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2005-06 アーカイブ


Kanada, Y., 15th ACM International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2005), pp. 45-50, June 2005, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1065983.1065996

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要約: An improved prototype of the "voiscape" voice communication medium has been developed and subjectively evaluated. Voiscape enables natural and seamless voice communication by using sound to create a virtual "sound room" in which people, who are repre-sented by different sounds, can move freely. It features low-delay motion-tracking spatial audio with simulated early reflections that produce out-of-head sound localization and sound distance expression. It also features virtual-location-based selective communication: a user can walk freely in the sound room using a map- and cursor-key-based user-interface and can select whom to talk to or which sound sources to listen to. A third feature is SIP-presence-event-notification (SIMPLE)-based sound room management: when users move, their locations and directions are distributed using SIP SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY messages. The combination of these features creates a natural voice-communication space in which two or more parallel conversation contexts can coexist. Limited, subjective testing by around 200 people showed that this medium can be used for cocktail-party-like conversation; i.e., users could distinguish parallel conversations by paying attention to or by moving toward one of them.

研究テーマ紹介: voiscape


金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 応用音響 (EA) 研究会, 2005-6.

[ English page ]
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要約: 3D 音響技術によってつくられた仮想的な "音室" 内を移動して相手を選択しつつ 会話ができるコミュニケーション・メディア voiscape を開発している. Voiscape の第 2 のプロトタイプ VPII においては,FIR 法によって低遅延な HRTF フィルタ計算をおこなうとともに,移動可能な範囲としての音室を 音響計算上の部屋とみなし,その壁による初期反射をシミュレートした. この初期反射によって音の頭外定位と距離感の表現を可能にした. また,ユーザの移動を追跡し必要な補間処理をおこなった. これによって,話者識別が容易で,複数の会話コンテクストが共存することができ, また音室内の移動が自然でノイズがすくない音声コミュニケーション環境を実現した.

研究テーマ紹介: voiscape



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