Creating Thin Objects with Bit-mapped Pictures/Characters by FDM Helical 3D Printing
Kanada, Y., 8th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM 21), 2015-10.
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Abstract: Instead of printing layer by layer, thin 3D objects can be printed in better quality (without seams between layers) by printing helically or spirally by fused deposition modeling (FDM). When printing helically or spirally, the amount of extruded filament can be modulated using a bitmap; that is, “zero” in bitmap means “thin” and “one” means “thick” (or vice versa). This process generates a thin object, such as a sphere, pod, or dish, with a bitmapped picture or characters. A typical example is a globe, which is printed using a bitmapped world map.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
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