InfoSeek Titles
Query: +earthquake +Kobe
Collection: WWW Pages
Titles: 61 through 80 of over 200
Previous 20 Titles (41 - 60)
- Kansai Area Earthquake information
- Disclaimer: . We make no guarantee as to the currency, accuracy, or quality of information provided here, and assume no responsibility for any damages with the service. . This service is provided here under volunteer spirit, and this page has ...
--- [628] (22K)
- Kansai Area Earthquake information
- Disclaimer: . We make no guarantee as to the currency, accuracy, or quality of information provided here, and assume no responsibility for any damages with the service. . This service is provided here under volunteer spirit, and this page has ...
--- [628] (22K)
- Kansai Area Earthquake information
- Disclaimer: . We make no guarantee as to the currency, accuracy, or quality of information provided here, and assume no responsibility for any damages with the service. . This service is provided here under volunteer spirit, and this page has ...
--- [628] (22K)
- Ge210: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and other Hazards
- Welcome to the Geology 210 home page. The WWW (World Wide Web) is expanding so rapidly everywhere, that most have the warning "Under Construction". So click and see what you can find. Last modified February 14, 1995. . To write to us, just ...
--- [626] (8K)
- Earthquake Information
- Information of Earthquake on the South of Hyogo Prefecture . Japanese / English . This page was last modified on Sat Feb 11 1995 . Our site is connected to SINET via 1Mbps line (Admin of this server). . NTT: Mirror from RIKEN(Updated twice a ...
--- [626] (6K)
- Japan Earthquake
- W.L.R. Cassidy & Associates . Consultants to Government and the Legal Profession (South East Asia) . Japanese Earthquake Information . The following links were tested and operational as of 0600 hrs PST 19 January 1995. There is, however, ...
--- [626] (1K)
- Hyougo-ken Nanbu Earthquake Links
- United States Geological Survey _____________________ . This mosaic page is maintained by Ken Hudnut at the USGS in Pasadena, Calif. (Last update: 2/7/95) . The Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) of Japan's GPS Data: . Our colleagues at GSI in ...
--- [625] (1K)
- Earthquake in Kobe
- : . General Informations . General Informations . General Informations . English Informations . List of Dead People . Telephone Numbers . Informations(Multi Media Japan) . Pages . Kobe Page . Geopghysycs Page . EPIX Home Page . Information from ...
--- [624] (2K)
- Kobe City University Of Foreign Studies Home Page
- Kobe City University of Foreign Studies . We had a severe earthquake !! . Tue Jan 17 5:46am JST 1995 . Traffic in KOBE city is confused or stoped. This is Kobe City University of Foreign Studies. Our University has been slightly damaged. Some ...
--- [624] (<1K)
- Earthquake Update
- Kyoto Institute of Technology survived the January 17th 7.2 magnitude earthquake relatively unscathed. In Kyoto, many cultural treasures such as buddhist statues were damaged in the trembler. Kyoto as a whole suffered much less damage than its ...
--- [622] (1K)
- What's New At The UNRSL?
- Find out About Earthquakes . Images of the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake and Kobe City . Look at our Brochure Earthquakes In Neavada And How To Survive Them . Recent Publications . Geophysical Courses . --> . 2/15/95 . .
--- [622] (1K)
- Destination Highlights - Kyoto - February 1995
- Highlights-Events . Major Earthquake Hits Japan . Visitors are strongly advised not to travel to Kobe because of the 7.2 earthquake that hit the city on Jan 17; Japan's worst natural disaster in over 70 years. Over 5,000 people died in the ...
--- [621] (3K)
- Earthquake Information
- Kobe Earthquake officially renamed to the "Hyougo-ken Nanbu" Earthquake. . Information on the Hyougo-ken Nanbu (Kobe), Japan Earthquake . Current Seismicity Plots . Where this is coming from: . The Northern California ...
--- [621] (5K)
- Great Hanshin Earthquake Home Page
- Special Great Hanshin Earthquake Edition . Foreign Languages & Literature, St. Cloud State University, MN U.S.A. . Notice: Due to system maintenance, this server will be down every . Friday (17:00 - 21:00 CST). . The current time is: Tue Feb ...
--- [620] (10K)
- Relief for Kobe's Children
- A Few Relief Efforts . Sending Snail Mail Messages to Kobe . Sending E-mail Messages to Kobe . Distributing the Messages . Sending School Supplies to Kobe . Sending Letters and Drawings to Kobe via Snail Mail . On January 19, we ...
--- [619] (4K)
- Living Information
- for the South Hyogo Earthquake . Original information is written in Japanese. . The translation in English here is very preliminary and tentative. . 1. Accommodation of dead persons whose name is unknown . Temple Sumaji Tel 078-731-7994 . ...
--- [618] (3K)
- KANSAI AREA EARTHQUAKE INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET . This special page intends to re-distribute English-language information about the Kansai area earthquake for the Internet users who cannot read Japanese materials on their computer. . ...
--- [617] (3K)
- Kenji Rikitake's Hanshin Earthquake Report
- An unofficial information page of the Hanshin Earthquake . Click HERE for the Hanshin Earthquake Information in English, provided by IIJ. . A major earthquake hit Hanshin (Osaka-to-Kobe) area on 0546JST, January 17, 1995. The estimated ...
--- [613] (1K)
- Status of the Foreign Students -Jan 30, 1995 Kobe University
- The International Student Center (ISC, Ryugaku-sei Center) of Kobe University (078-803-0035/0036) has been inquiring into the safety status of foreign students, after the earthquake, which has been named Hyogo-Ken Nambu Erthquake (Southern Hyogo ...
--- [611] (1K)
- UCD Geology Home Page
- Welcome to the UCD Department of Geology. . Where is Davis? [INLINE] [GIF] . The Department . New Course -- Volcanoes (Winter 95) . Class Schedule (Fall 94) . Class Schedule (Winter 95) . The Faculty . Earthquake Information . Here are ...
--- [611] (3K)
Next 20 Titles (81 - 100) (cost: 1 transaction)