Notes for self-reproduction of Web pages and programs
-- a footnote --
A program is included in the Web page in the case of page
reproduction corresponding to (including) program reproduction.
The program in the page reproduces the program and the HTML text around.
But, the JavaScript program to be called is not necessarily included in
the Web page.
A JavaScript program can be put in another URL and be referred by the page.
If using this form, it will be possible to reproduce a Web page
without reproducing the program, because the program that each reproduced
page refers can always be at the same URL. A reproducting program
can be much more simpler by this method. This method works for
most of purposes. But, if incomplete reproduction of the program
is necessary, this method cannot be used. This method also
does not work on Navigator Ver 3.
Yasusi Kanada
(yasusi @
Created: 97-11-3, Updated : 97-11-26