Kanada, Y., Artificial Life IV, Poster, 1994.
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要旨 (英語のみ):
Cellular automata are used as models of emergent computation and
artificial life. They are usually simulated under synchronous and
deterministic conditions. Thus, they are evolved without existence
of noise, i.e., fluctuation or randomness. However, noise is
unavoidable in real world. The objective of the present paper is to
show the following two effects and several other effects caused by
asynchronism or synchronism and by existence or nonexistence of
randomness in the computation order in one-dimensional asynchronous
cellular automata (1D-ACA) experimentally. One major effect is that
certain properties of two-neighbor 1D-ACA are fully expressed in their
patterns if certain level of randomness exists, though they are only
partially expressed if no randomness exists. The patterns generated
by 1D-ACA may have characteristics, such as mortality of domains of 1's
or splitting domains of 0Us into two. These characteristics, which are
coded in the RchromosomeS of the automata, i.e., the look-up table, are
fully expressed only when the computation order is random. The other
major effect is that phantom phenomena, which almost never occurs in
real world, sometimes occur when there is no noise. The
characteristics of patterns generated by several 1D-ACA are drastically
changed from uniform patterns to patterns with multiple or chaotic
phases when only low level of noise is added.
"非同期セル・オートマトン". Wiki Pedia,
RACA: ランダムな非同期セル・オートマトン
キーワード: ランダム・セルオートマタ, ランダム・セルオートマトン, ランダム・セル・オートマタ, ランダム・セル・オートマトン, ランダム化セルオートマタ, ランダム化セルオートマトン, ランダム化セル・オートマタ, ランダム化セル・オートマトン, 非同期セルオートマタ, 非同期セルオートマトン, 非同期セル・オートマタ, 非同期セル・オートマトン, 創発的計算, 複雑系, ノイズ, エマージェント・コンピュテーション, セルラオートマタ, セルラオートマトン, セルラーオートマタ, セルラーオートマトン, セルラ・オートマタ, セルラ・オートマトン, セルラー・オートマタ, セルラー・オートマトン, ランダマイズド計算, 規則ベース計算