AI, ALife 輪講資料
Created: 9/17/94, Modified: 6/21/95.
[金田のホームページ (親ページ)].
- This page is the index for Japanese summaries of English papers for
Tsukuba ALife Seminar and other reading circles.
- A summary of "Towards a Theory of Emergent Functionality" by Luc Steels
from Animals to Animats (Proc. Simulation of Adaptive Behaviors '90),
pp. 451-461.
[Postscript file]
- A summary of the papers on CA (cellular automata), especially on
randomized CA.
[Postscript file]
- A summary of
``Divide to Coordinate: Coevolutionary Problem Solving''
by S. Kauffman, W. G. Macready, and E. Dickinson.
- A summary of
``Emergent Colonization and Graph partitioning''
by Pascale Kuntz and Dominique Snyers
Figures are not included in the above documents.
See the original paper.
Summaries by Inayoshi
- 情報統合研究室輪講 : A summary of "Synergetics as a Tool for the
Conceptualization and Mathematization of Cognition and Behaviour
-- How Far Can We Go?" by H. Haken, Springer Series in Synergetics,
Vol. 45, pp. 2-31.
[Postscript file]
Y. Kanada (Send comments