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2014-08 アーカイブ


Kanada, Y., and Tarui, T., ポスター, Virtualization Symposium 2014, July 2014.
[ English page ]
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Summary: A method for providing functions of VNode infrastructure switches, such as switching or routing, to slices is proposed. The plug-in interfaces and the interfaces for providing layer-3/VLAN switch functions to slices were designed, implemented, and evaluated.

研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化

Kanada, Y., Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 34, pp. 661-667, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2014.07.094
Kanada, Y., Workshop on Software Defined Networks for a New Generation of Applications and Services (SDN-NGAS 2014), August 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2014.07.094
[ English page ]
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[ スライド PDF ファイル ]

Abstract: Although nodes in a network-virtualization infrastructure, which is called a virtualization node, usually contain a switch or a router with sophisticated and high-performance functions such as Ethernet switching, VLAN, and IP routing, most of such infrastructure functions cannot be reused as program components by slices. Accordingly, a method for providing such functions to slices on a virtualization node (VNode) infrastructure, by applying the previously proposed plug-in architecture, is proposed. This architecture defines two types of plug-ins, i.e., control plug-ins and data plug-ins, and interfaces for them. As for the proposed method, the switch or router in the VNode is regarded as a data plug-in, and a control plug-in that allocates and isolates the switch/router resources was developed. The data plug-in interface was customized to handle a data plug-in, i.e., a layer-3 switch in a VNode, and a control plug-in and the interfaces for providing layer-3/VLAN switch functions to slices were designed, implemented, and evaluated. The evaluation result shows that instead of specifying a routing/switching program or method, specifying only an additional 8 to 25 lines in a slice definition enables slice developers to use routing and switching functions.

研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化

Kanada, Y., 22nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCom 2014), September 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/softcom.2014.7039092
[ English page ]
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Abstract: A previously developed plug-in architecture for network-virtualization nodes allows network operators to introduce new types of virtual nodes and links and slice developers to use them in slices (i.e., virtual networks). In this paper, a method for extending network-virtualization infrastructures by introducing plug-ins to nodes in the infrastructure and a freely-designed plug-in-specific packet header, which enable sharing part of packet contents among the same type of plug-ins distributed in the infrastructure, is proposed. The header is inserted into every data packet handled by the nodes, but it is hidden from slices in a “clean virtualization” infrastructure. This method was applied to creation of a new type of virtual links with network-delay measurement function using a hidden timestamp in each packet. The timestamps do not affect slices; that is, conventional programs can be used in the slice for the measurement without modification. The method was evaluated by edge-to-edge delay measurements and the evaluation results show that it is suitable for developing new functions, including functions requiring wire- rate performance, in shared/public networks.

研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化


金田 泰, 情報処理学会 夏のプログラミング・シンポジウム 2014, 2014-8.
[ English page ]
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[ “3 次元タートル・グラフィクス” Python ライブラリと使用例 ]

English version of this paper (IJERA)

skewedPyramid.jpg要旨: 3D プリンタで造形するとき,通常は 3D CAD で設計した静的 (宣言的) なモデルのデータを加工してプリンタにおくる. しかし,普及している FDM 型 3D プリンタが入力するのはプリント・ヘッドの移動とフィラメントの射出を制御する動的な手続きであり,これをより素直にプログラミング言語化ないしライブラリ化すれば,タートル・グラフィクスのような方法で 3D オブジェクトが生成できる. この 「タートル 3D 印刷」 のライブラリを Python によって記述し試用してみた. このライブラリは公開している. 3D プリンタでは宙に印刷できないことがネックになるが,その問題をうまくクリアできれば 3D タートル・グラフィクスでえがいた図形を実物にすることができる.

研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術



(C) 2007 by Yasusi Kanada
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