Date:         Fri, 7 Jan 1994 11:47:03 EST
Reply-To: Cybernetics and Systems 
Sender: Cybernetics and Systems 
From: Cybernetics and Systems Moderator
Subject:      Announcement of the establishment of IIGSS
X-To:         Cybernetics + Systems list 
To: Multiple recipients of list CYBSYS-L 

Date: Thu, 06 Jan 1994 16:08:46 -0500 (CDT)

        International Institute for General Systems Studies


The International Institute for General Systems Studies proudly announces
its establishment and is welcoming scholars who are interested in developing
general systems theory using a formalized lunguage and in discovering common
structures and characteristics among theories through interdisciplinary

The needs for systems analysis exist in all areas of human endeavor, from our
daily life to medicine, to economics, social sciences, and etc.. However, the
laws concerning behaviors and organizational structures of systems with
complicated dynamics and measurement uncertainties are not yet well understood.
The connections and interactions among different scientific disciplines
appear superficial. Suitable mathematical models of a general theory which can
be applied to explaining the connections among the theories and
methodological dialogues among the researchers from various disciplines are
indeed  necessary. It is for this ultimate purpose that the Institute is

If you are interested in joining this pioneering work, please contact one of the
following persons

                Hiroshi Deguchi
                Global Communication Center
                International University of Japan
                5-2-32, Minami Azabu
                Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan
                (e-mail :

                Yi Lin
                Department of Mathematics
                Slippery Rock University
                Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania 16057, USA
                (e-mail : y\$l@sru.bitnet)

                Yonghao Ma
                Department of Mathematics
                Southwest Texas State University
                San Marcos, Texas 78666, USA
                (e-mail :