What's New
- 最近の主力は 3D 印刷関係です. 2013 年に開始した研究開発のポジション・ペーパをオープン・アクセスで出版しました. ほかにもいろいろ論文を準備中です. 雑誌 I/O への投稿記事もあります.
- 修士論文 「プログラミング言語学をめざして
」 と 博士論文 「ベクトル記号処理法とその論理型言語プログラムへの適用
」 を Kindle 本として出版しました. 後者に関しては,これまで公開していた PDF 版からぬけおちていた付録もおぎないました.
金田 泰, Nicograph 2024, 2024-11.
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要約: 画像生成 AI は造語のようにあらかじめ学習データに関係づけられていないはずのことばをあたえても画像を生成する.そこで,画家名として機能する著者の個人名や造語のペンネームをあたえて,合計 2〜3 語程度の短いプロンプトによって Stable Diffusion XL に絵画風の画像を描かせた.適切なペンネームによって生成画像が性格づけられ,その画家名に個性があたえられる.Stable Diffusion には負のプロンプトをあたえることができるので,それによってさらに多様な画像を描かせることができる.乱数を変えて多数の多様な画像を生成し,そのなかから AI の「画才」が発揮された興味深い作品を選択できる.とくに興味深い 10 枚ほどを中心として展示し,他の作品も参考出品する.
研究テーマ紹介: AI の画才をひきだして AI アートを描かせる
金田 泰, Nicograph International 2024, 2024-6.
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[ フルペーパー日本語訳 PDF ファイル ]
要約: Stable Diffusion (SD) や DALL·E のような text-to-image generation model によって,プロンプトとよばれるテキストから様々な種類の画像が生成できる.AI アーティストは好みの画像を生成するために長いプロンプトを使用することが多いが,このポスターでは SD と 1〜2 語の短いプロンプトを使用することにより,AI に創発させ,多様な絵画的な画像を生成する方法を提案する.このような試みをしているのは,AI は学習した画像情報から色・形などの表現とその裏にある原画像の作者の意図や動機などをひきだして生成画像に反映させているとかんがえ,AI 使用者が生成画像に遭遇し選びだすのが創造的な過程だとかんがえるからである.
研究テーマ紹介: AI の画才をひきだして AI アートを描かせる
金田 泰, Design シンポジウム 2021, 2021-7.
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要約: 消費者の嗜好は多様化し,商品の種類が増加して 1 種類ごとの生産量は減少している.3D プリンタの出現によって原理的には 1 個ずつことなる製品をつくることも可能になっているが,design にコストがかかるために実現されていない.報告者はジェネラティブ・デザインの手法を使用して 1 個ずつことなる製品を連続生産するシングルトン連続生産のための方法を開発している.開発中の方法では従来の設計ツールを使用するかわりにジェネラティブ・デザインのためのプログラムと Web インタフェースを開発・使用し,設計パラメタを乱数などを使用して自動生成することによって 1 個ずつことなる製品を生産する.現在,この方法によって形や模様を design した LED 電球やランプシェードの製造・販売をこころみている.まだこの方法を部分的に適用しているだけだが,今後この方法とそれを使用した製造をさらに発展させるとともに,それをうまくマーケティングや販売につなげていきたい.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
金田 泰, プラスチックス, 2019 年 3 月号, pp. 45-50.
[ English page ]
[ 論文 PDF ファイル (草稿)]
梗概: 螺旋 (らせん) 3D 印刷法は、フィラメントを 1 回螺旋状に巻くだけで多様な形状がつくれて、その表面に微細なテクスチャや模様がつけられる 3D 印刷法である。螺旋3D印刷によってどういうものがつくれるか、その原理つまりどうやって造形するか、どういうソフトウェアを使用するか、さらに製品以外の展開と今後について解説する。
3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., not yet published.
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梗概: This poster proposes a method for generating fine asperity by helical 3D printing using three types of waves, especially for generating complex Moiré patterns. The printing process can be modulated by three types of sine waves while printing.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
金田 泰, 情報処理, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 17–23, 2017-6.
[ English page ]
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梗概: 現在主流の 3D 設計・印刷法は汎用性があるが万能ではないから,ほかの方法が必要なこともある.表面形状を指定するだけでは不十分なこともあり,主流の方法ではうまく印刷できない形状もある.このような際にはモデル上の各点で方向(印刷方向)を指定できる場指向オブジェクト・モデルや,手続き的なプログラムを使用した設計法,水平方向に限定されない印刷法などが有効である.これらの方法は主流の方法が持つ汎用性はないが,それが適する目的たとえば中空立体の造形においては有効である.この方法の概要や使用するライブラリ draw3dp については別の論文に記述したが,この記事ではその背景,関連動向,応用などを紹介する.
3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 908–916, 2016-11.
[ English page ]
[ Paper PDF file ]
[ Paper PDF file (Japanese version (refereed) -- not published) ]
Abstract: When manufacturing or 3D-printing a product using a computer, a program that procedurally controls manufacturing machines or 3D printers is required. G-code is widely used for this purpose. G-code was developed for controlling subtractive manufacturing (cutting work), and designers have historically written programs in G-code, but, in recently developed environments, the designer describes a declarative model by using computer-aided design (CAD), and the computer converts it to a G-code program. However, because the process of additive manufacturing, of which FDM-type 3D-printing is a prominent example, is more intuitive than subtractive manufacturing, it is some- times advantageous for the designer to describe an abstract procedural program for this purpose. This paper therefore proposes a method for generating G-code by describing a Python program using a library for procedural 3D design and for printing by a 3D printer, and it presents use cases. Although shapes printable by the method are restricted, this method can eliminate layers and layer seams as well as support, which is necessary for conventional methods when an overhang exists, and it enables seamless and aesthetic printing.
Introduction to this research theme: 3D shape formation technologies
Kanada, Y., IPSJ Transactions on Programming, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 1–9, 2016-9.
[ English page ]
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[ 論文 PDF ファイル ドラフト ]
[ 論文 PDF ファイル 日本語版 (査読原稿) -- 未出版) ]
梗概 (E): When manufacturing or 3D-printing a product using a computer, a program that procedurally controls manufacturing machines or 3D printers is required. G-code is widely used for this purpose. G-code was developed for controlling subtractive manufacturing (cutting work), and designers have historically written programs in G-code, but, in recently developed environments, the designer describes a declarative model by using computer-aided design (CAD), and the computer converts it to a G-code program. However, because the process of additive manufacturing, of which FDM-type 3D-printing is a prominent example, is more intuitive than subtractive manufacturing, it is some- times advantageous for the designer to describe an abstract procedural program for this purpose. This paper therefore proposes a method for generating G-code by describing a Python program using a library for procedural 3D design and for printing by a 3D printer, and it presents use cases. Although shapes printable by the method are restricted, this method can eliminate layers and layer seams as well as support, which is necessary for conventional methods when an overhang exists, and it enables seamless and aesthetic printing.
梗概 (J): 機械加工や 3D 印刷をコンピュータを使用しておこなうとき,工作機械や 3D プリンタを手続き的に制御するためのプログラムが必要になる.この目的のためにひろく使用されているのが G コードである.G コードはもともと切削加工の制御のために開発され,当初は設計者がそれによるプログラムを記述 していたが,現在は設計者は CAD によって宣言的なモデルを記述し,それをコンピュータが G コードに変換する.しかし,3D 印刷のような付加加工のプロセスは切削加工より直観的なので,設計者が抽象化された手続き的記述をすることが場合によっては利点があるとかんがえられる.そこでこの論文では手続き 的な 3D 設計用ライブラリを使用した Python プログラムによって G コードのプログラムを生成し 3D プ リンタで印刷する方法とその使用例を示す.この方法では印刷可能な形状は限定されるが,層をなくして層のつぎめもなくし,従来の方法においてはオーバハングがあるときに必要だった支持材料 (サポート) もなくして,シームレスでより美的な印刷を実現した.
3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2016), 2016-7.
[ English page ]
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[ 発表スライド PDF ファイル ]
Recently, performance of deep neural networks, especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), has been drastically increased by elaborate network architectures, by new learning methods, and by GPU-based high-performance compu- tation. However, there are still several difficult problems concerning back propagation, which include scheduling of learning rate and controlling locality of search (i.e., avoidance of bad local minima). A learning method, called “learning-rate- optimizing genetic back-propagation” (LOG-BP), which com- bines back propagation with a genetic algorithm by a new manner, is proposed. This method solves the above-mentioned two problems by optimizing the learning process, especially learning rate, by genetic mutations and by locality-controlled parallel search. Initial experimental results shows that LOG-BP performs better; that is, when required, learning rate decreases exponentially and the distances between chromosomes, which indicate the locality of a search, also decrease exponentially.
Kanada, Y., Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2016.
[ English page ]
[ Paper PDF file ]
[ Manuscript PDF file ]
A methodology for designing and printing 3D objects with specified printing-direction using fused deposition modelling (FDM), which was proposed by a previous paper, enables the expression of natural directions, such as hairs, fabric, or other directed textures, in modelled objects. This paper aims to enhance this methodology for creating various shapes of generative visual objects with several specialized attributes.
The proposed enhancement consists of two new methods and a new technique. The first is a method for “deformation.” It enables deforming simple 3D models to create varieties of shapes much more easily in generative design processes. The second is the spiral/helical printing method. The print direction (filament direction) of each part of a printed object is made consistent by this method, and it also enables seamless printing results and enables low-angle overhang. The third, i.e., the light-reflection control technique, controls the properties of filament while printing with transparent PLA. It enables the printed objects to reflect light brilliantly.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
金田 泰, 情報処理学会 プログラミング研究会 2015 年度 第 5 回, 2016-2.
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要約: 機械加工や 3D 印刷をコンピュータを使用しておこなうとき, 工作機械や 3D プリンタを手続き的 に制御するためのプログラムが必要になる. この目的のためにひろく使用されているのが G コードである. G コードはもともと切削加工の制御のために開発され,当初は設計者がそれによるプログラムを記述 していたが, 現在は設計者は CAD によって宣言的なモデルを記述し, それをコンピュータが G コードに 変換する. しかし, 3D 印刷のような付加加工のプロセスは切削加工より直観的なので, 設計者が抽象化された手続き的記述をすることが場合によっては利点があるとかんがえられる. そこでこの論文では手続き 的な 3D 設計用ライブラリを使用した抽象化された Python プログラムによって G コードのプログラムを 生成し 3D プリンタで印刷する方法とその使用例を示す. この方法では印刷可能な形状は限定されるが, 層をなくして層のつぎめもなくし, 従来の方法においてはオーバハングがあるときに必要だった支持材料 (サポート) もなくして, シームレスでより美的な印刷を実現した.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., in Y. Suzuki and M. Hagiya, ed., Recent Advances in Natural Computing, 2016.
[ English page ]
[ Springer.com のページ ]
[ Amazon.co.jp のページ ]
3D printers are usually used for printing objects designed by 3D CAD
exactly, i.e., deterministically.However, 3Dprinting process contains stochastic selforganization
process that generate emergent patterns. A method for generating fully
self-organized patterns using a fused depositionmodeling (FDM) 3D printer has been
developed. Melted plastic filament is extruded constantly in this method; however, by
using thismethod, various patterns, such as stripes, splitting and/or merging patterns,
and meshes can be generated. A cellular-automata-based computational model that
can simulate such patterns have also been developed.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., XIIIV Generative Art Conference (GA 2015), 2015-12.
[ English page ]
[ Paper PDF file ]
[ Slides PDF file ]
Abstract: 3D models are usually designed by 3D modelling tools, which are not suited for generative art. This presentation proposes two methods for designing and printing generative 3D objects. First, by using a turtle-graphics-based method, the designer decides self-motion (self-centered motion) of a turtle and print a trajectory of the turtle as a 3D object (Fig. A). The trajectory is printed using a fused-deposition-modelling (FDM) 3D printer, which is the most popular type of 3D printer. Second, by using the assembly-and-deformation method, the designer assembles parts in a palette, each of which represents stacked filaments, applies deformations to the assembled model, and prints the resulting object by an FDM 3D printer. The designer can also map textures, characters, or pictures on the surface of the object. Various shapes can be generated by using the assembly-and-deformation method. If the initial model is a thin helix with a very low cylinder (i.e., an empty cylinder with a bottom), shapes like cups, dishes, or pods with attractive brilliance can be generated, and a globe and other shapes can be generated from a helix (Fig. B).
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., 8th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM 21), 2015-10.
[ English page ]
[ Paper PDF file ]
Abstract: Instead of printing layer by layer, thin 3D objects can be printed in better quality (without seams between layers) by printing helically or spirally by fused deposition modeling (FDM). When printing helically or spirally, the amount of extruded filament can be modulated using a bitmap; that is, “zero” in bitmap means “thin” and “one” means “thick” (or vice versa). This process generates a thin object, such as a sphere, pod, or dish, with a bitmapped picture or characters. A typical example is a globe, which is printed using a bitmapped world map.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
金田 泰, 日本機械学会 2015 年度年次大会, S044 次世代 3D プリンティング, 2015-9.
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[ 論文 PDF ファイル ]
要約: FDM などの 3D 印刷においては印刷の方向が印刷物の見ばえや性質をきめるが,従来の方法では設計時に方向を指定することがで きない.この発表では方向指定つき 3D 印刷・設計法とその利点をのべる.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
金田 泰, 日本機械学会 2015 年度年次大会, G120 設計工学・システム部門一般セッション, 2015-9.
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要約: コンピュータ・プログラミングと同様に工業製品の設計でも宣言的方法と手続き的方法があってしかるべきだが,他の工業分野と同様に 3D 印刷においても設計はほとんど宣言的な CAD によっ ている.この発表ではジェネラティブな (手続き的な) 方法による 設計法について報告する.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., International Journal of Computer, Control, Quantum and Information Engineering, WASET, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 568-574, 2015.
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[ 論文 PDF ファイル (このサイト) ]
要旨: When printing a plate (or dish) by an FDM 3D printer, the process normally requires support material, which causes several problems. This paper proposes a method for forming thin plates without using wasteful support material. This method requires several extraordinary parameter values when slicing plates. The experiments show that the plates can, for the most part, be successfully formed using a conventional slicer and a 3D printer; however, seams between layers spoil them and the quality of printed objects strongly depends on the slicer.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., International SFF Symposium 2015, 2015-8.
[ English page ]
[ Preliminary paper PDF file ]
[ Slide PDF file ]
Abstract: Material is stacked vertically and layer-by-layer in conventional additive manufacturing (AM) methods. An object with overhang or skewed stacking structure, such as a plain dish or an empty sphere, is difficult to be created by these methods without support material. This paper proposes a layer-less fused-deposition-modeling (FDM) method that enables mostly horizontal stacking of filament without support material. Such filament-stacking is enabled by increasing the height of the print head gradually, i.e., without layer transitions that make horizontal stacking difficult. The proposed method also allows controlling printing directions and various printing-direction-dependent expressions, such as fiber-like textures or brilliance, which make AM products attractive as final products for consumers or as some kinds of industrial products. Objects to be printed can be modeled as directed solid models designed by a component-based method (i.e., a new CAD based method) or a generative method, which are completely different from conventional CAD based methods.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
金田 泰, I/O 2015-8.
[ English page ]
[ 拡張版日本語 PDF ファイル: 基礎編,応用編 ]
要旨: 「3D プリンタ」では通常は人工的にデザインしたものを印刷しますが,意図せずに出来るパターンもあります.こういう「自然のデザイン」を,積極的に楽しんでみましょう.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., International Journal of Computer, Control, Quantum and Information Engineering, WASET, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 689-693, 2015.
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[ 論文 PDF ファイル (このサイト) ]
要旨: Objects are usually horizontally sliced when printed by 3D printers. Therefore, if an object to be printed, such as a collection of fibers, originally has natural direction in shape, the printed direction contradicts with the natural direction. By using proper tools, such as field-oriented 3D paint software, field-oriented solid modelers, field-based tool-path generation software, and non-horizontal FDM 3D printers, the natural direction can be modeled and objects can be printed in a direction that is consistent with the natural direction. This consistence results in embodiment of momentum or force in expressions of the printed object. To achieve this goal, several design and manufacturing problems, but not all, have been solved. An application of this method is (Japanese) 3D calligraphy.
これは 2013 年に開始した 3D 印刷に関する研究開発のポジション・ペーパであり,つぎのポスターのオンライン・ジャーナル版です: SFF 2013 のポスター
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Tarui, T., Kanada, Y., Hayashi, M., Nakao, A., IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on
Integrated Network Management (IM 2015), 2015-5.
[ English page ]
[ 論文 (IEEE) ]
[ 論文 (コピー) ]
要約: An architecture called the slice-exchange-point (SEP) has been designed for federating heterogeneous net-work-virtualization platforms by creating and managing slices (virtual networks). SEP enables whole inter-domain resources to be managed by the network manager of any single domain. Slice-operation commands are propagated to other domains through SEP by using a common API. SEP introduces the following four features: infrastructure neutrality, single interface federation, abstract and clean federation, and extensibility of capabilities. SEP's functions to achieve these features are discussed. SEP was partially implemented on two VNode domains and one ProtoGENI domain and was verified to function effectively.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 5, No 4, Part-5, April 2015, pp.70-77.
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[ 論文 PDF ファイル (IJERA) ]
[ 論文 PDF ファイル (local) ]
要旨: When creating shapes by using a 3D printer, usually, a static (declarative) model designed by using a 3D CAD system is translated to a CAM program and it is sent to the printer. However, widely-used FDM-type 3D printers input a dynamical (procedural) program that describes control of motions of the print head and extrusion of the filament. If the program is expressed by using a programming language or a library in a straight manner, solids can be created by a method similar to turtle graphics. An open-source library that enables “turtle 3D printing” method was described by Python and tested. Although this method currently has a problem that it cannot print in the air; however, if this problem is solved by an appropriate method, shapes drawn by 3D turtle graphics freely can be embodied by this method.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
金田 泰, I/O 2015-4.
[ English page ]
[ 日本語 PDF ファイルなし ]
要旨: 3D プリンタを使ってひらたい皿をつくるとき,普通は「サポート」という,印刷がおわると捨ててしまう材料をいっしょに印刷して,それで皿をささえる必要があります.でも,そんなもったいないものをつかわずに,うすい皿を造形してみましょう.ちょっとした工夫が必要ですが,そんなに難しいことではありません.
この記事は改訂して英語の論文にした: 3D-Printing Plates without “Support”
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., 第 13 回ネットワーク仮想化研究会, 2015-3.
[ English page ]
[ ポスター写真 ]
要約: In IP/Ethernet-based networks, redundant addresses, both IP and MAC addresses, are used. Problems caused by this redundancy can be solved by replacing IP/Ethernet by IP/null (IPON) protocol. It was implemented using VNodes.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., Communications and Network, Vol. 7, pp. 55-69, http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/cn.2015.71006
[ English page ]
[ 論文 PDF ファイル ]
Abstract – Network processors (NPs) are widely used for programmable and high-performance networks; however, the programs for NPs are less portable, the number of NP program developers is small, and the development cost is high. To solve these problems, this paper proposes an open, high-level, and portable programming language called “Phonepl”, which is independent from vendor-specific proprietary hardware and software but can be translated into an NP program with high perfor- mance especially in the memory use. A common NP hardware feature is that a whole packet is stored in DRAM, but the header is cached in SRAM. Phonepl has a hardware-independent abstrac- tion of this feature so that it allows programmers mostly unconscious of this hardware feature. To implement the abstraction, four representations of packet data type that cover all the packet op- erations (including substring, concatenation, input, and output) are introduced. Phonepl have been implemented on Octeon NPs used in plug-ins for a network-virtualization environment called the VNode Infrastructure, and several packet-handling programs were evaluated. As for the eval- uation result, the conversion throughput is close to the wire rate, i.e., 10 Gbps, and no packet loss (by cache miss) occurs when the packet size is 256 bytes or larger.
Kanada, Y., 29th edition of the International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2015), January 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICOIN.2015.7057953.
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[ ポスター PDF ファイル ]
[ シミュレータのプログラム ]
Abstract – Many commercial and open-source network simulators are available; however, most of them are not suited for novices in college and school education or learning. Moreover, although Ethernet has recently become much more important, simulators that can be used for this purpose is rare because most simulators suited for education and learning are designed for IP communication. The author developed a simple CLI-based Ethernet simulator that can display contents of Ethernet packets to send or to receive in terminals and contents of MAC address tables in switches in “real time”, and used the simulator in a university class for learning computer networks. The simulator, which is in public domain, is written in Python and, thus, runs on Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and other operating systems. The use of this simulator was evaluated based on a report assignment. The evaluation result shows that the average score of the reports written by using the simulator was much better, although it is not statistically significant because the number of students is small. The simulator seems to be effective to learn behaviors of Ethernet-based networks.
Kanada, Y. and Tarui, T., 29th edition of the International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2015), January 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICOIN.2015.7057895.
[ English page ]
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(この論文は 最優秀論文賞 を受賞しました).
Abstract – Our previous work enabled “federation-less federation”, which means a federation of multiple network-virtualization platforms that do not support federation functions, and applied this method to a homogeneous federation of platforms called the “VNode” infrastructures. In this study, this method was applied to a heterogeneous federation of the ProtoGENI and the “VNode”. We intended to federate these platforms through a single management interface. However, the federation architecture of GENI, which is called the slice-based federation architec- ture (SFA), cannot be used for single-interface federation but we could not modify the ProtoGENI platform to enable it. Therefore, a method for applying federation-less-federation to ProtoGENI was developed. It enabled federation of these platforms by adding several nodes but without modifying preexisting platforms. This method was applied to federation of the ProtoGENI platform at the University of Utah and two VNode infrastructures in Japan, the slice creation and deletion time was measured and evaluated to be acceptable. Although this federation-less-federation imple- mentation still has several minor problems, it was proved to be useful for experiments and demonstrations.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 311-316, November 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10015-014-0182-9
[ English page ]
[ Springer's page (preprint) ]
[ 論文 (原稿) ]
[ 原版 (ISAROB 2014) ]
[ 印刷のようす (YouTube) ]
要旨: 3D printing technology usually aims at reproducing objects deterministically designed by 3D CAD tools; however, the author has discovered that 3D printing can also generate self-organizing patterns similar to stochastic (or randomized) 1D cellular automata (CA). A method for generating patterns similar to randomized 1D or 2D CA by using a fused deposition modeling 3D printer is thus proposed. With constant head motion and constant filament extrusion and without explicit randomness, this method generates very fine emergent patterns with natural fluctuation. By means of this method, each time a different pattern is generated. In addition, a computational CA model that simulates the above process is also proposed. The proposed method will open a new horizon of 3D printing applications.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., 4th International Conference on Additive Manufacturing and Bio-Manufacturing
(ICAM-BM 2014, Beijing), 2014-11.
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[ スライド (Keynote (Macintosh) 用ファイル.ビデオつき) ]
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[ "Generative art" の店 (国内だけ) ]
Abstract: Direction-specified 3D modeling and FDM-based printing methods enable expression of natural directions, such as hairs, fabric, or other directed textures, in modeled objects. This paper describes a method for creating various shapes of generative artistic objects with several specialized attributes by applying three new techniques to the direction-specified methods for better artistic expressions. The most important technique is “deformation”, which enables deforming simple 3D models to create varieties of shapes much more easily in generative design processes. The second technique is called the spiral/helical printing method, which enables consistent print-direction vector field, i.e., filament directions, of the surface consistent with those of the interior portion and enables seamless or less-seam printing results. The third technique controls light reflection while printing by using the spiral/helical printing method with transparent PLA. It enables the printed objects reflect light brilliantly. The proposed method with these three techniques was implemented as a Python library and evaluated by printing various shapes, and it is confirmed that this method works well and objects with attractive attributes can be created.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
金田 泰, 情報処理学会 夏のプログラミング・シンポジウム 2014, 2014-8.
[ English page ]
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[ スライド (英語 Keynote 版, 動画つき, Macintosh 用) ]
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[ 印刷のようす (YouTube) ]
[ “3 次元タートル・グラフィクス” Python ライブラリと使用例 ]
English version of this paper (IJERA)
要旨: 3D プリンタで造形するとき,通常は 3D CAD で設計した静的 (宣言的) なモデルのデータを加工してプリンタにおくる. しかし,普及している FDM 型 3D プリンタが入力するのはプリント・ヘッドの移動とフィラメントの射出を制御する動的な手続きであり,これをより素直にプログラミング言語化ないしライブラリ化すれば,タートル・グラフィクスのような方法で 3D オブジェクトが生成できる. この 「タートル 3D 印刷」 のライブラリを Python によって記述し試用してみた. このライブラリは公開している. 3D プリンタでは宙に印刷できないことがネックになるが,その問題をうまくクリアできれば 3D タートル・グラフィクスでえがいた図形を実物にすることができる.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., 22nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCom 2014), September 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/softcom.2014.7039092
[ English page ]
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[ スライド PDF ファイル ]
Abstract: A previously developed plug-in architecture for network-virtualization nodes allows network operators to introduce new types of virtual nodes and links and slice developers to use them in slices (i.e., virtual networks). In this paper, a method for extending network-virtualization infrastructures by introducing plug-ins to nodes in the infrastructure and a freely-designed plug-in-specific packet header, which enable sharing part of packet contents among the same type of plug-ins distributed in the infrastructure, is proposed. The header is inserted into every data packet handled by the nodes, but it is hidden from slices in a “clean virtualization” infrastructure. This method was applied to creation of a new type of virtual links with network-delay measurement function using a hidden timestamp in each packet. The timestamps do not affect slices; that is, conventional programs can be used in the slice for the measurement without modification. The method was evaluated by edge-to-edge delay measurements and the evaluation results show that it is suitable for developing new functions, including functions requiring wire- rate performance, in shared/public networks.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 34, pp. 661-667, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2014.07.094
Kanada, Y., Workshop on Software Defined Networks for a New Generation of Applications and Services (SDN-NGAS 2014), August 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2014.07.094
[ English page ]
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Abstract: Although nodes in a network-virtualization infrastructure, which is called a virtualization node, usually contain a switch or a router with sophisticated and high-performance functions such as Ethernet switching, VLAN, and IP routing, most of such infrastructure functions cannot be reused as program components by slices. Accordingly, a method for providing such functions to slices on a virtualization node (VNode) infrastructure, by applying the previously proposed plug-in architecture, is proposed. This architecture defines two types of plug-ins, i.e., control plug-ins and data plug-ins, and interfaces for them. As for the proposed method, the switch or router in the VNode is regarded as a data plug-in, and a control plug-in that allocates and isolates the switch/router resources was developed. The data plug-in interface was customized to handle a data plug-in, i.e., a layer-3 switch in a VNode, and a control plug-in and the interfaces for providing layer-3/VLAN switch functions to slices were designed, implemented, and evaluated. The evaluation result shows that instead of specifying a routing/switching program or method, specifying only an additional 8 to 25 lines in a slice definition enables slice developers to use routing and switching functions.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., and Tarui, T., ポスター, Virtualization Symposium 2014, July 2014.
[ English page ]
[ ポスター PDF ファイル ]
Summary: A method for providing functions of VNode infrastructure switches, such as switching or routing, to slices is proposed. The plug-in interfaces and the interfaces for providing layer-3/VLAN switch functions to slices were designed, implemented, and evaluated.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., 2014 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA 2014), 2014-7.
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[ スライド (Keynote (Macintosh) 用ファイル.ビデオつき) ]
[ 印刷のようす 1 (YouTube) ]
[ 印刷のようす 2 (YouTube) ]
要旨: Although 3D objects to be printed may have “natural direction” or intended direction for printing, most 3D printing methods slice and print them horizontally. This causes staircase effect on the surface and prevents expression of the natural or intended direction; that is, the natural direction and the printing direction contradict. This paper proposes a methodology for direction-specified 3D printing and methods for designing, partitioning, and printing 3D objects with specified printing direction using a fused deposition modeling (FDM) printer. By using these methods, printed objects do not only have unnatural steps but also enables to express the direction explicitly. By developing and evaluating a set of methods based on this methodology, chained rings of an Olympic symbol are designed, partitioned, and printed by a delta-type 3D printer, which is cheaper but can move quick vertically. The rings were well designed and printed rings look well. Although there are still several unsolved problems including difficulty in deciding part partition points and weakness in the partition points, this methodology will probably enable new applications of 3D printing, such as 3D calligraphy.
3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., 20th International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems (Automata 2014), July 2014.
[ English page ]
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[ 論文 PDF ファイル (拡張版, IWNC8 用原稿) ]
[ スライド (減量版) ]
[ スライド (動画つき, Keynote) ]
Abstract: 3D printers are usually used for printing objects designed
by 3D CAD exactly, i.e., deterministically. However, 3D printing process
contains stochastic self-organization process that generate emergent
patterns. A method for generating fully self-organized patterns using a
fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printer has been developed. Melted
plastic filament is extruded constantly in this method; however, by using
this method, various patterns, such as stripes, splitting and/or merging
patterns, and meshes can be generated. A cellular-automata-based
computational model that can simulate such patterns have also been
3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., BIT’s 1st Annual International Congress of 3D Printing, Dalian, China, June 27-29, 2014.
[ English page ]
[ 動画なしのスライド (PDF), (旧版) ]
[ 動画つきのスライド (Keynote 用, 65 MB) (旧版) ]
[ 印刷のようす 1 (YouTube) ]
[ 印刷のようす 2 (YouTube) ]
要旨 – Conventional 3D design methods design only the surface of 3D objects and conventional 3D printing methods only slice and print 3D objects horizontally. We in Dasyn.com develop new 3D design methods that enable designing real 3D objects including the internal structures and textures, and develop new 3D printing methods that enable printing patterns with non horizontal directions. The “real 3D design method” makes transparent objects and objects with holes much more realistic, and the non-horizontal 3D printing method enables naturally-directed objects such as 3D calligraphies. We also develops a naturally randomized or fluctuated 3D printing method. We seek partners who will develop applications of these methods.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Yasusi Kanada, ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness (MSPC 2014), poster, June 2014.
[ English page ]
[ ポスター写真 ]
[ ポスター原稿 ]
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., 2nd International Workshop on Network Management and Monitoring (NetMM 2014), May 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/waina.2014.112
[ English page ]
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Abstract – A network processor (NP) usually contains multiple packet processing cores (PPCs) and a control processing core (CPC), and the synchronization and communication between CPC and PPCs, which is required for controlling an NP, is very complex. To reduce the complexity, a method for controlling packet processing in NPs by using PPCs is proposed. By means of this method, complex control messages are partially processed and divided into simplified control packets by a CPU outside the NP chip, and these packets are sent to a control-processing PPC. The control-processing PPC controls data-processing PPCs by using data-exchange mechanisms, such as a shared memory or an on-chip network, which are more uniform and simpler than those between a CPC and PPCs. This control method is applied to a virtual-link controlprocessing task and packet-processing tasks in a network node with a virtualization function. Both tasks are described by a hardware-independent high-level language called “Phonpl,” and communication between the PPCs is programmed following normal and uniform shared-memory semantics. As a result, programming the control-processing task and porting the program become much easier.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., 1st IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on SDN Management and Orchestration (SDNMO 2014), May 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/noms.2014.6838417
[ English page ]
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[ スライド ]
Abstract – Network virtualization introduces two concepts: slice (i.e., virtual network), which consists of virtual nodes and links, and slice developer, which is the third role in networks. Slice developers can introduce new network services by using slices. A method for introducing new types of virtual nodes and links for new services into the slicedefinition language and the virtualization infrastructure by evolving physical nodes (i.e., “virtualization nodes” or VNodes) is proposed. This evolution consists of two stages: the experimental stage and the operational stage. In the experimental stage, data and control plug-ins are developed and tested by the operator or vendor by using experimental sliver definitions. In the operational stage, which is focused on in this study, the plug-ins are integrated into original components in the infrastructure and are available for slice development by using normal sliver definitions. By mapping type names to plug-in identifiers and parameters, the proposed method enables abstract and simple definitions of slices by slice developers and authorization of plug-ins by the operator, but it remains the loose integration of the new function, i.e., the plug-in architecture used in the experimental stage. Prototyping and evaluation demonstrates that this method greatly simplifies both slice developers’ tasks and operators’ tasks.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., 8th International Workshop on Natural Computing (IWNC8), 2014-3.
[ English page ]
[ 本 ]
[ スライド ]
[ 印刷のようす (YouTube) ]
Abstract: Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is a 3D-printing method that shapes 3D objects by layering melted plastic filament. The process of this type of 3D printing can be regarded as asynchronous cellular-automata because it generates 1D on-off pattern per a head motion. Especially, by a constant head-motion at reduced constant extrusion-velocity, a 3D printer can generate self-organized grids or similar structures, which is much finer than artificial (i.e., program-controlled) patterns. Depending on the parameter values, i.e., layer depth, extrusion velocity, and so on, the generated pattern varies among regular stripes, stripes with crossing waves, and splitting and merging patterns. Some of the patterns can be simulated by a computational model, i.e., asynchronous cellular automata.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., 19th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 2014), 2014-1.
[ English page ]
[ 論文 (発表後改訂) ]
[ スライド ]
[ 印刷のようす (YouTube) ]
要旨: 3D printing technology usually aims reproducing objects deterministically designed by 3D CAD tools. However, 3D printing can generate patterns similar to randomized (non-deterministic) 1D or 2D cellular automata (CA). Cheap fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printers can be used for this purpose. By using an FDM 3D printer, melted plastic filament is extruded by a hot nozzle to shape a 3D object. They can generate CA-like patterns with constant head motion and constant filament extrusion and with unintended fluctuation but no explicit randomness. Because of fluctuation, every time the printer generates a different emergent pattern. This paper proposes a method for printing seaweed-like patterns of 1D and 2D CA using FDM, and computational CA models. This method will open a new horizon of 3D printing applications.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
Kanada, Y., 2013 Workshop on
Software Defined Networks for Future Networks and Services (SDN4FNS 2013), 2013-11, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/sdn4fns.2013.6702531
[ English page ]
[ 論文 PDF file ]
[ スライド ]
要約: Virtualization nodes, i.e., physical nodes with network virtualization functions, contain computational and networking components. Virtualization nodes called “VNodes” enabled mutually independent evolution of computational component called programmer and networking component called redirector. However, no methodology for this evolution has been available. Accordingly, a method for evolving programmer and redirector and developing new types of virtualized networking and/or computational functions in two steps is proposed. The first step is to develop a new function without updating the original VNode, which continues services to existing slices, using a proposed plug-in architecture. This architecture defines predefined interfaces called open VNode plug-in interfaces (OVPIs), which connect a data and a control plug-ins to a VNode. The second step is to merge the completed plug-ins into the original programmer or redirector. A prototype implementation of the above plug-in architecture was developed, tested, and evaluated. The prototype extends the redirector by adding new types of virtual links and new types of network accommodation. Estimated throughputs of a VLAN-based network accommodation and a VLAN-based virtual link using network processors are close to a wire rate of 10 Gbps.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Dasyn.com, Maker Faire Tokyo 2013, 2013/11/3-4.
[ 主フライヤー ]
[ 自然な方向によるオリンピック・マーク ]
[ ゆらぎ印刷 ]
[ ペンローズの 3 角形 ]
[ 中空ピラミッド ]
[ 中空多面体 ]
[ ポスター ]
Maker Faire Tokyo 2013 に Dasyn.com の名のもとに実演した 2 つの 3D 印刷について書いたフライヤーと,「自然な方向の印刷」,「ゆらぎ印刷」 など,個々のテーマに関するかんたんな説明を収録した.
Kanada, Y., and Tarui, T., Network Virtualization Symposium 2013, September 2013.
[ English page ]
[ ポスター PDF ファイル ]
要約: VNode enabled mutually independent evolution of programmers and redirectors. In this presentation, a method for evolving VNodes and developing new species of virtual links by using both control and data plug-ins and a publicly available testbed is proposed.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., International SFF Symposium 2013, 2013-8.
[ English page ]
[ ポスターの内容 + 説明 (英語) ]
[ 改訂したポスターの PDF ファイル ]
[ ポスターの写真 ]
Abstract: Usually, objects are horizontally sliced when printed by 3D printers. Therefore, if an object to be printed, such as a collection of fibers, originally have natural direction in shape, the printed direction contradicts with the natural direction. By using proper tools, such as field-oriented 3D paint software, field-oriented solid modelers, field-based slicing algorithms, and non-horizontal FDM 3D printers, the natural direction can be modeled and objects can be printed in a direction that is consistent with the natural direction. This consistence results in embodiment of momentum or force in expressions of the printed object. To achieve this goal, several manufacturing problems, but not all, have been solved. An application of this method is (Japanese) 3D calligraphy.
このポスターをもとにしたオンライン・ジャーナル版の論文 があります.
研究テーマ紹介: 3D 造形技術
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 第 7 回 ネットワーク仮想化時限研究会, 2013-7.
[ English page ]
[ Paper PDF file ]
[ Slides ]
Abstract: ネットワーク・プロセッサは高性能でプログラマブルなネットワークのためにひろく使用されている. しかし,ネットワーク・プロセッサのプログラムは移植性と開発者数がかぎられ,開発コストが高い. この問題を解決するためにオープンで高級かつ移植性のあるプログラミング言語 CSP とそのための開発環境 +Net を開発した. この環境においては,パケットの高速処理に必要な SRAM と DRAM のつかいわけをプログラマにできるだけ意識させずに高 いスループットがえられるようにした. ネットワーク・プロセッサ Cavium Octeon のためのプロトタイプを実装し,ネット ワーク仮想化基盤の一部を使用して評価した結果,かんたんなプログラムでワイヤレートにちかい 7.5 Gbps 以上の 性能をえた.
研究テーマ紹介: Network virtualization
Kanada, Y., Tarui, T., and Shiraishi, K., IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on
Integrated Network Management (IM 2013), 2013-5.
[ English page ]
[ 論文 PDF file ]
[ スライド ]
要約: A method for federating multiple network-virtualization platforms by creating and managing slices (virtual networks) is proposed. A cross-domain slice can be created, deleted, or modified by sending a slice specification to the domain controller (network manager) of one domain. The specification is then propagated to other domains. Two challenges were addressed while this method was developed. The first challenge is to enable federation among multiple domains that do not support federation functions by only adding a few components without modification of the existing network-virtualization-platform architecture. A domain-dependent specification of a slice, containing a pseudo virtual node that encloses a part of the slice specification in the other domains, is used, and this part is handled by a proxy node that represents another domain and a control component that implements a federation API to create a cross-domain slice. The second challenge is to enable manageable non-IP (arbitrary-format) data communication on a cross-domain slice. For an inter-domain communication, underlay VLAN parameters including MAC addresses are negotiated in advance and data packets on a slice are tunneled between gateways in these domains. The proposed federation method was implemented on two network-virtualization platforms, federation between two homogeneous domains was successfully demonstrated, federation performance was measured, and several issues on functional restrictions and implementation difficulty were found.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., Shiraishi, K., and Nakao, A., IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol. E96-B, No. 1, pp. 20-30, 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1587/transcom.e96.b.20
[ English page ]
[ 論文 PDF file ]
要約: One key requirement for achieving network virtualization is resource isolation among slices (virtual networks), that is, to avoid interferences between slices of resources. This paper proposes two methods, per-slice shaping and per-link policing for network-resource isolation (NRI) in terms of bandwidth and delay. These methods use traffic shaping and traffic policing, which are widely-used traffic control methods for guaranteeing QoS. Per-slice shaping utilizes weighted fair queuing (WFQ) usually applied to a fine-grained flow such as a flow from a specific server application to a user. Since the WFQ for fine-grained flows requires many queues, it may not scale to a large number of slices with a large number of virtual nodes. Considering that the purpose of NRI is not thoroughly guaranteeing QoS but avoiding interferences between slices, we believe per-slice (not per virtual link) shaping satisfies our objective. In contrast, per-link policing uses traffic policing per virtual link. It requires less resource and achieves less-strict but more-scalable isolation between hundreds of slices (500 to 700 slices in estimation). Our results show that both methods perform NRI well but the performance of the former is better in terms of delay. Accordingly, per-slice shaping (with/without policing) is effective for delay-sensitive services while per-link policing may be sufficiently used for the other types of services.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., Shiraishi, K., and Nakao, A., 13th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS 2012), 2012-11-23, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/iccs.2012.6406171
[ English page ]
[ 論文 PDF file ]
[ スライド PDF file ]
要約: “Virtualization nodes” (VNodes) for programmable network-virtualization platforms are being developed. Criteria for “clean” network-virtualization are devised and applied to this platform and slices (virtual networks). These criteria meet one of the challenges targeted by the Virtualization Node Project, that is, to enable mutually independent development and evolution of components (namely, computational components called programmers and networking components called redirectors) in VNodes. To meet this challenge, the redirector plays the central role in implementing the following two functions of VNodes. The first function is creation of mapping between virtual links to external physical paths and mapping between virtual links to internal physical paths, which makes it possible to hide various alternative computational components in the VNode from the external network and to hide these external-network representations from the internal components. The second function is implementation of high-performance data conversion, which connects the external and internal data formats or mappings, by using an add-on card with a network processor. Two results are obtained from the performance evaluation of these functions. First, the overhead caused by mapping creation can be hidden by other tasks under normal conditions, but the overhead caused by mapping deletion must be reduced. Second, the data-conversion rate is half the wire rate, which should be increased in future work.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., Shiraishi, K., and Nakao, N., IARIA Infocomp 2012, 2012-10-24.
[ English page ]
[ 論文 PDF file ]
[ ThinkMind 論文ページ ]
[ スライド PDF file ]
要約: The architecture for programmable networkvirtualization platforms, i.e., the VNode architecture, has been developed in a project called the Virtualization Node Project. This paper introduces a type of physical node called Network ACcommodation Equipment (NACE) to the VNode architecture. NACE has dual roles in this architecture. The first role is as a network-slice gateway between an external network (Ethernet/VLAN) and a slice (virtual network). NACE can accommodate a data center or another testbed in a slice with high-performance (up to 10 Gbps) data-format conversion. The second role is as a special type of virtualization node that implements intra-slice virtual switch by using Ethernet hardware, which can replace software-based switching using a VM or a network processor. These roles are modeled as a node sliver (virtual node) with a gateway function and a node sliver with a switching function (i.e., a switch node-sliver), and these node slivers are specified by using XML. These functions were evaluated by using two testbeds, and the evaluation results confirm that both functions work correctly and perform well in terms of delay and packet loss.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
金田 泰,白石 圭,中尾 彰宏,電子情報通信学会 ネットワーク仮想化時限研究会, 2012-10-11.
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要約: 複数の仮想化ノード(VNode) によって構成されるネットワーク仮想化基盤においては,多数のスライス (仮想ネットワーク) を同時に,他のスライスから隔離された状態で動作させることができる. スライスがふくむ仮想ノード (ノードスリバー) どうしは仮想リンク (リンクスリバー) によって自由に最高 10 Gbps で接続でき,そのなかでは Ethernet や IP にしばられない任意のプロトコルが使用できる. VNode においては,GRE トンネルを使用して仮想リンクを IP ネットワーク上に実装している. また,ネットワーク収容装置 (NACE, NC) を使用してパケット・データ・フォーマットを外部ネットワーク用に変換することにより, スライスを外部の VLAN ネットワークに最高 10 Gbps で接続できる. この論文では,スライス開発者からこれらの接続がどのように参照・定義され, またそれがどのように変換され物理的な通信が実現されるかをを記述する.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., Shiraishi, K., and Nakao, A., 17th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC 2012), 2012-7-4, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/iscc.2012.6249393
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要約: One key requirement for achieving network virtualization is resource isolation among slices (virtual networks), that is, to avoid interferences between slices of resources. This paper proposes two methods, per-slice shaping and per-link policing for network-resource isolation (NRI) in terms of bandwidth and delay. These methods use traffic shaping and traffic policing, which are widely-used traffic control methods for guaranteeing QoS. Per-slice shaping utilizes weighted fair queuing (WFQ) usually applied to a finegrained flow such as a flow from a specific server application to a user. Since the WFQ for fine-grained flows requires many queues, it may not scale to a large number of slices with a large number of virtual nodes. Considering that the purpose of NRI is not thoroughly guaranteeing QoS but avoiding interferences between slices, we believe per-slice shaping suffices our objective. In contrast, per-link policing uses traffic policing per virtual link. It requires less resource and achieves less strict isolation between hundreds of slices. Our results show that both methods perform NRI well but the performance of the former is better in terms of delay. Accordingly, per-slice shaping is effective for delay-sensitive services while per-link policing may be sufficiently used for the other types of services.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y. and Nakao, A., World Telecommunication Congress 2012 (WTC 2012), 2012-3-5.
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要約: We have developed an experimental non-IP/non-Ethernet protocol called IPEC (IP Ether Chimera). IPEC switches learn IPEC addresses that are structured hierarchically, similar to IP addresses, using an algorithm that extends the learning algorithm of Ethernet switches. IPEC is a simple non-IP network-layer protocol that has features of both Ethernet and IP. Unlike IP, IPEC introduces an address group to manage multiple terminals as a group to make learning of mobile terminals more scalable and more efficient than Ethernet. Because an address group is the unit of learning in IPEC, it is more scalable than Ethernet, and mobile groups can be learned more efficiently. In addition, IPEC tolerates loops in a network as long as a limited number of duplicate packets are allowed, and thus, enable an alternative route against link failures. We have implemented IPEC both on an IPEC-capable switches using LAN cards and on a virtual network using virtualization nodes (VNodes), which have been developed to experiment with non-IP protocols such as IPEC. We show evaluations that the group learning function of IPEC is viable especially for multiple terminals moving together concurrently.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
金田 泰, 中尾 彰宏, 電子情報通信学会 ネットワーク仮想化時限研究会 第 3 回, 2012-3-2.
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要約: 共同研究プロジェクトにおいて仮想化ノード (VNode) およびそれによって構成されるネットワーク仮想化基盤を開発し,発展させている. VNode の特徴として 「要素独立進化型アーキテクチャ」 がある. すなわち,VNode においては,その構成要素 (プログラマ,リダイレクタ) が独立に進化できるアーキテクチャを実現している. この発表においては 「クリーンな仮想化」 という概念を提案し,VNode が この概念をほぼ実現していること,要素独立進化型アーキテクチャを実現するうえでこの概念が重要であることをしめす. また,VNode とくにその一部であるリダイレクタにおける要素独立進化型アーキテクチャと 「クリーンな仮想化」実現のしくみをしめす.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
Kanada, Y., Shiraishi, K., and Nakao, A., COMSNETS 2012, 2012-1-6, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/comsnets.2012.6151366
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要約: In network virtualization [Nak 10a], it is important to avoid resource interference, e.g., concerning communication bandwidth and delay, so that a single slice (virtual network) may not disrupt the whole infrastructure. To avoid this type of interference, a method for network-resource isolation (NRI) must be developed. Two types of traffic-control mechanisms, i.e., traffic shaping and traffic policing, can be used for NRI. To more effectively implement NRI using these mechanisms, two methods are proposed in this study: the “per-slice shaping” using weighted fair queuing (WFQ) and the “per-link policing” (per-virtual-link policing).
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
金田 泰, 垂井 俊明 電子情報通信学会 ネットワーク仮想化時限研究会 第 2 回, 2011-11-10.
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要約: NICT の仮想化ノード・プロジェクトにおいて開発してきた仮想化基盤と G-lambda, ProtoGENI などとのフェデレーションすなわち仮想化基盤間に またがるスライスの生成・管理の機構を NICT 委託研において共同開発している. フェデレーション機能をもっていないこの仮想化基盤を改造する ことなく,付加的な機構をつかってフェデレーションを実現する方法について発表する.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
金田 泰, 垂井俊明, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 1-17, 2011.
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要旨: ネットワーク仮想化は,ひとつの物理的なネットワーク上で多様なサービスを相互に干渉せず実現し,かつ単純にプログラムしカスタマイズすることを可能にする. ネットワーク仮想化は,IP,VLAN,あるいは NAT を使用するなど,多様な機構によって実現できる. 我々はこれらの実現手段に依存しない統一的な仮想ネットワークのモデルをつくり,そのモデルによって記述した仮想ネットワークを基本的に変更せずに多様な実現手段のネットワーク上に展開可能にすることをめざしている. この論文では仮想ネットワークのモデルとその主要な部品を定義し,それによって広域ライブ・マイグレーションのための仮想ネットワークを記述し,さらにそれをネットワーク・パーティション (VLAN による VRF) とアドレス・マッピング (NAT) という 2 つの実現方法による仮想ネットワークに展開できることを示す. この方法を仮想ネットワーク設定プロトタイプを新規開発して評価した. その結果,アドレス範囲指定やルーティング・パラメタの指定は実現手段ごとに変更する必要があったが,モデル記述の主要部分は共通化できた.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., and Tarui, T., 25th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2011), 2011-1-28, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icoin.2011.5723191
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要約: In cloud-computing environments, migration of virtual machines (VMs) between data centers can solve many problems such as load balancing and power saving. One of the difficulties in wide-area migration, however, is the “address-warping” problem, in which the address of the VM warps from the source server to the destination server. This confuses or complicates the status of the WAN, and the LANs connected to the WAN. We propose two solutions to this problem. One is to switch an address-translation rule, and the other is to switch multiple virtual networks. The former is analogous to paging in memory virtualization, and the latter is analogous to segmentation. The “network-paging” based method is described and our evaluation results are shown. It took less than 100 ms in average to switch from the source to the destination server using this method.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., and Tarui, T., 10th International Conference on Networks (ICN 2011), 2011-1-24.
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要約: Two network-virtualization architectures, namely, network segmentation and network paging, were investigated. They are analogical to two memory-virtualization architectures: segmentation and paging. Network paging, which is relatively new and is based on a type of network-address translation (NAT), is focused on. This architecture requires smaller packet size and has several more advantages over the conventional architecture (i.e., network segmentation). Intranet- and extranet- type communication methods based on this architecture are described. An address translators is placed at each edge router in the WAN and used to evaluate client-server communication under wide-area virtual-machine (VM) live migration as a case of extranet-type communication.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
金田 泰, 中尾 彰宏, 電子情報通信学会インターネットアーキテクチャ (IA) 研究会, 2010-12-17.
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要約: 情報通信研究機構 (NICT) の仮想化ノード・プロジェクトは,ネットワーク仮想化技術を使用して自由なフレーム形式をもつ非 IP プロトコルを実装可能にした 10 Gbps 級の仮想化ノード (VNode) を開発している. VNode は研究開発用ネットワーク JGN2plus に導入され,開発者 (JGN2plus 使用者) のためのユーザビリティ向上が課題になっている. そこで我々は,課題解決のための第一歩として VNode を使用した実験用ネットワーク上で IPEC (IP-Ether-Chimera) という非 IP プロトコルを開発・実験してその手順や経験を記述し,そこからユーザビリティに関する問題やノウハウを抽出した. 課題として開発者によるケアレスミスの防止策の必要性,ノウハウとして Linux PC による小規模な実験を VNode を使用した広域網の実験にスケールアップすることによって開発を容易化できることがあげられる. 今回の実験には広帯域は必要でなかったが,今後 10 Gbps の帯域を活用した実験へのスケールアップも比較的容易に実現できるとかんがえられる.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
関連論文: 仮想化ノードを使用した実験用非 IP プロトコルの開発
金田 泰, 中尾 彰宏, 電子情報通信学会情報ネットワーク (IN) 研究会, 2010-9-2.
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要約: 情報通信研究機構 (NICT) においてはネットワーク仮想化技術を使用して任意のフレーム形式をもつ非 IP プロトコルを実装可能にした 10 Gbps 級の仮想化ノード (VNode) を開発している. 我々はそれを利用して実験的な非 IP プロトコル IPEC (IP Ether Chimera) を開発した. IPEC においては IP アドレスのような階層化可能なアドレスを Ethernet スイッチの学習アルゴリズムを拡張したアルゴリズムによって学習する. IPEC はつぎのような特徴をもつ. 第 1 に Ethernet,IP それぞれの特徴的な機能の一部を 1 層の単純な非 IP プロトコルによって実現している. 第 2 に学習をグループ単位でおこなうため,Ethernet よりスケールするうえ,グループ単位の移動が効率的に学習できる. 第 3 にこのアルゴリズムはループをふくむネットワークでも使用でき,障害時にも代替経路で通信できる. グループ ID はロケータとしても使用できるため,ID/Locator 分離を拡張したアーキテクチャを実現しているとかんがえることができる. IPEC を VNode 上に実装して,グループ単位の学習や端末の移動に実際に対応できることを実験により確認した.
研究テーマ紹介: ネットワーク仮想化
関連論文: 仮想化ノードを使用した非 IP プロトコル開発法と経験
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会情報ネットワーク (IN) 研究会, 2009-5-21.
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要約: ユーザが経験する通信の体感品質すなわち QoE に関する要求をユーザが入力し,その要求をネットワークにおいて満足させるための機構を提案する. QoE 要求は QoS にマップされ,アドミッション制御やネットワーク・ノードへの設定を通じて満足される. 要求のためにソフト・ステートのプロトコルを使用することによって,サービスの開始,延長,中止などを統一的にあつかうことができる. この機構の一部をプロトタイプにくみこみ, 階層化シェイパーつきのネットワーク・ノードを使用して動画ストリーミングに関する実験をおこなった結果,QoE 要求が満足されることを確認した.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., 5th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2009), 2009-5-25, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/aict.2009.16 [新型インフルエンザのために発表はキャンセルされた.]
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要約: A method of admission control based on both resource requests by applications and class-based traffic mea-surement results was developed. In this method, a wide range of admission-control policy can be realized by adjusting three parameters, , , and . A policy-server prototype using this method and simulated voice traffic was used in traffic measurements. The measurements results show that the proposed method improves bandwidth usage and decreases call-blocking ratio while incurring low measurement load. Interesting but possibly harmful dynamics (i.e., system behavior) were observed by the simulations using traffic generated by an on/off model. That is, this admission-control method may cause oscillation or long-term evolution that lasts for 100 to 150 minutes, and it may also cause bandwidth “overshooting”. The range of parameters with which such effects can be properly suppressed and the admission control correctly works was experimentally obtained.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会ネットワークシステム (NS) 研究会, 2009-4-16.
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要約: アプリケーションによる資源要求と NetFlow によってえられる DiffServ クラスごとのトラフィック計測結果の両方にもとづくアドミッション制御法を開発した. この方法を使用したポリシーサーバのプロトタイプを開発し,シミュレートされた音声トラフィックを使用して実験した. その結果,この方法を使用すればひくい計測負荷で帯域使用率をたかめることができ,呼損を減少させられることがわかった. On/off モデルを使用したシミュレーションの結果,興味ぶかいが害をなしうるダイナミクスが観察された. すなわち,このアドミッション制御法においてはパラメタの値によって発振や 100~150 分間にわたる変化,帯域のオーバーシュートなどの現象がおこることがわかった. これらの現象をおさえてアドミッション制御を適切に動作させられるおよそのパラメタ値の範囲をもとめることができた.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., The International Conference on Information Networking 2008 (ICOIN 2008), I-1, January 2008, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icoin.2008.4472753
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要約: Real-time and multimedia applications require an end-to-end QoS guarantee, and various types of applications require various QoS conditions. A DiffServ network should guarantee different QoS conditions for different types of communications. In this paper, the effect of traffic control in a DiffServ core network is experimentally evaluated using bursty traffic generated by an MMPP (Markov-Modulated Poisson Process) model. The situation to be simulated is that there are hundreds of conversational video streams that are delay-sensitive and hundreds of streaming videos that are loss-sensitive. If there are bandwidth-sharing queues such as those follow WFQ (Weighted Fair Queuing) in the core no-des and the two types of video traffic are assigned to two of the queues, the requirements of both types of traffic can be satisfied in a better way (a more efficient way) by assigning a larger weight to the queue for the conversational video. In our experiment, the optimum ratio of the weights was ap-proximately 1.3 when the traffic rates were the same. The optimum weight shares depend on the nature of the traffic, especially the burstiness.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., 未出版 (2008-4).
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要約: Real-time and multimedia applications require an end-to-end QoS guarantee, and various types of applications require various QoS conditions. A DiffServ network should guarantee different QoS conditions for different types of communications. In this paper, the effect of traffic control in a DiffServ core network is experimentally evaluated using bursty traffic generated by an MMPP (Markov-Modulated Poisson Process) model. The situation to be simulated is that there are hundreds of conversational video streams that are delay-sensitive and hundreds of streaming videos that are loss-sensitive. If there are bandwidth-sharing queues such as those follow WFQ (Weighted Fair Queuing) in the core no-des and the two types of video traffic are assigned to two of the queues, the requirements of both types of traffic can be satisfied in a better way (a more efficient way) by assigning a larger weight to the queue for the conversational video. In our experiment, the optimum ratio of the weights was ap-proximately 1.3 when the traffic rates were the same. The optimum weight shares depend on the nature of the traffic, especially the burstiness.
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ大会, 2007-7.
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要約: NGN の目標とされている端点間 (end-to-end) QoS 保証を実現するコア網のためのスケーラブルな QoS 技術の開発をめざしている. 2006 年度は次世代バックボーンにおいて有効なポリシーベースのトラフィック制御法の発見を目標として,QoS 保証方式の開発,プロトタイプの開発と評価実験とをおこなった.
開発した方式においては,RSVP や NSLP にちかいプロトコルによって端末からつたえられる QoS 要求をコア網で集約してスケーラブルな端点間 QoS 保証を実現する. 上記のプロトタイプにおいてこの要求はポリシールーティングとアウトソース型のプロトコルによってポリシーサーバにつたえられ,ポリシーサーバが要求をもとにエッジノードにポリシングとマーキングの設定をおこなうとともに,トラフィック量を予測してコアノードのキューを制御する.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 応用音響 (EA) 研究会, EA2007-42, 2007-8.
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要約: voiscape は仮想音響空間内を自由に移動しながら会話できるコミュニケーション・メディアである. そのプロトタイプ VPIIQ (Voiscape Prototype 2 Q) を使用して,ネットワーク・ポリシーのちがいによる QoS のちがいがあたえる効果に関する主観評価を実施したところ,音源方向等をあてる位置判定実験において,予想とちがって QoS がひくいときのほうがやや正答率がたかかった. また,位置判定実験においては被験者が移動・回転の操作をしないときよりそれをしたときのほうが正答率がたかかったが,話者判定実験においては逆の結果がえられた.
研究テーマ紹介: voiscape
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 コミュニケーションクオリティ (CQ) 研究会, 2007-7.
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要約: RSVP や NSLP にちかいプロトコルによって端末からつたえられる QoS 要求をコア網で集約してスケーラブルな QoS 保証を実現する方式を設計・ 試作した. 要求はポリシールーティングとアウトソース型のプロトコル によってポリシーサーバにつたえられる. ポリシーサーバが要求をもと にトラフィック量を予測してコアノードのキュー (WFQ) の帯域分割を 制御する. このコアノードの制御の効果を L3 スイッチ GS4000 に MMPP モデルにもとづくバースト性トラフィックをとおして評価した. その結果,大量の会話ビデオ・トラフィックとストリーミング・トラ フィックとがあるときに,WFQ における前者のウェイトを後者より たかめれば,しかるべき条件のもとでは両者ともに満足させられること がわかった.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., 13th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, pp. 794-795, November 2005, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1101149.1101319
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要約: We are developing a new voice communication medium called voiscape. Voiscape enables natural and seamless bi-directional voice communication by using sound to create a virtual sound room. In a sound room, people can feel others' direction and distance expressed by spatial sounds with reverberations, and they can move freely by using a map of the room. Voiscape enables multi-voice-conversations. In a virtual market place that will be realized by voiscape, people can not only buy goods or information but also enjoy talking with merchants and people there. In this demo, a voiscape prototype called VPII is used for realizing such an environment. Unfortunately, because prerecorded voices are used in this demo, the participants cannot talk with merchants. However, the participants can talk each other with small end-to-end latency (less than 200 ms) and will feel the atmosphere of the virtual market place. Prerecorded people and merchants talk each other in English, Japanese and Chinese in parallel and with crossovers, and participants can virtually walk among them and can selectively listen one voice or hear multiple voices at once.
研究テーマ紹介: voiscape
Kanada, Y., Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium 2005 (APNOMS 2005), September 2005.
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要約: A method for conference-room management for an auditory-virtual-space-based voice-communication medium called voiscape and a voice-communication system prototype called VPII, which used this method, were developed. With this method, conference rooms (called sound rooms) are managed through SIP and SIMPLE (a presence-related event-notification mechanism). A user can not only obtain a room list and enter (select) or exit from a room, but can also create, modify, or delete rooms by SIMPLE messaging. Rooms, users, and objects are managed by their "soft state"; i.e., they are deleted when a time out occurs. Users are informed of room membership, presence of a user, e.g., location and direction in the room, and presence of an object in the room by SIMPLE messaging, i.e., by SUBSCRIBE, NOIFY, and PUBLISH requests. To reduce the messaging overhead, the partial notification mechanism of SIMPLE is used in VPII.
研究テーマ紹介: voiscape
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 応用音響 (EA) 研究会, 2005-6.
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要約: 3D 音響技術によってつくられた仮想的な "音室" 内を移動して相手を選択しつつ 会話ができるコミュニケーション・メディア voiscape を開発している. Voiscape の第 2 のプロトタイプ VPII においては,FIR 法によって低遅延な HRTF フィルタ計算をおこなうとともに,移動可能な範囲としての音室を 音響計算上の部屋とみなし,その壁による初期反射をシミュレートした. この初期反射によって音の頭外定位と距離感の表現を可能にした. また,ユーザの移動を追跡し必要な補間処理をおこなった. これによって,話者識別が容易で,複数の会話コンテクストが共存することができ, また音室内の移動が自然でノイズがすくない音声コミュニケーション環境を実現した.
研究テーマ紹介: voiscape
Kanada, Y., 15th ACM International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2005), pp. 45-50, June 2005, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1065983.1065996
[ English page ]
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要約: An improved prototype of the "voiscape" voice communication medium has been developed and subjectively evaluated. Voiscape enables natural and seamless voice communication by using sound to create a virtual "sound room" in which people, who are repre-sented by different sounds, can move freely. It features low-delay motion-tracking spatial audio with simulated early reflections that produce out-of-head sound localization and sound distance expression. It also features virtual-location-based selective communication: a user can walk freely in the sound room using a map- and cursor-key-based user-interface and can select whom to talk to or which sound sources to listen to. A third feature is SIP-presence-event-notification (SIMPLE)-based sound room management: when users move, their locations and directions are distributed using SIP SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY messages. The combination of these features creates a natural voice-communication space in which two or more parallel conversation contexts can coexist. Limited, subjective testing by around 200 people showed that this medium can be used for cocktail-party-like conversation; i.e., users could distinguish parallel conversations by paying attention to or by moving toward one of them.
研究テーマ紹介: voiscape
Kanada, Y., 2nd IASTED International Conference on Communication and Computer Networks (CCN 2004), 2004-11.
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要約: A new voice communication medium, which the author calls "voiscape", will probably appear in near future. Voiscape shall have much improved user interface than the conventional voice communication systems, i.e., telephone and conference systems, and be based on the IP-based conferencing and spatial audio technologies. The author has developed a prototype toward voiscape, which has made a step toward solving two problems of the conventional systems i.e., complicated and restricted conference control and lack of crossed-over multi-context support, by introducing two features. The first function is the virtual-location based communication; i.e., the users can talk with other users and move, in a way similar to face-to-face conversation, in a virtual auditory space created by spatial audio technology without explicit session and floor control. The second function is personalized policy-based communication control; i.e., the users can specify communication policies that protects their privacy and reduce required resources. This function is enabled by a distributed policy-arbitration mechanism. Experiments showed that the basic mechanisms and the policy-based control with a simple policy worked well.
研究テーマ紹介: voiscape
金田 泰, 情報処理学会 マルチメディア通信と分散処理研究会, 2004-3.
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要約: 電話にかわるべき音声コミュニケーション・メディア voiscape の確立をめざし て研究をおこなっている. Voiscape においては 3 次元オーディオ技術によっ てつくられた仮想的な "音の部屋" を使用するが,音声通信と 3 次元音声にく わえて 3 次元グラフィクスを使用するプロトタイプを PC 上に開発した. この プロトタイプにおいては音声のキャプチャと通信のために JMF (Java Media Framework),3 次元音声 / グラフィクスのために Java 3D を使用した. 開発 前はこれらの API をつなげば必要な基本機能がほぼ実現できるとかんがえてい たが,実際にはこれらを直接つなぐことはできず,3 次元音声のためには Java 3D のインタフェースをとおして OpenAL を使用した. また,プロトタイプにお いては音質劣化や遅延などの問題を容易に解決することができなかったが,試行 をかさねてこれらの問題をほぼ解決した.
研究テーマ紹介: voiscape
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 マルチメディアと仮想環境研究会, 2003-10.
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要約: 電話にかわるべきコミュニケーション・メディア voiscape の概念を提案する. Voiscape は,3 次元オーディオ技術による仮想的な "音の部屋" をユーザ間で共有し,そのなかを自由に移動してさまざまなひとと会ったり わかれたりしながら多者間のコミュニケーションがおこなえるウェアラブルな メディアである. プレゼンスや周縁的情報の伝達を可能にし,電話におけるような 1 対 1 の会話から従来のメディアではできなかったさまざまなかたちの コミュニケーションまでをカバーすることによって,つながり感・安心感の 共有や暗黙知の共有も実現されるだろう. この論文では voiscape の使用場面や 手順についてのべ,PC 上に開発した voiscape のプロトタイプについてものべる. プロトタイプ上ではユーザは前方の様子を 3 次元グラフィクスによって 確認しながらマウスをつかって部屋内を移動することができる.
研究テーマ紹介: voiscape
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 インターネットアーキテクチャ (IA) 研究会, 2003-10.
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要約: 電話にかわるべき音声コミュニケーション・メディアの確立をめざした研究の 一部として,多者間通信が可能な常時接続型コミュニケーショ ン・メディア voiscape のアーキテクチャとプロトタイプを開発した. Voiscape においては 3 次元オーディオ技術によってつくられた仮想的な "音の部屋" を使用する. ユーザがマウスをつかって音の部屋内を移動すると,プレゼンスサーバを介して 部屋内の位置などのプレゼンス情報が部屋内の他のユーザにつたえられる. 相手にちかづいたり相手からとおざかったりすると,あらかじめ端末において 定義されたポリシーにしたがって,SIP を使用して自動的に通信セッションの 開始・終了などの動作がとられる. このポリシーベース・セッション制御に よってプライバシー保護や通信量削減が可能になる. 接続開始を要求する際に 相手からも同時に接続開始を要求されることが頻繁におこりうるので,2 重に接続したり "話し中" になったりせずに接続が確立する方法を くふうしている.
研究テーマ紹介: voiscape
Kanada, Y. and O'Keefe, B. J., Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 253-275, 2003.
[ English page ]
[ JNSM 掲載号 Web ページ ] [ 論文 PDF ファイル (草稿) ]
要約: We developed two rule-based building-block architectures, i.e., pipe-connection and label-connection architectures, for describing complex and structured policies, especially network QoS policies. The latter is focused on in this study. The relationships or connec-tions between building blocks are specified by the da-taflow and control flow between them. The dataflow is specified by tags, including virtual flow labels (VFLs), which are data attached to "outside packets". The con-trol flow can be classified and specified by four control structures: concatenation, parallel application, selection, and repetition. We have designed fine-grained and coarse-grained building blocks and methods for specify-ing dataflow and control flow in differentiated services (Diffserv), and implemented the coarse-grained ones in a policy server. Two cases of building-block use are de-scribed, and we concluded that there are five advantages of building-block-based policies, i.e., expressibility, uni-form semantics, simplicity, flexibility, and management-task-oriented design. We also developed techniques for transforming building-block policies into executable ones, which are called policy division and fusion.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
金田 泰, 情報処理, vol. 44, No. 2, 2003.
[ English page ]
Kanada, Y., 3rd International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (Policy 2002), pp. 236-239, June 2002, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/policy.2002.1011316
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[ IEEExplore 論文ページ ]
要約: This paper proposes a method, called the policy-extension-by-policy method, for quickly and dynamically adding policy classes with new functionality to policy servers and agents. In this method, users can add a new policy class to the policy server by using policy-definition (PD) policies, and they can define a method to translate a policy of the new class and to send to network nodes of different vendors through various types of device interfaces, such as CLI, MIBs, PIBs, APIs or hardware tables, by using policy-embedding (PE) policies. A PE policy also enables translating a policy of an existing class and sending the result to a new type of network node. PE policies contain command templates and methods for filling the templates. A program interpreter is embedded in policy agents to make flexible policy-to-configuration translation possible. A prototype system and example policies, i.e., access control, Diffserv, and VPN policies, were developed.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., and Yazaki, T., Communications Quality and Reliability 2002 (CQR 2002), pp. 12-16 2002.
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要約: In policy-based networks, two or more policies often have to cooperate because combined and customized network functions must be controlled using policies. Two types of policy trans-formation, policy fusion and policy division, are sometimes required to implement cooperating policy systems on high-performance hardware routers. Policy fusion transforms two or more policies into one, and policy division transforms a policy into two or more policies. These transformations causes a problem that the original policies must usually be strongly constrained to allow these transformations. This paper shows a method for resolving restrictions on the division of QoS policies by a software-hardware integration, i.e., by implementing virtual flow labels (flow IDs) in hardware and by dividing a policy and deploying the policies onto two filter blocks. We have developed a policy agent (PEP) and a gigabit router integrated by using this method. Both high-performance and flexibility are achieved by this integration.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 2002 年総合大会,2002-3.
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要約: (なし)
金田 泰, ブライアン・オキーフ, 電子情報通信学会 情報ネットワーク・ネットワークシステム (IN / NS) 合同研究会,2002-3.
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要約: ネットワークのポリシー制御において,Diffserv のようなプログラムし カスタマイズすることが可能なネットワーク機能を表現するために, 複数のポリシーをくみあわせる必要が生じることがある. PolicyXpert というポリシーサーバにおいて,3 種類のポリシーと,ポリシーを接続するための 3 種類の仮想フローラベル (VFL) とを設計・実装した.ポリシーのくみあわせに よって複雑な Diffserv ポリシーが表現可能になる. また,ポリシーをくみあわせる ことにより,DSCP にもとづくサービスクラスのサブクラスの定義が可能になり, サービスポリシーと加入者ポリシーとの分離が可能になっている. しかも, Diffserv ポリシーを慎重に設計したため,単純な Diffserv ポリシーは単純な かたちであらわせるようになった.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y. and O'Keefe, B. J., Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium 2001 (APNOMS 2001), September 2001, (poster paper, presentation cancelled).
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要約: Policies sometimes have to be combined and applied in cooperation to represent such programmable and customizable network functions as Diffserv. In the OpenView PolicyXpert and JP1/PolicyXpert policy servers, three types of policies and three types of virtual flow labels, to connect the policy rules, are defined for Diffserv. The combination of these policies allows the representation of complex Diffserv policies and the separation of service and subscriber policies. Diffserv policies and virtual flow labels make this possible. However, the careful design of Diffserv policies has enabled simple Diffserv policies to be represented in a simple form.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., 7th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2001), pp. 545-560, May 2001, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/inm.2001.918065
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[ IEEExplore 論文ページ ]
要約: Because higher- and lower-level policies do not necessarily correspond one to one, a higher-level network policy may have to be translated into two or more lower-level policies, and two or more cooperating higher-level policies may have to be translated into one lower-level policy. The former transformation is called a policy division, and the latter transformation is called a policy fusion. These transformations can be performed mechanically under restricted conditions as described in this paper. However, in general, they are very complicated and the restrictions cannot be eliminated completely mainly because of existence of multiple packet classifiers in a set of policies. Thus, this paper concludes that they should not be introduced if it is possible. The policy division and fusion can be avoided in certain cases, but they will not probably be able to be avoided in general. If so, the problem should be solved or relaxed by removing harmful classifiers by introducing virtual flow labels and by further studies. In addition, we may have to find a better method to control network devices than policies in the current sense.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (Policy 2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 1995, Springer, pp. 171-184, January 2001, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-44569-2_11
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要約: To control complicated and decomposable networking functions, such as Diffserv, two or more policies must cooperate. Combining two or more mutually dependent policies for a specific purpose is called policy combination. Methods of passing information between combined policies can be classified into real tags and virtual tags, or labels and attributes. Policy combinations can be classified into concatenation, parallel application, selection, and repetition. Explicitly specifying policy combinations makes policy systems semantically clearer and better suited to general use, extends the range of functionality, and improves the possibility of optimization. If policy combinations can be specified in a policy system, two types of policy organizations can be distinguished: homogeneous and heterogeneous. Heterogeneous organization is more service-oriented and seems to meet service-management requirements, but homogeneous organization is more device-oriented and may provide better performance.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 情報ネットワーク (IN) 研究会, 信学技法, 100-378, IN 2000-102, pp. 47-54, 2000-10.
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要約: ポリシーベース・ネットワークにおいては,高水準の機能あるいはポリシーを 実現するためにしばしば 2 個以上の低水準のポリシーをくみあわせる必要がある. このような部品化されたポリシーをサポートするために,複数のポリシーを モデル化するための 2 つのアーキテクチャを開発した. それらはパイプ結合 アーキテクチャとラベル結合アーキテクチャである. 規則ベースの部品が ポリシーベース・ネットワーク制御にとってすぐれていること,そして ラベル結合アーキテクチャが現在のところはよりよいことがわかった. しかし, また,ネットワーク環境においては非常に重要な並列性という点においては パイプ結合アーキテクチャのほうがすぐれていることがわかった.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., 2nd International Working Conference on Active Networks (IWAN 2000), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 1942, pp. 195-210, Springer, October 2000,
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要約: Policy-based networks can be customized by users by injecting programs called policies into the network nodes. So if general-purpose functions can be specified in a policy-based network, the network can be regarded as an active network in the wider sense. In a policy-based network, two or more policies must often cooperate to provide a high-level function or policy. To support such building-block policies, two architectures for modeling a set of policies have been developed: pipe-connection architecture and label-connection architecture. It is shown that rule-based building blocks are better for policy-based network control and that the label-connection architecture is currently better. However, the pipe-connection architecture is better in regards to parallelism, which is very important in network environments.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., International Workshop on Quality of Service 2000 (IWQoS 2000), pp. 161-163, June 2000.
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要約: Network node functions, such as QoS or the security functions of routers, are becoming increasingly complex, so programs, not only configuration parameters, are required to control network nodes. In a policy-based network, a policy is defined at a policy server as a set of rules that deployed at network nodes where it must be translated into an executable program or parameters. Thus, a policy must be represented by a form in which the syntax and semantics are clearly defined, and which can be mechanically translated into an executable program. This is possible if the policy is written in an appropriate rule-based programming language. This paper describes such a language in which functions required for DiffServ can be specified for the interface between a policy server and network nodes. In this language, a policy rule can be composed using predefined primitive building blocks and control structures.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
金田 泰, 電子情報通信学会 ネットワーキング・アーキテクチャ・ワークショップ 10 周年記念大会, pp. 106-113, IEICE, 2000.
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要約: To realize internet-protocol-based QoS-assured networks, using differentiated services under policy-based networking is a promising approach. A QoS policy server must work in multi-vendor environment. To use standard protocol, such as COPS or SNMP, between the policy server and routers is not sufficient, but also to define and to standardize high-level syntax and semantics, i.e., a language, is required for interoperability. This paper describes the outline of a rule-based language for this purpose. Policy rules can be defined in the policy server and can be deployed to routers or router proxies using this language through an appropriate protocol such as COPS, SNMP, or IIOP. The language consists of several types of rules, i.e., matching, policing (or metering), marking, discarding, and scheduling types, and linkage labels that connects rules. A MIB and/or PIB that simulates the language is also explained in this paper. The language will be implemented in near future.
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., Ikezawa, M., Miyake, S., and Atarashi, Y., draft-kanada-diffserv-qospifmib-00.txt, Internet Draft, November 1999.
[ English page ]
[ Local textual version ]
[ Slides used in 46th IETF: Configuration Management BOF, Diffserv WG, and RAP WG (not recommended) ]
要約: This document describes a QoS PIF MIB (Quality-of-Service Programming-Interface Management-Information-Base) to be used as an SNMP-based programming interface for routers. This MIB is intended to be a programming interface for router QoS functions, especially DiffServ-related [RFC2475] functions including packet scheduling (queuing), dropping, and metering that must be modular and concisely described. Traffic-conditioning rules and metering rules for DiffServ-related functions are defined modularly by using "virtual flow labels" and exclusive conditions in rules, and new classifications for packet-scheduling and packet-dropping functions are introduced. This document focuses on satisfying the requirements on programming interfaces or programming languages for router control. Thus, the focus is different from that of DiffServ MIB [DSMIB] or QoS PIB [QoSPIB].
研究テーマ紹介: ポリシーにもとづくネットワーキング
Kanada, Y., 18th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'99), pp. 46-54, November 1999.
[ English page ]
[ 論文 PDF ファイル (ACM DL)] [ 論文 PDF ファイル ]
要約: A text retrieval method called the thematic geographical search method has been developed and applied to a Japanese encyclopedia called the World Encyclopedia. In this method, the user specifies a search theme using free words, then obtains a sorted list of excerpts and references to encyclopedia sentences that contain geographical names. Using this list, the user can open maps that indicate the location of the names. To generate an index of names for this searching, a method of geographical name extraction has been developed. In this method, geographical names are extracted, matched to names in a geographical name database, and identified. Geographical names, however, often have several types of ambiguities. Ambiguities are resolved using context analysis and several other techniques. As a result, the precision of extracted names is more than 96% on average. This method depends on features of the Japanese language, but the strategy and most of the techniques can be applied to texts in English or other languages.
研究テーマ紹介: 軸づけ検索 (テーマ検索)
Kanada, Y., International Symposium on Digital Library 1999, pp. 135-142, 1999.
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要約: A method of extracting year references for a textual information retrieval method called the thematic chronological-table search method is explained in this paper. This search method generates an index by extracting and collecting year references from a text collection. The resulting index and a full-text index are used for searching statements that contain year references and search words. The results are displayed in the form of a chronological table with hyperlinks to the original text. Seven forms of year or century references are extracted and normalized using string matching patterns. The extraction error rate is reduced by using both local and nonlocal contexts. If the lower two digits of a Gregorian year, which matches a form, occurs, it is normalized by supplementing the upper digits using the non-local context. This method has been applied to a Japanese encyclopedia. An evaluation shows the precision of extraction to be higher than 99% in most cases.
研究テーマ紹介: 軸づけ検索 (テーマ検索)
金田 泰,山崎 幹夫,澤田 瑞穂,平野 義明,藤井 泰文, 情報処理学会第 59 回全国大会,3P-9, 1999, IPSJ により出版.
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要約: 会員制ネットワーク 「ネットで百科」 においては,地域を軸として百科事典 テキストの検索結果を整理して表示する 「テーマ地図検索」 のサービスを 実施している. この検索においては,テキストを文単位に検索し,その結果を 文中に出現する地名によってソートして表示する. また,その地名に関する 地図をひらくこともできる. ここではその機能と実現法の概要を説明する.
研究テーマ紹介: 軸づけ検索 (テーマ検索)
金田 泰, 情報処理学会 自然言語処理研究会報告 99-NL-132-2, 1999, IPSJ により出版.
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要約: 「テーマ地図検索」 というテキスト情報検索法を開発した. この検索法において は,ユーザは検索のテーマを自由語入力し,地名をふくむ文の抜粋とその文へのハ イパーリンクのソートされたリストをえることができる. このリストを使用して ユーザはその地名の位置をしめす地図をひらくこともできる. この検索のための 地名インデクスを生成するため,地名抽出法を開発した. この方法においては, 地名を抽出してデータベース中の地名とマッチングし同定する. 地名には数種類 のあいまいさがある. あいまいさは一種の文脈解析や他のいくつかの技法によっ て解決する. その結果,世界大百科事典においては 96% 以上の抽出精度を実現し た. 情報抽出のための規則は日本語の特徴に依存しているが,その戦略は他の言 語にも適用することができる.
研究テーマ紹介: 軸づけ検索 (テーマ検索)
生澤 満, 吉澤 聡, 三村 到, 金田 泰, 大槻 兼市, 電子情報通信学会 1999 年 通信ソサイエティ大会,SB-6-4, 1999, IEICE により出版.
金田 泰, 情報処理学会 情報学基礎研究会報告 99-FI-?, 1999, IPSJ により出版.
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要約: 「テーマ年表検索」 というテキスト情報検索法を開発した. この検索法において は,あらかじめ文書集合から年代参照を抽出して年代インデクスを生成し,ユーザ 入力があると年代インデクスと文単位の全文インデクスとから年代参照と入力され た語の出現場所をもとめて結果を年代順に組織化 (ソート) して表示する. 検索結 果は年代参照とそれをふくむ文,もとのテキストへのハイパーリンクをふくんでい る. この報告ではテーマ年表検索における年代情報抽出法について説明する. こ の方法を世界大百科事典に適用して評価した結果,大半のばあいに 99% 以上の抽出 精度がえられた. また,年月日や世紀など,いくつかの単位がまざった年代表記を 効率よくかつすくない誤差でデータ表現する方法について説明する.
研究テーマ紹介: 軸づけ検索 (テーマ検索)
澤田 瑞穂,山崎 幹夫,藤井 泰文,西岡 真吾,高野 明彦,金田 泰, 情報処理学会第 58 回全国大会,1J-1, 1999, IPSJ により出版.