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3D Printing

A Python library for 3D turtle graphics by 3D printers

This is the first 3D-printing related program for this site because most of my 3D-printing programs are spagetti like. I believe this 3D turtle graphics library in Python can be used by other people, I first publish this.

The library itself is in turtle.py. A usage example is in TurtleExample.py. This printed object is introduced by a video submitted to YouTube. An explanation on this library can be seen in "“3D Turtle Graphics” by 3D Printers". Detailed licence conditions are not yet examined, but the library is licensed by GPL v. 3. The example is for Rostock MAX, so it must be rewritten for other 3D printers.



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Objects printed by using the new direction-specified design and printing technology are sold in Dasyn Yahoo! Japan shop.


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