Query: (randomized or probabilistic) and (algorithm or computation)
Options: case-insensitive, only full words match.
Information on the query syntax.
@TechReport{Lugowski??, author = "Marek W. Lugowski", title = "Computational Metabolism", institution = "Indiana University Computer Science Department", number = "200", keywords = "AI16 AI08 AI06 AI04 dynamical locally-coupled bottom-up architecture", abstract = "A new architecture for programming of dynamical systems. It consists of a tessellation into processors which undergo pairwise swaps. Processors come in several types; each type recognizes certain other ones. Recognition events result either in processor state change or a 2-processor swap. Model combines cellular automaton and connectionist featrures with probabilistic computation. Intended application: representation and computation of metaphors.", }
@InProceedings{f-figrfps-79, author = "R. V. Freivalds", title = "Finite identification of general recursive functions by probabilistic strategies", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic, Arithmetic, and Categorial Methods in Computation Theory", institution = "Akademie-Verlag", year = "1979", pages = "138--145", } @Article{g-mgi-79, author = "B. R. Gaines", title = "Maryanski's Grammatical Inferencer", journal = "IEEE Trans. Computers", volume = "C-27", number = "1", month = jan, year = "1979", pages = "62--66", comment = "Corrects some typographical errors in the Maryanski-Booth algorithm for inferring a probabilistic finite-state grammar from a given set of strings.", } @Article{lrs-iatpfmp-83, author = "S. E. Levinson and L. R. Rabiner and M. M. Sondhi", title = "An Introduction to the Application of the Theory of Probabilistic Functions of a Markov Process to Automatic Speech Recognition", journal = "Bell System Technical Journal", volume = "62", number = "4", month = apr, year = "1983", pages = "1035--1074", comment = "Analysis of implementation of Hidden Markov models and the Baum-Welch algorithm", }
@InProceedings{cnlp:dasgupta, title = "Learning capabilities of recurrent neural networks", author = "B DasGupta", year = "1992", volume = "2", pages = "822--823", publisher = "IEEE, Piscataway, IEEE Service Center, New Jersey, USA (IEEE cat n 92CH3094-0)", ISBN = "0734-7502 0-7803-0494-2", address = "Dept of Comput Sci, Pennsylvania State Univ, University Park, PA, USA,", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE Southeastcon '92 Birmingham, AL, USA", abstract = "The author relates the power of recurrent neural networks to those of other conventional models of computation like Turing machines and finite automata, and proves results about their learning capabilities. Specifically, it is shown that (a) probabilistic recurrent networks and probabilistic Turing machine models are equivalent; (b) probabilistic recurrent networks with bounded error probabilities are not more powerful than deterministic finite automata; (c) deterministic recurrent networks have the capability of learning P-complete language problems; and (d) restricting the weight-threshold relationship in deterministic recurrent networks may allow the network to learn only weaker classes of languages. 4 Refs", keywords = "Neural networks Learning systems Turing machines Finite automata Probability Computer programming languages Recurrent neural networks Probabilistic neural networks Deterministic recurrent networks", }
@Article{Montana??, author = "David Montana", title = "A Weighted Probabilistic Neural Network", journal = "NIPS4", keywords = "genetic algorithms, connectionism, cogann ref", abstract = "Abstract: The Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) algorithm represents the likelihood function of a given class as the sum of identical, isotropic Gaussians. In practice, PNN is often an excellent pattern classifier, outperforming other classifiers including backpropagation. However, it is not robust with respect to affine transformations of feature space, and this can lead to poor performance on certain data. We have derived an extension of PNN called Weighted PNN (WPNN) which compensates for this flaw by allowing anisotropic Gaussians, i.e. Gaussians whose covariance is not a multiple of the identity matrix. The covariance is optimized using a genetic algorithm, some interesting features of which are its redundant, logarithmic encoding and large population size. Experimental results validate our claims.", }
@InProceedings{KESS:PAU:RAU:1991, author = "Christoph W. Kessler and W. J. Paul and T. Rauber", title = "{\em``Register Allocation and Code Optimization for Vector Basic Blocks on Vector Processors''}", booktitle = "{``Code Generation --- Concepts, Tools, Techniques'', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Code Generation, Dagstuhl, Germany, 20-24 May 1991}", editor = "Robert Giegerich and Susan L. Graham", series = "Workshops in Computing", year = "1991", pages = "73--91", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", note = "ISBN 3-540-19757-5 and 3-387-19757-5", abstract = "We present a randomized heuristic algorithm to generate continuous evaluations for expression DAGs with nearly minimal register need. The heuristic may be used to reorder the statements in a basic block before applying a global register allocation scheme like graph coloring. Experiments have shown that the new heuristic produces results about 30\% better on the average than without reordering. Basic blocks of vector instructions lead to vector DAGs. For the special class of quasiscalar DAGS, the problem can be reduced to the scalar case handled above provided that some machine constraints such as buffer size and pipeline depth are taken into consideration. Theorectical considerations show that there exists an interesting tradeoff-effect between strip miningan vector register spilling. Therefore we give an algorithm which computes the best ratio of spill rate to strip length with respect to the run time on the target vector processor which is given by some architecture parameters. This algorithm is suited for vector processors containing a buffer (register file) which may be partitioned arbitrarily by the user.", }
@Article{LynchEtAl82, author = "N. A. Lynch and N. Griffeth and M. J. Fisher and L. J. Guibas", title = "Probabilistic Analysis of a Network Resource Allocation Algorithm", journal = "Draft from Georgia Inst.of Technology", year = "1982", }
@Article{Gordon88, author = "Michael Gordon", title = "Probabilistic and Genetic Algorithms for Document Retrieval", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "31", number = "10", year = "1988", month = oct, annote = "Genetic algorithm repeats a two-step process: Measure the performance of competing documents descriptions; Replace the set of descriptions, until some criterion is attained.", }
@TechReport{IOANNIDIS90, key = "Ioannidis \& Kang", author = "Y. E. Ioannidis and Y. Kang", title = "Randomized Algorithms for Optimizing Large Join Queries", institution = "University of Wisconsin", address = "Madison, Wisconsin", year = "1990", abstract = "Query optimization for relational database systems is a combinatorial optimization problem, which makes exhaustive search unacceptable as the query size grows. Randomized algorithms, such as Simulated Annealing and Iterative Improvement, are viable alternatives to exhaustive search. We have adapted these algorithms to the optimization of project-select-join queries. We have tested them on large queries of various types with different databases. The study of the shape of the cost function over the solution space associated with such queries and the analysis of the behavior of these algorithms have inspired a new Hybrid algorithm, which is a combination of Simulated Annealing and Iterative Improvement. Experimental results show that Hybrid outperforms the original algorithms in terms of both output quality and running time.", bibdate = "Thu May 3 15:46:53 1990", owner = "robyn", } @TechReport{TSANGARIS91, key = "Tsangaris \& Naughton", author = "M. Tsangaris and J. Naughton", title = "A Stochastic Approach for Clustering in Object Sores", number = "1017", institution = "University of Wisconsin", year = "1991", month = mar, abstract = "Object clustering has long been recognized as important to the performance of object bases, but in most work to date, it is not clear exactly what is being optimized or how optimal are the solutions obtained. We give a rigorous treatment of a fundamental problem in clustering: given an object base and a probabilistic description of the expected access patterns, what is an optimal object clustering, and how can this optimal clustering be found or approximated? We present a system model for the clustering problem and discuss two models for access patterns in the system. For the first, exact optimal clustering strategies can be found; for the second, we show that the problem is NP--complete, but that it is an instance of a well--studied graph partitioning problem. We propose a new clustering algorithm based upon Kernighan's heuristic graph partitioning algorithm, and present an experimental comparison of this new clustering algorithm with several previously proposed clustering algorithms.", bibdate = "Tue Sep 17 13:51:26 1991", owner = "soo", }
@TechReport{Barak84, author = "A. Barak and Z. Drezner", title = "A Probabilistic Algorithm for Scattering Information in a Multicomputer System", institution = "Univ. of Michigan", type = "Rep.", number = "CRL-TR-15-84", address = "Ann Arbor, Mi", month = mar, year = "1984", }
@Article{Shier1988, author = "D. R. Shier", title = "A New Algorithm for Performance Analysis of Communication Systems", journal = "IEEE trans. on commun.", volume = "COM 36, 4", year = "1988", pages = "516--527", references = "6", country = "USA", language = "English", enum = "3682", descriptors = "performance evaluation; communication system; analysis;", date = "15/01/90", by_date = "DS", revision = "21/04/91", by_rev = "Le", location = "FHL; UniDo-ESV", annote = "This paper presents a new algorithm for generating in order the most likely states of a probabilistic system. thus enabling a more rapid procedure for analyzing the performance of communication networks with stochastically failing components. The new algorithm improves upon the algorithm recently reported in [1], both in terms of storage requirements and execution efficiency.", }
@Article{Mitra1991, author = "D. Mitra and J. Seery", title = "Comparative Evaluations of Randomized and Dynamic Routing Strategies for Circuit-Switched Networks", journal = "IEEE trans. on commun.", volume = "COM-39, 1", year = "1991", pages = "102--116", references = "0", country = "USA", language = "English", enum = "4834", descriptors = "Alternate routing; dynamic routing; circuit switching; simulation model;", date = "05/12/91", by_date = "Uhl", revision = "07/04/92", by_rev = "Le", location = "UniDo-ESV", annote = "The theory and practice of circuit switching on networks has recently been rapidly evolving. We investigate two fundamentallyseparate classes of routing algorithms-randomized and deterministic. The main randomized algorithm is Gibben's and Kelly's recently introduced Dynamic Alternate Routing. In the contrasting deterministic algorithm, attempts to carry a call are made in a specific precomputed order.", }
@TechReport{Seidel1990, author = "R. Seidel", title = "A Simple and Fast Incremental Randomized Algorithm for Computing Trapezoidal Decompositions and for Triangulating Polygons", publisher = "Reports from the {"}Institute for Computer Science{"}, Department of Mathematics, Freie Universität Berlin", volume = "B-90-07", year = "1990", pages = "1--16", references = "13", town = "Berlin", country = "D", language = "English", enum = "8487", descriptors = "Algorithm;", date = "31/01/94", by_date = "IDR", revision = "18/02/94", by_rev = "Le", location = "PKI-OEG: Lit-Fach Idr", annote = "This paper presents a very simple incremental randomized algorithm for computing the trapezoidal decomposition induced by a set S of n line segments in the plane. If S is given as a simple polygone expected running time of the algorithm is O(n log* n). This leads to a simple algorithm of the same complexity for triangulating polygons.", }
@Article{Coffman1984, author = "E. G. Coffman", title = "Recent progress in the performance evaluation of fundamental allocation algorithms", journal = "ACM perf. eval. rev. (SIGMETRICS)", volume = "12, 3", year = "1984", pages = "2--6", references = "10", country = "USA", language = "English", enum = "610", descriptors = "Performance evaluation; information system; operating system; memory management; allocation; algorithm;", date = "16/11/84", by_date = "Sü", revision = "21/04/91", by_rev = "Le", location = "RWTH-AC-DFV: Bibl.", annote = "OUR UNDERSTANDING OF SEVERAL ALLOCATION ALGORITHMS BASIC TO OPERATING SYSTEMS AND TO DATA BASE SYSTEMS HAS IMPROVED SUBSTANTIALLY AS A RESULTS OF A NUMBER OF RESEARCH EFFORTS WITHIN THE PAST ONE OR TWO YEARS......... WE REFER TO PROOFS THAT CERTAIN CLASSICAL ALGORITHMS DESCRIBED AS APPROXIMATE ARE IN FACT OPTIMAL IN A STRONG PROBABILISTIC SENSE. THE WORK DISCUSSED HERE WILL BE CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THE APPLICATION AREAS, ARCHIVAL AND DYNAMIC", }
@TechReport{Lam1981, author = "S. S. Lam and Y. L. Liem", title = "An analysis of the tree convolution algorithm for queueing networks", publisher = "University of Texas, tech. report no. 78712", year = "1981", references = "0", town = "Austin, Tx", country = "USA", language = "English", enum = "1863", descriptors = "Queueing system; queueing network; evaluation; method; sparse matrix; iterative method; stationary process; binomial distribution; exponential distribution; exponential queueing network; network throughput; network delay; routing algorithm;", date = "27/05/81", by_date = "Le", revision = "21/04/91", by_rev = "Le", location = "TUDD-IfN-TK: Li-Ord.Le; RWTH-AC-DFV: TELL", annote = "AN ANALYSIS OF THE TREE CONVOLUTION ALGORITHM FOR THE SOLUTION OF PRODUCT-FORM QUEUEING NETWORKS IS PRESENTED. A PROBABILISTIC MODEL IS USED TO GENERATE NETWORKS WITH M SERVICE CENTERS, K ROUTING CHAINS AND N CUSTOMERS IN EACH CHAIN. THE ROUTES OF CHAINS ARE SAMPLED FROM INDEPENDENT BERNOULLI TRIALS. THE EXPECTED TIME AND SPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COMPUTATION OF NETWORK NORMALIZATION CONSTANTS AND THE PERFORMANCE MEASURES OF CHAIN THROUGHPUTS,", }
@Article{Badr1989, author = "H. G. Badr and S. Podar", title = "An optimal shortest-path routing policy for network computers with regular mesh-connected topologies", journal = "IEEE trans. on comp.", volume = "C-38, 10", year = "1989", pages = "1362--1371", references = "22", country = "USA", language = "English", enum = "162", descriptors = "Routing algorithm; shortest path;", date = "23/11/89", by_date = "Le", revision = "21/04/91", by_rev = "Le", location = "PKI-OEG: Jt", annote = "We present a new probabilistic routing policy, {"}Z Routing Policywithin the class of nonadaptive, shortest-path routing policies for regular mesh-connected topologies such as n-dimensional toroids and hypercubes. The focus of our attention is routing in networks of computers in a distributed computing environment, the so-called {"}network computers{"}....", }
@Article{Kruskal1969, author = "J. B. Kruskal", title = "Work-Scheduling Algorithms: {A} Nonprobabilistic Queuing Study (with Possible Application to No. 1 {ESS})", journal = "BSTJ", year = "1969", pages = "2963--2974", references = "3", country = "USA", language = "English", enum = "3591", descriptors = "Priority; model; algorithm; evaluation; approximation; method;", date = "19/02/90", by_date = "Ha", revision = "21/04/91", by_rev = "Le", location = "TUDD-IfN-TK: Li-Ord.Le", annote = "This paper provides an approximate method for evaluating differ-ent cycles. Using the evaluation method and some approximations,we obtain a formula for the optimum relative frequency with which different queues should be visited. The model used is non-probabilistic, and treats requests as continuous rather than discrete. The model also ignores certain interdependencies bet- ween queues.", }
@InProceedings{Dimitrijevic??, author = "Dragomir D. Dimitrijevic and Mon-Song Chen", title = "Dynamic State Exploration in Quantitative Protocol Analysis", booktitle = "Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification (IFIP WG 6.1)", address = "Enschede, The Netherlands", year = "June 6-9", abstract = "{\bf Abstract:} This paper extends the dynamic state exploration technique used in an integrated probabilistic protocol verification and evaluation procedure [7]. The extension reduces the complexity from {\it O( n {\footnotesize \raisebox{1ex}{2m}$\backslash$s+2)} to {\it O(n {\footnotesize \raisebox{1ex}{3}})}, where n and m are the numbers of generated states and explored transitions, respectively. Additional properties of the technique are also analyzed to further enhance the verification and evaluation procedure. The procedure based on this technique is unique in that (1) it evaluates the importance of states in the course of global reachability graph (GRG) generation, (2) it, based on the importance of states, explores only the most interesting subset of states, and (3) it computes important reliability and performance measures such as Mean Time To Unknown and Confidence Level, which is the probability sum of checked scenarios, and uses them as the stopping criteria. The procedure is demonstrated using the call establishment phase of X.75 protocol. .sp 0.4 [7] Dimitrijevic, D. D. and M-S. Chen, ``An Integrated Algorithm for Probabilistic Protocol Verification and Evaluation,'' Proc. INFOCOM'89}", }
@Article{Hofri84, author = "M. Hofri", title = "A Probabilistic Analysis of the Next-Fit Bin Packing Algorithm", year = "1984", journal = "J. Algorithms", volume = "5", institution = "Technion", pages = "547--556", keywords = "IMAGE PART PATTERN", }
@Article{Dillencourt:1992:RAS, author = "M. B. Dillencourt and D. M. Mount and N. S. Netanyahu", title = "A randomized algorithm for slope selection", journal = "Internat. J. Comput. Geom. Appl.", volume = "2", year = "1992", pages = "1--27", keywords = "slope selection, randomized algorithm, Theil Sen estimator, line fitting, robust estimation", }
@Article{rn:KargerStein:93, author = "D. R. Karger and C. Stein", title = "An {O}~($n^2$) Algorithm for Minimum Cuts", journal = "25th Annual ACM STOC", year = "1993", pages = "757--765", language = "english", keywords = "minimum cut, randomized algorithms", }
@InCollection{int:Alizadeh1, author = "F. Alizadeh", title = "A sublinear--time randomized parallel algorithm for the maximum clique problem in perfect graphs", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second ACM--SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", year = "1991", month = jan, pages = "188--194", address = "San Francisco, CA, USA", } @TechReport{int:Anstreicher27, author = "K. M. Anstreicher and J. Ji and F. A. Potra and Y. Ye", title = "Probabilistic analysis of an infeasible primal--dual algorithm for linear programming", type = "{Reports on Computational Mathematics}", number = "27", year = "1992", month = jul, institution = "Dept.\ of Mathematics, University of Iowa", address = "Iowa City, IA~52242, USA", }
@Article{Bentley:1980:GSL, author = "Jon Louis Bentley and James B. Saxe", title = "Generating Sorted Lists of Random Numbers", journal = "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software", volume = "6", number = "3", pages = "359--364", month = sep, year = "1980", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bibdate = "Mon Aug 29 10:57:24 1994", keywords = "random number generation, sorting, probabilistic methods in algorithm design, linear-time algorithm", } @Article{Corana:1987:MMF, author = "A. Corana and M. Marchesi and C. Martini and S. Ridella", title = "Minimizing Multimodal Functions of Continuous Variables with the ``Simulated Annealing'' Algorithm", journal = "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software", volume = "13", number = "3", pages = "262--280", month = sep, year = "1987", ISSN = "0098-3500", note = "See also \cite{Corana:1989:CMF}.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bibdate = "Sat Nov 19 13:08:34 1994", keywords = "algorithms; performance", review = "ACM CR 8804-0282", subject = "G.1.6 Mathematics of Computing, NUMERICAL ANALYSIS, Optimization, Nonlinear programming \\ G.4 Mathematics of Computing, MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE, Certification and testing \\ G.3 Mathematics of Computing, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, Probabilistic algorithms (including Monte Carlo) \\ F.2.2 Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems, Sorting and searching", } @Article{Li:1994:RSA, author = "Kim-Hung Li", title = "Reservoir Sampling Algorithms of Time Complexity {$O(n(1+\log(N/n)))$}", journal = "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software", volume = "20", number = "4", month = dec, year = "1994", pages = "481--493", keywords = "analysis of algorithms; random sampling; reservoir", subject = "G.3 [Mathematics of Computing]: Probability and Statistics -- probabilistic algorithms; random number generation; statistical software; G.4 [Mathematics of Computing]: Mathematical Software -- algorithm analysis", acknowledgement = ack-rfb, bibdate = "Tue Mar 14 16:16:57 1995", }
@InProceedings{Kaminski1981, author = "M. Kaminski", title = "Note on probabilistic algorithms in integer and polynomila arithmetic", pages = "117", editor = "P. Wang", year = "1981", booktitle = "SYMSAC '81: Proceedings of the 1981 ACM Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation", organization = "Association for Computing Machinery", }
@InProceedings{bus:KuriBaeckHeitkoetter:94, author = "Sami Khuri and Thomas B{\"a}ck and J{\"o}rg Heitk{\"o}tter", title = "An Evolutionary Approach to Combinatorial Optimization Problems", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1994 Computer Science Conference (CSC'94)", year = "1994", pages = "(to appear)", publisher = "ACM Press", organization = "March 1994, Phoenix AZ", abstract = "The paper reports on the application of genetic algorithms, probabilistic search algorithms based on the model of organic evolution, to NP-complete combinatorial optimization problems. In particular, the subset sum, maximum cut, and minimum tardy task problems are considered. Except for the fitness function, no problem-specific changes of the genetic algorithm are required in order to achieve results of high quality even for the problem instances of size 100 used in the paper. For constrained problems, such as the subset sum and the minimum tardy task, the constraints are taken into account by incorporating a graded penalty term into the fitness function. Even for large instances of these highly multimodal optimization problems, an iterated application of the genetic algorithm is observed to find the global optimum within a number of runs. As the genetic algorithm samples only a tiny fraction of thesearch space, these results are quite encouraging.", }
@Article{Frenkel:1986:CPP, author = "Karen A. Frenkel", title = "Complexity and parallel processing: an interview with {Richard Karp}", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "29", number = "2", pages = "112--117", month = feb, year = "1986", ISSN = "0001-0782", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bibdate = "Sun Aug 14 18:32:13 MDT 1994", keywords = "performance; theory; human factors", subject = "K.2 Computing Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING \\ G.2.1 Mathematics of Computing, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Combinatorics \\ F.0 Theory of Computation, GENERAL \\ F.1.1 Theory of Computation, COMPUTATION BY ABSTRACT DEVICES, Models of Computation, Computability theory \\ F.1.2 Theory of Computation, COMPUTATION BY ABSTRACT DEVICES, Modes of Computation, Parallelism \\ F.2.0 Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, General \\ G.2.2 Mathematics of Computing, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Graph Theory \\ F.1.2 Theory of Computation, COMPUTATION BY ABSTRACT DEVICES, Modes of Computation, Probabilistic computation \\ F.1.3 Theory of Computation, COMPUTATION BY ABSTRACT DEVICES, Complexity Classes, Reducibility and completeness \\ F.1.3 Theory of Computation, COMPUTATION BY ABSTRACT DEVICES, Complexity Classes, Relations among complexity classes", } @Article{Karp:1986:CCR, author = "Richard M. Karp", title = "Combinatorics, complexity, and randomness", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "29", number = "2", pages = "98--109", month = feb, year = "1986", ISSN = "0001-0782", note = "This is the 1985 Turing Award Lecture. It traces the development of combinatorial optimization and computational complexity theory. It discusses probabilistic algorithms and probabilistic analysis of approximation algorithms for {\em NP}-complete optimization problems.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bibdate = "Sun Aug 14 18:32:13 MDT 1994", bibsource = "ftp://ftp.ira.uka.de/pub/bibliography/Theory/ProbAlgs.bib", keywords = "algorithms; performance; theory", review = "ACM CR 8610-0921", subject = "F.1.0 Theory of Computation, COMPUTATION BY ABSTRACT DEVICES, General \\ G.2.1 Mathematics of Computing, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Combinatorics \\ K.2 Computing Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING, People \\ F.0 Theory of Computation, GENERAL \\ F.2.0 Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, General \\ G.2.2 Mathematics of Computing, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Graph Theory \\ F.1.3 Theory of Computation, COMPUTATION BY ABSTRACT DEVICES, Complexity Classes, Reducibility and completeness \\ F.1.3 Theory of Computation, COMPUTATION BY ABSTRACT DEVICES, Complexity Classes, Relations among complexity classes \\ K.2 Computing Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING", } @Article{Hester:1987:SOS, author = "J. H. Hester and D. H. Hirschberg", title = "Self-organizing search lists using probabilistic back-pointers", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "30", number = "12", pages = "1074--1079", month = dec, year = "1987", ISSN = "0001-0782", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bibdate = "Sun Aug 14 18:32:13 MDT 1994", keywords = "algorithms", review = "ACM CR 8810-0786", subject = "E.1 Data, DATA STRUCTURES, Lists \\ F.2.2 Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems, Sorting and searching \\ G.3 Mathematics of Computing, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, Probabilistic algorithms (including Monte Carlo)", } @Article{Gordon:1988:PGA, author = "M. Gordon", title = "Probabilistic and Genetic Algorithms in Document Retrieval", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "31", number = "10", pages = "1208--1218 (or 1208--1219??)", month = oct, year = "1988", ISSN = "0001-0782", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bibdate = "Sat Sep 24 11:12:23 1994", keywords = "algorithms; design; measurement; performance", subject = "F.2.2 Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems, Sorting and searching \\ H.3.3 Information Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, Information Search and Retrieval, Query formulation \\ H.3.3 Information Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, Information Search and Retrieval, Search process", } @Article{Fox:1992:MPH, author = "Edward A. Fox and Lenwood S. Heath and Qi Fan Chen and Amjad M. Daoud", title = "Minimal Perfect Hash Functions for Large Databases", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "35", number = "1", pages = "105--121", month = jan, year = "1992", note = "This is the first published algorithm for computing minimal perfect hash functions for lists of millions of words; previous algorithms were computationally infeasible for more than a few hundred words.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bibdate = "Thu May 20 17:19:08 1993", bibsource = "ftp://ftp.ira.uka.de/pub/bibliography/Theory/ProbAlgs.bib", note2 = "This paper presents two randomized algorithm for minimal perfect hashing functions that are designed for use with data bases with as many as a million keys. The algorithms have been experimentally evaluated. The first algorithm generates hash functions that are less than $O(n)$ computer words long, and the second generates functions that approach the theoretical lower bound of $\Omega(n/\log{n})$ words. This work is a predecessor of \cite{Fox:1991:SEDcb}.", }
@InProceedings{Fuhr88, author = "Norbert Fuhr and Hubert Huther", title = "Optimum Probability Estimation Based on Expectations", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", series = "Quantitative Models (2)", pages = "257--273", year = "1988", copyright = "(c) Copyright 1988 Association for Computing Machinery", abstract = "Probability estimation is important for the application of probabilistic models as well as for any evaluation in IR. We discuss the interdependencies between parameter estimation and other properties of probabilistic models. Then we define an optimum estimate which can be applied to various typical estimation problems in IR. A method for the computation of this estimate is described which uses expectations from empirical distributions. Some experiments show the applicability of our method, whereas comparable approaches are partially based on false assumptions or yield estimates with systematic errors.", }
@Article{Johnson93, author = "C. W. Johnson", title = "A Probabilistic Logic for the Development of Safety-Critical, Interactive Systems", journal = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies", volume = "39", number = "2", pages = "333--351", year = "1993", copyright = "(c) Copyright 1993 Academic Press", abstract = "This paper starts from the premise that the human contribution to risk must be assessed during the development of safety-critical systems. In contrast to previous approaches, discrete numerical values are rejected as means of quantifying the probability of operator {"}error{"} for many different users of many different systems. Numerical probabilities are used to rank the importance that designers attach to par ocular system failures. Adequate development resources must be allocated so that operators will resolve and not exacerbate high-priority failures. In order to do this, human factors and systems engineers must be provided with notations that can represent risk assessments. Many techniques that are in widespread use, such as fault-tree analysis, provide inadequate support for the development of interactive systems. They do not capture the temporal properties that can determine the quality of interaction between operators and stochastic application processes. It is argued that probabilistic temporal logics avoid this limitation. Notations which are built around linear models of time cannot easily capture the semantics of risk assessments. We have developed Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL) to avoid this problem. PCTL is built around a branching model of time. Finally, it is argued that PCTL specifications and Monte Carlo techniques can be used to provide faithful simulations of stochastic interactive systems. The implementation of the Risklog prototyping tool is briefly described. Partial simulations can be shown to system operators in order to determine whether they are likely to intervene and resolve system failures.", }
@Article{Hadjimichael93, author = "Michael Hadjimichael and Anita Wasilewska", title = "Interactive Inductive Learning", journal = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies", volume = "38", number = "2", pages = "147--167", year = "1993", copyright = "(c) Copyright 1993 Academic Press", abstract = "We propose an interactive probabilistic inductive learning model which defines a feedback relationship between the user and the learning program. We extend previously described learning algorithms to a conditional model previously described by the authors, and formulate our Conditional Probabilistic Learning Algorithm (CPLA), applying conditions as introduced by Wasilewska to a probabilistic version of the work of Wong and Wong. We propose the Condition Suggestion Algorithm (CSA) as a way to use the syntactic knowledge in the system to generalize the family of decision rules. We also examine the semantic knowledge of the system implied by the suggested conditions and analyse the effects of conditions on the system. CPLA/CSA has been implemented by the first author and was used to generate the examples presented.", } @Article{Tokuda93, author = "N. Tokuda and A. Fukuda", title = "A Probabilistic Inference Scheme for Hierarchical Buggy Models", journal = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies", volume = "38", number = "5", pages = "857--872", year = "1993", copyright = "Copyright 1993 Academic Press", abstract = "The probabilistic reasoning scheme of Dempster-Shafer theory provides a remarkably efficient bug identification algorithm for a hierarchical Buggy model. In the particular Buggy model generated by the repair theory of Brown \& Van Lehn (1980, A generative theory of bugs in procedural skills, Cognitive Science, 2, 155-192), both Shafer \& Logan (1987, Implementing Dempster's rule for hierarchical evidence, Artificial Intelligence, 33, 271-298) and Gordon \& Shortliffe (1985, A method for managing evidential reasoning in a hierarchical hypothesis space, Artificial Intelligence, 26, 324-357) schemes have provided almost identical computational accuracy although the latter involves an approximation of a {"}smallest superset{"}. If n denotes the number of bugs to be identified, the computational complexity of the two schemes, originally of O(n$\lbrace$sup:4/3$\rbrace$) and O(n$\lbrace$squared$\rbrace$) respectively, can be improved to O(n) using the simplified top-down calculation scheme whereby from among all the nodes we first locate the particular {"}parental{"} node to which the bug belongs and then the bug itself among the sibs within the node. On average, about 5-7 problems are adequate to raise the belief function of the bug to 95\% level, based on the evidential reasoning schemes.", }
@InProceedings{Desmarais93, author = "Michel C. Desmarais and Jiming Liu", title = "Exploring the Applications of User-Expertise Assessment for Intelligent Interfaces", booktitle = "Proceedings of ACM INTERCHI'93 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", series = "Collecting User-Information for System Design", pages = "308--313", year = "1993", copyright = "(c) Copyright 1993 Association for Computing Machinery", keywords = "User-expertise assessment, Probabilistic reasoning, Evidence aggregation, Entropy, Intelligent interfaces, Adaptive training systems, Knowledge spaces", abstract = "An adaptive user interface relies, to a large extent, upon an adequate user model (e.g., a representation of user-expertise). However, building a user model may be a tedious and time consuming task that will render such an interface unattractive to developers. We thus need an effective means of inferring the user model at low cost. In this paper, we describe a technique for automatically inferring a fine-grain model of a user's knowledge state based on a small number of observations. With this approach, the domain of knowledge to be evaluated is represented as a network of nodes (knowledge units -- KU) and links (implications) induced from empirical user profiles. The user knowledge state is specified as a set of weights attached to the knowledge units that indicate the likelihood of mastery. These weights are updated every time a knowledge unit is reassigned a new weight (e.g., by a question-and-answer process). The updating scheme is based on the Dempster-Shafer algorithm. A User Knowledge Assessment Tool (UKAT) that employs this technique has been implemented. By way of simulations, we explore an entropy-based method of choosing questions, and compare the results with a random sampling method. The experimental results show that the proposed knowledge assessment and questioning methods are useful and efficient in inferring detailed models of user-expertise, but the entropy-based method can induce a bias in some circumstances.", }
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