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Rule-Based Building-Block Architecture for Policy-based Networking

Kanada, Y. and O'Keefe, B. J., Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 253-275, 2003.

[ English page ]
[ JNSM 掲載号 Web ページ ] [ 論文 PDF ファイル (草稿) ]

要約: We developed two rule-based building-block architectures, i.e., pipe-connection and label-connection architectures, for describing complex and structured policies, especially network QoS policies. The latter is focused on in this study. The relationships or connec-tions between building blocks are specified by the da-taflow and control flow between them. The dataflow is specified by tags, including virtual flow labels (VFLs), which are data attached to "outside packets". The con-trol flow can be classified and specified by four control structures: concatenation, parallel application, selection, and repetition. We have designed fine-grained and coarse-grained building blocks and methods for specify-ing dataflow and control flow in differentiated services (Diffserv), and implemented the coarse-grained ones in a policy server. Two cases of building-block use are de-scribed, and we concluded that there are five advantages of building-block-based policies, i.e., expressibility, uni-form semantics, simplicity, flexibility, and management-task-oriented design. We also developed techniques for transforming building-block policies into executable ones, which are called policy division and fusion.

研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング

関連リンク: Research Summary: Rule-Based Building-Block Architecture for Policy-based Networking.

キーワード: QoSポリシー, ポリシーベース・ネットワーキング, ポリシーベース・ネットワーク, ポリシーベース管理, 部品化ポリシー, ポリシー部品化, ポリシー結合, ポリシー分割, ポリシー融合, Diffservポリシー



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