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Extending Network-virtualization Platforms by using a Specialized Packet Header and Node Plug-ins

Kanada, Y., 22nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCom 2014), September 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/softcom.2014.7039092
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Abstract: A previously developed plug-in architecture for network-virtualization nodes allows network operators to introduce new types of virtual nodes and links and slice developers to use them in slices (i.e., virtual networks). In this paper, a method for extending network-virtualization infrastructures by introducing plug-ins to nodes in the infrastructure and a freely-designed plug-in-specific packet header, which enable sharing part of packet contents among the same type of plug-ins distributed in the infrastructure, is proposed. The header is inserted into every data packet handled by the nodes, but it is hidden from slices in a “clean virtualization” infrastructure. This method was applied to creation of a new type of virtual links with network-delay measurement function using a hidden timestamp in each packet. The timestamps do not affect slices; that is, conventional programs can be used in the slice for the measurement without modification. The method was evaluated by edge-to-edge delay measurements and the evaluation results show that it is suitable for developing new functions, including functions requiring wire- rate performance, in shared/public networks.

Introduction to this research theme: Network virtualization


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