From: "鏑木 孝昭 "Newsgroups: tnn.interv-e Subject: VCOM Newsletter no.6 Date: 01 Sep 1995 01:33:00 +0900 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp ************************************************************ VCOM Newsletter Vol.1 No.6 Sept 1, 1995 ************************************************************ VCOM (Information Community Building Project Using InterVnet) is a project carried out by a research group headed by Prof. Ikuyo Kaneko at Keio University SFC (Shonan Fujisawa Campus). Here, by "information community" we are referring to a group of various kinds of people with a certain shared interest or concern about life and society who forms a "unit" spontaneously by sharing and exchanging information. Two of the major activities of VCOM are (i) maintaining InterVnet and (ii) carrying out information community building "case projects." For details please see VCOM homepage or contact the Secretariat: VCOM homepage: VCOM reception E-mail address: VCOM Secretarial (Editorial Engineering Laboratory) 1-4-7-202 Aobadai Meguro-ku Tokyo 153 Japan phone 03-3780-0800 fax 03-3780-0900 [1] Three New Conference Rooms are Open in InterVnet By the mid August, the following three new conference rooms (all in Japanese) in InterVnet (common to all PC networks connected to InterVnet) have been started: information on changing society conference room on women's issues discussions of NPO legislation As VCOM case projects which are in the process of initiation are to be activated in September and on, more conference rooms will be open. [ 2 ] Users' Conference Room in InterVnet There have been a series of discussions in Users' Conference Room in InterVnet regarding how to organize and to deal with information posted in InterVnet. Also, a discussion is going on in Users' Conference Room concerning how to share and utilize information posted in InterVnet in local communities around Kobe and neighboring quake hit areas. [ 3 ] VCOM Case Project An official announcement will be issued by the Steering Committee in the early Oct. on the list of information community building projects which are officially approved as official VCOM case projects. As of now, the following case projects are being carried out or being prepared. A : Support Networks for Quake-Hit Areas A-1 : Citizens' Medium to Exchange Information to Support the Victims of the Great Kobe-Awaji Earthquake ...We shall continue to offer InterVnet which is the only nationwide PC networks with a designated area for quake related information. A-2 : Simulation Studies Concerning Connections of Various Networks in Case of Emergency A-3 : Homepage to Introduce People and Events in Awaji Island B : Networks for NGO/NPO B-1 : Women's Online Media Homepage connecting to various information about women's issues. Offering information on women's issues and providing an online forum for discussing women's issues in InterVnet. 'Hot' information will be sent from Beijing and Huairou in China on the NGO Forum for the World Conference on Women. B-2 : Connecting Grassroots BBSs to InterVnet B-3 : Online Forum for Discussing Incorporation and Tax Exemption Legislation for NGO/NPO C : Citizens' Voluntary Participations in Society C-1 : Electric Guide Book for Global Citizens Offering alternative information on eco-life, safe foods, recycling, human rights, world peace, education and so on, and proving an online forum to exchange information of these topics. C-2 : A Model Building for "Stay-Home" Employment for Handicapped Persons Using Internet C-3 : JD Net A nationwide network to exchange information on handicapped persons' daily life, employment opportunities and so on. C-4 : International Forum A nationwide network for foreign students and international communities in Japan. C-5 : Information Network for Local Community A model building for volunteer database, medical and other life information and disseminating information from the local government at City of Fujisawa where Keio University SFC is located. [ 4 ] Topics *Hot Information from Beijing and Huairou Two staff members of WOM case project and one member from VCOM system maintenance team (all female engineers) are visiting China to help build a network environment for participants of the NGO Forum of the World Conference on Women. These three are working for APC group. They are sending 'hot' information on the conference and on Chine by E-mail which is automatically posted in the homepage of WOM. The URL of the homepage is Also, on Sept. 9th, there will be a real time, online communication connecting Beijing and Tokyo to discuss the World Conference for Women. The Tokyo site will be at Crayon House Tokyo at Aoyama. For more information, please send mail to *A book on InterVnet and VCOM was published A book entitled "The Door for Co-Existence, to Be Opened by Volunteers," (in Japanese) was published by NHK Book. A fair amount of pages were devoted to introduce InterVnet and VCOM. "How to Make the World a Better Place : A Guide to Doing Good" Was Published This book published in July by Diamond Publisher is coauthored by Jeffrey Hollender and Group Kan, where Group Kan is a part of the group charring out VCOM case project for the Electric Guide for Global Citizens. The content of the book will be posted in the WWW server and discussions are expected about the contents on InterVnet. *A Book on Internet and the Information Society A book by Seigo Matsuoka, Ikuyo Kaneko and Shin Yoshimura will soon be published by Diamond Publisher. In this book the three will discuss freely on what the Internet and related technology might bring about in the Information Society. Matsuoka, the president of Editorial Engineering Laboratory, is a well-known editor and researcher of Buddhism, Japanese traditional culture and information and is a member of Advisory Board of VCOM. Yoshimura who is the vice president of Internet Initiative Japan (the largest internet provider in Japan) is one of the pioneers of internet in Japan is generally regarded as a genius of internet. He is a member of the Systems Advisory Meeting of VCOM. Kaneko is the head of VCOM Steering Committee and is well-known for his work on information society, networking and volunteers. [ 5 ] Thank You! Many companies have provided InterVnet and VCOM with generous contributions in terms of computers and communication equipment and software so far. The following three companies have joined the rank: Net Manage (software license), Silicon Graphics Japan (graphic workstations), Toshiba (laptop and desktop computers). Many thanks to these companies. Also many companies and a local government have either signed a contract or committed to join VCOM by contributing funds for VCOM. The list of these parcitipants will be officially made public by October.