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A Method of Vector Processing for Shared Symbolic Data

Kanada, Y., International Conference on Supercomputing '91, Albuquerque, 1991.

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[ これは 13. の論文のふるい版です.]
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[ この論文の内容は博士論文にふくまれています.]

要旨 (英語のみ): The conventional processing techniques for pipelined vector processors such as Cray-XMP, or SIMD parallel processors, such as CM-2 (connection machine), are generally applied only to independent multiple data processing. This paper describes a vector processing method of multiple processings including parallel rewriting of dynamic data structures with shared elements, and of multiple processings that may rewrite the same data element two or more times. This method is called the filtering-overwritten-label method (FOL). FOL enables vector processing of entering multiple data into a hash table, address calculation sorting, and many other algorithms that handle lists, trees, graphs and other types of symbolic data structures. FOL is applied to several symbolic processing algorithms; consequently, the performance is improved by a factor of ten on the Hitachi S-810.

研究テーマ紹介: 論理 / 記号 ベクトル処理

キーワード: プログラミング言語処理系, 記号処理ベクトル化, ベクトル記号処理, 並列記号処理, スーパーコンピューティング, スーパー記号処理, 並列処理, 共有データ・ベクトル処理



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1991-06-01 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


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