple data entry by conventional vector processors and improves the performance by a factor of 12.7 when entering 4099 pieces of data on the Hitachi S-810, compared to the normal sequential method. This method is applied to the address calculation sorting and the distribution counting sort, whose main part was unvectorizable by previous techniques. It improves performance by a factor of 12.8 when n = 2^14 on the S-810.

研究テーマ紹介: 論理 / 記号 ベクトル処理

キーワード: ソーティング, ハッシング, ベクトル化, ベクトル処理, 記号処理ベクトル化, ベクトル記号処理, 並列記号処理, スーパーコンピューティング, スーパー記号処理, 並列処理, ベクトル処理



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1990-01-01 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


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