When amount of filament is decreased in 3D printing (FFF), striped patterns and various patterns with fine holes are generated. I wrote and showed such patterns in my blog in Japanese and wrote several papers on this issue. Researchers in MIT applied such patterns, which people usually try to avoid, to clothes. I wanted to develop practical applications of such patterns, but I could not find one.
My papers on such patterns are listed here.
- 3D Printing and Simulation of Naturally-Randomized Cellular-Automata (journal version)
- FDM 3D-printing as Asynchronous Cellular Automata
This topic was publishd in a book, but it was not sold well because it was very expensive book.
Self-organized 3D-printing Patterns Simulated by Cellular Automata
Although I wanted to develop applications, I did not spent much time on this issue. The researchers in MIT made something like cloth and clothes. They also developed lace-like patterns by this technique.