Kanada's Research Themes
Warning: This page contains only the old (before 1996) research themes.
Created: 10/12/1994, Modified: 10/19/2003.
See also:
[Kanada's home page in English (a patent page)],
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a patent page)].
CCM is a model for emergent computation.
CCM works only with local information, i.e., each reaction (action)
in CCM refers only a few data, and there is no global plan for
the computation.
CCM is based on a production system, which is similar to chemical
reaction systems (rather than conventional production systems used for
developing expert systems). Two features of CCM are as follows.
- CCM works with locally-defined evaluation functions,
which is called local order degrees.
- The order of reactions (rule applications) is
random (or, stochastic or non-deterministic).
Randomness is a source of emergence.
RACA is a model for complex systems. Conventional cellular automata,
which was studied by Wolfram, are synchronous and deterministic. On the
contrary, RACA are asynchronous and non-deterministic, or more precisely,
they are randomized. RACA and CCM are similar
in their stochastic behavior. (Thus, RACA can be regarded as a sub-model
of CCM.)
The aim of this research was to establish methods of vector processing
of logic programming languages and/or symbolic vector processing.
The main target machines were vector supercomputers, such as Cray X-MP
or Hitachi S-820. However, this research also aimed symbolic
supercomputing on SIMD parallel processors, such as CM-1.
Y. Kanada (Send comments
to kanada @ trc.rwcp.or.jp)