A Representation of Network Node QoS Control Policies Using Rule-based Building Blocks
Kanada, Y., International Workshop on Quality of Service 2000 (IWQoS 2000), pp. 161-163, June 2000.
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要約: Network node functions, such as QoS or the security functions of routers, are becoming increasingly complex, so programs, not only configuration parameters, are required to control network nodes. In a policy-based network, a policy is defined at a policy server as a set of rules that deployed at network nodes where it must be translated into an executable program or parameters. Thus, a policy must be represented by a form in which the syntax and semantics are clearly defined, and which can be mechanically translated into an executable program. This is possible if the policy is written in an appropriate rule-based programming language. This paper describes such a language in which functions required for DiffServ can be specified for the interface between a policy server and network nodes. In this language, a policy rule can be composed using predefined primitive building blocks and control structures.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング