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Bring out the artistic talent of AI and have it create AI artworks

When making AI art, people usually give relatively detailed instructions (called prompts or spells) to help it create the image we want. However, in this project, I mainly use short words or coined words of one to three words, aiming to draw out the artistic talent of the AI, not me, and let it create images freely. Rather than being a research project, my goal is to have the AI ​​create works that are unique to AI.

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Rebuilding the Internet

Current internet has not experienced ideal development. Various issues were solved in the historical situation and power politics. As same as the difficulty in changing government organization and system, it is difficult to change the structure of the established Internet (and internet); however I believe the Internet (and internet), which is going to be more and more complex, must be simplified in some chance. Development of network virtualization will probably make a good chance. Therefore, I re-categorize some of my research into a theme named "rebuilding the Internet".

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3D shape formation technologies

What is 3D shape formation technologies?

Recently, 3D printers are drawing attention more and more. However, technologies on printing and formation of objects and 3D object design and applications to real-use and art have not yet become mature. Development of new technologies and commercialization of them activate industries and arts, and contribute to the world.

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Network virtualization

What is network virtualization?

Virtualization of computers started in 1960s, and recently, virtual machines (VM) had been widely used and storage had also been virtualized. Networks in data centers is being virtualized, but there are still many research problems to be solved. In particular, we can develop virtual networks that has programmability in the network nodes, and we can enable various kinds of experimental researches to overcome the barrier of the Internet.

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voiscape: a virtual "sound room" based communication medium

What is voiscape?

The purpose of this research is to develop a new voice-communication medium called voiscape. By this medium, two or more persons can talk each other by using a virtual sound space based on spatial sound technology. People can move freely in the "sound room" and people can choose, enter, and exit from a room. Cocktail-party like situation can be created with this medium. In short, this project targets realizing Second-Life-like world by sound.

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Active Networks, Policy-based Networking, and QoS Guarantee

What is this research?

In the active network research, my goal is to make programmable and virtualized netwroks, i.e., to create networks that each user can program and use as his own network.

Complex computer and communication systems require complex policies. In the policy-based networking research, I studied methods of combining (composing) policies, or I studied component-based policies.

I have also studied methods of (policy-based) QoS guarantee (especially, Diffserv) on IP networks.

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Axis-Specified Search (Thematic Search)

What is axis-specified search?

The axis-specified search is a method of text search, especially for encyclopedia search. Users (searchers) specify an axis of search in addition to keywords. The search results are arranged along the axis. For example, if the axis is "year", the result is a chronological table. The axis can also be "geography" or various types of "quantity".

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Self-reproduction of Web pages

What is this?

This is a small-scale research on developing a method for reproducing and displaying exactly or almost the same Web page as the original (i.e., complete or incomplete reproduction).

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CCM: Chemical-Computation Model


What is CCM?

CCM (Chemical Casting Model, or Chemical-Computation Model) is a model for emergent computation. CCM works only with local information, i.e., each reaction (unit action) in CCM refers only a few data, and there is no global plan (i..e., no program) for the computation. CCM is based on a production system (a type of rule-based computation method), which is similar to chemical reaction systems (rather than conventional production systems used for developing expert systems). Two features of CCM are as follows.

  • CCM works with locally-defined evaluation functions, which is called local order degrees.
  • The order of reactions (rule applications) is random (or, stochastic or non-deterministic). Randomness is a source of emergence.

In addition, catalysts do not change by reactions but affects the reaction velocity, a type of tunneling effect is caused by reaction rule composition, and annealing-like effects are caused by Frustration Accumulation Method (FAM).

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RACA: Randomized Asynchronous Cellular Automata


What is RACA?

RACA is a model for complex systems. Conventional cellular automata, which was studied by Wolfram, are synchronous and deterministic. On the contrary, RACA are asynchronous and non-deterministic, or more precisely, they are randomized. RACA and CCM are similar in their stochastic behavior. The research of RACA was initially started when I computed cellular automata by using CCM.

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Logic/Symbolic Vector Processing

What is This Research?

The aim of this research was to establish methods of vector processing of logic programming languages and/or symbolic vector processing. The main target machines were vector supercomputers, such as Cray X-MP or Hitachi S-820. However, this research also aimed symbolic supercomputing on SIMD parallel processors, such as CM-1.

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Programming Linguistics

Research focus

I tried to apply methods of linguistics, in which human languages are treated, to analyze programs. I was involved in this research only a short period, i.e., while I was writing my master's thesis. I tried to continue this research, but I got no fruits.

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Programming Language Processing for Vector / Parallel Computers

Themes of this R & D

I deveped a programming language called Dihybrid, which was for MIMD computers, as the graduation research of the university. However, the processor could not be completed. After I was employed, I developed several compilation techniques for a Fortran compiler for the SIMD-type supercomputer S-810 and others in a group of several people. The major techniques are methods of dataflow analysis to decide vectorizability, and a method of vector register assignment.

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Programming Language Processing for Scalar Computers

Themes of this R & D

I developed compilers for general-purpose computers since I was in the third grade of the university. The first one is a compiler of SIMPL, which appeared monthly in a Japanese magazine called "bit", but I developed it independently from the magazine article. When I was in the graduate school, I developed a Pascal compiler to be used in the Educational Computer Center of the University of Tokyo. After I was employed, I was involved in two Fortran compiler development projects. I described the first one, a development for vector processors, in another entry. In the redevelopment of compiler after so-called IBM case, we developed a dataflow analysis methods for arrays.

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